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Elective List

Ders Dönemi: Güz
Course Code Course Name Course Type
ARCH 573 Sustainability and Ecology Seçmeli
CE 564 Sustainability Management and Legal Framework Seçmeli
CE 565 Sustainable Cities Seçmeli
CE 570 Mechanics of Water Waves Seçmeli
CE 571 Wind Energy Seçmeli
CHBE 552 Pollution and Control Seçmeli
CHBE 585 Special Topics in Chemical Engineering II:Green Engineering and Sustainability Seçmeli
CHBE 591 Climate Change and Sustainable Development Seçmeli
CSE 562 Artificial Intelligence Seçmeli
CSE 660 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence Seçmeli
DATS 501 Fundamentals of Data Science Seçmeli
DATS 511 Applied Statistics and Data Analysis Seçmeli
DATS 521 Data Ethics and Humane Use of IT Seçmeli
ECON 462 Economics of Energy Seçmeli
EE 678 Special Topics in Electric Power and Energy Systems Seçmeli
ESYE 522 Operations Research Seçmeli
ESYE 560 Advanced Methods in OR Seçmeli
LAUD 523 Urban Regeneration Seçmeli
MSN 487 Materials in Energy Applications Seçmeli
MSN 504 Advanced Thermodynamics Seçmeli
MSN 533 Nanomaterials for Energy Conversion and Storage Seçmeli
MSN 650 Green Composites Seçmeli
PHYS 541 Thermodynamics Seçmeli
SE 501 Sustainable Energy Seçmeli
SE 502 Energy, Environment and Sustainability Seçmeli
SE 511 Introduction to Thermal Systems and Their Exergy Analysis Seçmeli
SE 512 Application of Heat Transfer Principles to Energy and Environmental Sustainability Seçmeli
SE 513 Photovoltaic Solar Energy Systems Seçmeli
SE 514 Geothermal Energy Seçmeli
SE 521 Energy Markets and Trade Seçmeli
SE 522 Energy Management Seçmeli
SE 523 Frontiers in Sustainable Energy Utilization Seçmeli
SE 524 The Environmental Dimension Seçmeli
SE 525 Sustainable Energy Management Seçmeli
SE 532 Optimization Methods for Energy Systems Seçmeli
SE 534 Fundamentals of Nuclear Fission & Fusion Technology Seçmeli
SE 535 Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy Systems Seçmeli
SE 541 Urban Waste Management Seçmeli
SE 542 Hydropower Engineering Seçmeli
SE 543 Power Plant Technologies Seçmeli
SFS 501 Sustainable Food Systems Seçmeli
SFS 502 Design for Sustainable Food Systems Seçmeli
SFS 504 Innovation for Sustainable Food Systems Seçmeli
Ders Dönemi: Bahar
Course Code Course Name Course Type
EE 481 Solar and Wind Energy Systems Seçmeli

Ders Yılı: 2

Ders Dönemi: Bahar
Course Code Course Name Course Type
CHBE 431 World Energy Resources and Energy Politics Seçmeli
ME 411 Introduction to Renewable Energy Seçmeli