Application Process


Applications for the 2025 Spring Term have started.


- Deadline for online application (



- Interview dates (Please read the details posted below)

3 - 4 February 2025

About Interviews / links


- Deadline for Programs to notify the Graduate School about application results 

6 February 2025

- Announcement of accepted applicants via email 7 February 2025
- English proficiency exam of accepted applicants TBA





Applications to graduate programs are made online through the Electronic Application System (

The minimum conditions and documents required for the application are in the table below. In addition to these documents, it is recommended that additional documents (reference letter, letter of intent, CV, etc.) be uploaded to the system.


Important dates regarding the evaluation process of applications made through the EBS for each academic semester are listed above. Important issues regarding the evaluation process of candidates who have completed their online application are summarized below:

M.Sc. Programs:

    • Applications to graduate programs are evaluated based on the application documents uploaded to the system by the relevant department. Candidates found sufficient/unsatisfactory due to this evaluation are accepted/rejected to/from the program. If the relevant department deems it necessary, candidates can be interviewed (oral exam) on the day and time to be announced between the dates specified above.
    • Interview date, time, place, and/or contact information determined by the departments are announced on the Institute web page one day before the interview dates specified above.
    • Candidates accepted to master's programs but cannot document their language level take the English placement test at our University's Institute of Science and Technology. Candidates who are unsuccessful in this exam can continue the English preparatory program before starting.

Ph.D. Programs:

    • Evaluation of applications to doctoral programs** is made with the documents uploaded to the EBS system and the interview. The interview date, time, place, and/or contact information determined by the departments are announced on the Institute website one day before the interview dates specified above.
    • To enroll in the program, candidates accepted must submit a language exam document approved by YÖK (Council of Higher Education).

**Turkish citizens accepted to doctoral programs within the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences are eligible for a scholarship (tuition waiver).



At the end of the evaluation process, the complete list of candidates accepted to the programs for the upcoming semester is announced on the Institute website on the date specified above. In addition, an information message is transmitted to the candidate via the EBS.

The registration process begins for candidates accepted to the programs (see Registration Process).



Application Documents M.Sc. Ph.D. Ph.D. on B.Sc.

Application Form (

Reference Letter


Diploma * (Recognition Certificate for Students Studied Abroad)

Bachelor’s Degree Diploma Bachelor’s and M.Sc. Degree Diplomas Bachelor’s Degree Diploma
Transcript     CGPA: 3.00
ALES * (is required for Turkish)
GRE * (is recommended for foreigners)
ALES: 55
GRE: 149
ALES: 55
GRE: 149
ALES: 80
GRE: 156
English Proficiency *ª TOEFL IBT:66

* Declaration will be accepted during the application; original documents will be required for registration.

ª English Proficiency exams are not required for B.Sc. graduates of Yeditepe University and those who graduated from other university's B.Sc. programs in which the language of education is (100%) English for the M.Sc. candidates.)

Supplementary documents (reference letters, recognition letters, CV, etc.) may be required by programs during the application process


Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Graduate Program Package Fees – Turkish Studentsb

Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Graduate Program Package Fees – Foreign Students

b For Turkish students accepted for the Ph.D. programs,  a scholarship (for the program package fee) is given.

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