In today's world, the engineering problems that gain priority and importance are those embedded within complex systems. Complex systems emerge as compositions of technical, social, environmental, and similar systems. Industrial and Systems Engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the modeling, design, production, improvement, and control of complex production and service systems. The aim of the program is to teach students to generate solutions for these systems through a holistic and interdisciplinary approach.
The Master's Program in Industrial and Systems Engineering offers advanced research and application opportunities in various fields. Graduate students primarily focus their studies on optimization, transportation and logistics, probability theory, fuzzy logic, system dynamics, production planning and scheduling, supply chain management, health systems, and energy systems. Students in the Industrial and Systems Engineering Master's Program actively participate in various departmental projects and receive support from TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey).
The Master's Program in Industrial and Systems Engineering aims to cultivate graduates who:
The program is designed to equip students with the depth of knowledge necessary to engage in independent work contributing to the advancement of Industrial and Systems Engineering. Graduates are expected to take a leadership role in applying academic insights to real-world challenges in both the production and service industries. Furthermore, the program aims to prepare individuals who have the expertise to pursue postdoctoral studies in academic programs related to the field.