TUBITAK 1001: The Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program, Project No: 123M604, Project Executive: Prof. Dr. İlknur BOZBEY (IU-Cerrahpasa), Researchers: Prof. Dr. Sadık ÖZTOPRAK, Prof. Dr. M. Murat MONKUL, Prof. Dr. Namık AYSAL, Prof. Dr. Aydın BÜYÜKSARAÇ, Assoc. Prof. M. Kubilay KELEŞOĞLU, Assoc. Prof. Cihan ÖSER, Assoc. Prof. Zülal AKBAY ARAMA, Dr. Sinan SARĞIN, Onur EYİSÜREN, Advisors: Prof. Dr. Cenk ALHAN, Prof. Dr. Alessandro FLORA (December 2023- )
TÜBİTAK 1002-Short Term R&D Funding Program, Project No: 123Y085, Project Executive: Prof. Dr. Nurcan Meral Ozel, Researchers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gulten Polat, Dr. Yasemin Korkmaz Öztürk, (August 2023- )
TUBITAK 1001: The Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program, Project No: 221M157, Project Executive: Asst. Prof. Selçuk Bildik, Researchers: Asst. Prof. Eren Vuran, Prof. Eser Çaktı, (2021–cont.).
Research Project: “Influence of Silt Characteristics on Liquefaction Behavior of Silty Sands”, Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union, Marie Curie FP7-PEOPLE-2011-CIG Project No: 303974 (2012-2016), Scientist in charge: Prof. Dr. M. Murat Monkul, Researchers: M. Murat Monkul, Ph.D., Ehsan Etminan, M.Sc.
Research Group Name: Urban Transformation of the Areas under Disaster Risk Unit- ARAAD
Civil Engineering Faculty members, Assist. Prof. Dr. Almıla Uzel, Assist. Prof. Dr. Özden Saygılı and Assist. Prof. Dr. Eren Vuran has been serving the 4th Technical Committee of Istanbul under the "Urban Transformation of the Areas under Disaster Risk Unit- ARAAD" of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change. They evaluate the objections made by the owners of the buildings that have been determined to be risky, examining and making final approval of the risk assessment of the building, after evaluating the data collected as well as analyses carried out by the licenced engineering companies. Up to date, more than 600 buildings have been assessed and 82 meetings have been performed within the scope of the studies.
Research Group Name: Turkish Constructional Steelwork Association "Steel Structures Day"
Civil Engineering Department collaborates with the Turkish Constructional Steelwork Association for the "Steel Structures Day" event at the Yeditepe University in December 6-7, 2023 to bring together industry professionals as well as engaging students which provides a platform for widening perception of the students of the structural steel industry, also engaging them in the student contests made within the scope of the event as well as providing networking opportunities for the students.
Research Group Name: Concrete Technology Research Group
Research Group Objectives: To be able to produce better performance, longer life, more environmentally friendly and more economical concretes by using new materials and new methods.
Research Group Members: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tayfun Altuğ SÖYLEV
Thesis Students: CE 492 course students
Publications and Projects Published Together: COST TU 1404 Project
Research Group Name: Infrastructure and Sustainability
Research Group Objectives: Producing solutions to problems arising from Rapid Urbanization and climate changes
Research Group Members: Asst. Prof. Dr. Börte Köse Mutlu, Asst. Prof. Dr. Özgür Köylüoğlu
Thesis Students: Graduate Asistant Hasan Avcı, Güvenç Yavuztürk, Bayram Gülmez
Assist. Prof. Özgür Köylüoğlu
Project Management Techniques
Cost Estimation in Civil Engineering
Project Finance in Civil Engineering
Life Cycle Cost and Life Cycle Analysis for Sustainable Buildings