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Elective List

Ders Dönemi: Güz
Course Code Course Name Course Type
CSE 503 Advanced Computer Mathematics Seçmeli
CSE 505 Advanced Probability Theory for Discrete Systems Seçmeli
CSE 511 Theory of Algorithms Seçmeli
CSE 512 Evolutionary Algorithms Seçmeli
CSE 513 Object Oriented Programming Seçmeli
CSE 515 Advanced Object Oriented Programming Seçmeli
CSE 516 Object Oriented Design Seçmeli
CSE 519 Computational Geometry Seçmeli
CSE 524 Performance Evaluation of Computer System Seçmeli
CSE 526 Reconfigurable Computing Seçmeli
CSE 531 Computer Security Seçmeli
CSE 532 Distributed Systems Seçmeli
CSE 533 Advanced Computer Architectures Seçmeli
CSE 535 Operating Systems Seçmeli
CSE 536 Advanced Topics in Operating Systems Seçmeli
CSE 538 Real Time Systems Seçmeli
CSE 544 Advanced Topics in Software Engineering Seçmeli
CSE 547 Software Product Line Engineering Seçmeli
CSE 548 Database Management Systems Seçmeli
CSE 549 Software Architecture Seçmeli
CSE 552 Advanced Topics in Language Processors Seçmeli
CSE 553 Theory of Computation Seçmeli
CSE 554 Automata Theory and Formal Languages Seçmeli
CSE 557 Quantum Computing Seçmeli
CSE 562 Artificial Intelligence Seçmeli
CSE 564 Neural Networks Seçmeli
CSE 568 Robotics Seçmeli
CSE 569 Expert Systems & Fuzzy Logic Seçmeli
CSE 571 Data Communication & Computer Networks Seçmeli
CSE 572 New Generation Networks Seçmeli
CSE 574 Parallel Processing Seçmeli
CSE 575 Internet Technologies and Programming Seçmeli
CSE 576 Network Modelling and Analysis Seçmeli
CSE 577 Next Generation Telecommunication Technology Practice Seçmeli
CSE 578 Wireless Networks and Mobile Communication Systems Seçmeli
CSE 579 Embedded Multimedia Systems Seçmeli
CSE 581 Simulation Modeling and Analysis Seçmeli
CSE 583 Computer Graphics Seçmeli
CSE 584 Virtual Reality Seçmeli
CSE 585 Machine Learning Seçmeli
CSE 586 Algorithms and Operations Research Seçmeli
CSE 587 Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Seçmeli
CSE 588 Deep Learning Seçmeli
CSE 591 Special Topics Seçmeli
CSE 610 Advanced Topics in Algorithms and Computer Science Seçmeli
CSE 620 Advanced Topics in Systems Architecture Seçmeli
CSE 640 Advanced Topics in Embedded Systems Seçmeli
CSE 644 Advanced Topics in Information Systems Engineering Seçmeli
CSE 660 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence Seçmeli
CSE 670 Advanced Topics in Computer Networks and Communications Seçmeli
CSE 673 Advanced Topics in Mobile Systems and IoT Seçmeli
CSE 674 Advanced Topics in High Performance Computing Seçmeli
CSE 689 Advanced Topics in Human Computer Interaction Seçmeli