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Thesis Guidelines

Dear Students,

We'd like to share with you an update to our thesis rules. Effective September 1, 2023, a new thesis guide will be implemented for all submissions. This does not apply to theses that have been in format control before. Updated guides are available on our website; for any questions or clarifications, don't hesitate to contact Assist. Prof. Dr. Onur Cem Namlı ( All future thesis submissions must use the revised guideline.

We would like to remind you that you must use your Yeditepe Student E-mail (with your Advisor in CC) in all communications with the Institute during your thesis process.

best wishes

The points that students should pay attention to before format control are as follows:

  • Do "Spell check" and "Grammar check" in your thesis. Please use Grammarly to eliminate basic mistakes in your thesis.
  • "DATE ​​OF APPROVAL: ..../..../20…" on page ii, leave it as it is, and make sure this text is on the last line of the page, as in the Thesis writing guide. (It won't be in the footer part). Also, make sure that the affiliations and titles of the jury members are spelled correctly on this page. Notably, the abbreviation "DR" is forgotten. Please make sure that the titles are written in English correctly. When writing (Yeditepe University), please note that there is no space between the parenthesis and the letter Y.
  • You must write your name on page iii (declaration). (Your signature is needed only in the hardcover thesis).
  • Roman numbers should be in small caps in the Table of Contents (TOC). For TOC, it is recommended to look at the examples in the guideline versions and use the spacing between the lines, the styles, and the format from the guidelines. Note: In TOC, the appendix will be listed only as Appendix A, Appendix B, and so on; parts after the colon will not be seen in TOC. (This can be overlooked from the guidelines)
  • The first letter of each word in the List of Symbols/Abbreviations section does not have to be capitalized. Only the first letter of the first word needs to be capitalized—for example, Game design document (GDD), Random access memory (RAM). The first letter of each word will not be capitalized except for unique names, etc.
  • You can refer to the examples in the guidelines for figures and tables. There is a black frame around the figure; they are centered. For Figures and Table captions, the style of the guidelines for spacing before and after the captions must be used. Again, the guideline style must be used for the spacing before and after the Figures and Tables.
  • The examples in the guidelines can be used for the equations. Equation numbers must line up with the equation. Note that the equations are prepared with a 1x3 frameless table. The symbol used in the equation and the symbol in the text must be the same. If it is italic in the equation, the character must also be italic in the text.
  • For the References section, see the "format for....." examples in the guidelines.
  • The guideline suggests using numerals with the percent sign(%) for technical content. But, use the word percent if the number appears at the start of the sentence with a spelled-out number. For example, Ninety-five percent of the native trees and 75% of the feed crops survived the drought.
  • Using the guideline documents given in Word and Latex format is recommended without changing the style settings.