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Elective List

Ders Dönemi: Güz
Course Code Course Name Course Type
CE 520 Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete Seçmeli
CE 521 Advanced Strength of Materials Seçmeli
CE 522 Structural Dynamics Seçmeli
CE 523 Numerical Methods Seçmeli
CE 524 Finite Element Method Seçmeli
CE 525 Plastic Design Of Steel Structures Seçmeli
CE 526 Design of Steel Concrete Composite Structures Seçmeli
CE 527 Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures Seçmeli
CE 528 Repair and Strengthening of Damaged Structures Seçmeli
CE 529 Prestressed and Reinforced Concrete Structures Seçmeli
CE 530 Tall Structures Seçmeli
CE 531 Matrix Methods in Stuructural Analysis Seçmeli
CE 532 Arrangement of Structural Framing Systems Seçmeli
CE 533 Seismic Assessment of Existing Masonry Structures Seçmeli
CE 540 Properties of Fresh and Hardened Concrete Seçmeli
CE 541 Advanced Materials of Construction Seçmeli
CE 542 Mechanical Behavior of Materials Seçmeli
CE 543 Admixtures for Concrete Seçmeli
CE 544 Natural Building Materials Seçmeli
CE 545 Mechanical Properties and Deformation of Concrete Seçmeli
CE 550 Advanced Soil Mechanics Seçmeli
CE 551 Experimental Soil Mechanics Seçmeli
CE 552 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Seçmeli
CE 553 Soil Improvement Seçmeli
CE 554 Designing with Geosynthetics Seçmeli
CE 560 Construction Process Planning and Management Seçmeli
CE 561 Scientific Writing Seçmeli
CE 562 Advanced Project Planning Seçmeli
CE 563 Quality Control and Quality Management in Constructions Seçmeli
CE 564 Sustainability Management and Legal Framework Seçmeli
CE 565 Sustainable Cities Seçmeli
CE 566 Biomass Energy for Sustainable Development Seçmeli
CE 570 Mechanics of Water Waves Seçmeli
CE 571 Wind Energy Seçmeli
CE 572 Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants Seçmeli
CE 580 Special Topics in Civil Engineering Seçmeli