Yeditepe Üniversitesi Bütünleşik Fizik Doktora Programı 2004 yılından bu yana aralıksız eğitim vermektedir. Program ders, yeterlilik ve tez kısmından oluşmaktadır. Bu eğitim süresince öğrencilerin 14 ders, seminer ve tez çalışmalarını başarması gereklidir.

About Department

Gets a sound base for the main fields of physics such as Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics and Electromagnetism,

Gets the ability of interpreting, analysing, forming a synthesis and relationships between the main fields of physics and/or other sciences,

Obtains the education required for the measurements in scientific and technological areas and the contribution of physics in the industrial applications and on the macroscopic scale such as the society,

Follows the up-to-date scientific developments, makes the analysis/synthesis for the new ideas and evaluates them,

Uses the academic sources, the computer technology and the related devices,

Joins the working and research groups, also the scientific meetings, communicates well at the national and international level,

Gets the ability of creative and critical thinking, problem solving, researching, producing a new and original work, improving himself/herself in his/her own fields of interest,

Gains the concepts of ethics and responsibility. Undertakes the responsibility for the solutions to the problems related with his/her field as required for having an intellectual identity.       

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