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Elective List

Ders Dönemi: Güz
Course Code Course Name Course Type
ACAF 501 Disaster Medicine Principles Seçmeli
ACAF 502 Research Techniques and Ethics Seçmeli
ACAF 503 Triage Management Seçmeli
ACAF 504 Disaster Management Principles Seçmeli
ACAF 505 First Aid and Basic Life Support Seçmeli
ACAF 506 Seminar Seçmeli
ACAF 507 Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Industrial Hazards Seçmeli
ACAF 509 Hospital Disaster Planning Seçmeli
ACAF 510 Psychosocial Services in Disasters Seçmeli
ACAF 511 Toxicology Seçmeli
ACAF 599 Thesis Seçmeli
ACM 221 System Analysis and Algorithms Seçmeli
ACM 222 Structural Programming Seçmeli
ACM 312 Management Information Systems Seçmeli
ACM 321 Object Oriented Programming Seçmeli
ACM 363 Wireless Networks and Mobile Communication Systems Seçmeli
ACM 432 Enterprise Information Systems Seçmeli
ACM 476 Data Mining Seçmeli
ACM 480 Information Technology Management in the Digital Age with Turk Telekom AssisTT Seçmeli
ACM 498 Graduation Thesis Seçmeli
ACM 501 Technical Foundaions of Business Information Systems Seçmeli
ACM 502 Database Management Seçmeli
ACM 511 Networks and Applications in Information Systems Seçmeli
ACM 512 E-Business Management Seçmeli
ACM 513 Project Management in MIS Seçmeli
ACM 514 Data Mining and Knowledge Acquisition Seçmeli
ACM 521 Technology Applications in Electronic Commerce Seçmeli
ACM 522 Web Programming and Web Design Seçmeli
ACM 523 Digital Innovations in E-Commerce Seçmeli
ACM 524 Digital Marketing and Sales Seçmeli
ACM 525 E-CRM / Social Media Marketing Seçmeli
ACM 527 Admin Panel Management / SEO Seçmeli
ACM 528 Mobile Entrepreneurship Seçmeli
ACM 529 Siber Security / Digital Forensics Seçmeli
ACM 531 Web Content Management Seçmeli
ACM 532 Game Industry and Digital Entertainment Seçmeli
ACM 533 E-CRM with Salesforce Seçmeli
ACM 597 Graduation Project Seçmeli
ACM 598 Seminar Seçmeli
ACM 599 Thesıs Seçmeli
ADV 201 Event Marketing Seçmeli
ADV 232 Creative Strategies in Advertising Seçmeli
ADV 412 Case Studies in Advertising Seçmeli
ADV 414 Advertising Workshop Seçmeli
ADV 416 Social Responsibility Practicum in Advertising Seçmeli
ADV 452 Advertising Copywriting and Visualization Seçmeli
AFCA 101 Chinese Language I Seçmeli
AFCA 102 Chinese Language II Seçmeli
AFCA 201 Chinese Language III Seçmeli
AFCA 202 Chinese Language IV Seçmeli
AFCA 301 Chinese Language V Seçmeli
AFCA 302 Chinese Language VI Seçmeli
AFCA 401 Chinese Language VII Seçmeli
AFE 121 Advanced English I Seçmeli
AFE 122 Advanced English II Seçmeli
AFE 131 Academic English I Seçmeli
AFE 132 Academic English II Seçmeli
AFE 141 General English I Seçmeli
AFE 142 General English II Seçmeli
AFE 143 General English III Seçmeli
AFE 144 General English IV Seçmeli
AFEA 111 English Conversation Course I Seçmeli
AFEA 112 English Speaking Course II Seçmeli
AFFA 101 French Language I Seçmeli
AFFA 102 French Language II Seçmeli
AFFA 201 French Language III Seçmeli
AFFA 202 French Language IV Seçmeli
AFFA 301 French Language V Seçmeli
AFFA 302 French Language VI Seçmeli
AFFA 401 French Language VII Seçmeli
AFFA 402 French Language VIII Seçmeli
AFGA 101 German Language I Seçmeli
AFGA 102 German Language II Seçmeli
AFGA 201 German Language III Seçmeli
AFGA 202 German Language IV Seçmeli
AFGA 301 German Language V Seçmeli
AFGA 302 German Language VI Seçmeli
AFGA 401 German Language VII Seçmeli
AFGA 402 German Language VIII Seçmeli
AFKA 101 Korean Language I Seçmeli
AFKA 102 Korean Language II Seçmeli
AFKA 201 Korean Language III Seçmeli
AFKA 202 Korean Language IV Seçmeli
AFKA 301 Korean Language V Seçmeli
AFN 323 Future of Banking with Akbank Seçmeli
AFN 345 Financial Management Seçmeli
AFN 360 Blockchain Applications and Cryptocurrencies Seçmeli
AFN 420 Algorithmic Trading Seçmeli
AFRA 101 Russian Language I Seçmeli
AFRA 102 Russian Language II Seçmeli
AFRA 201 Russian Language III Seçmeli
AFRA 202 Russian Language IV Seçmeli
AFRA 301 Russian Language V Seçmeli
AFRA 302 Russian Language VI Seçmeli
AFRA 401 Russian Language VII Seçmeli
AFRA 402 Russian Language VIII Seçmeli
AFSA 101 Spanish Language I Seçmeli
AFSA 102 Spanish Language II Seçmeli
AFSA 201 Spanish Language III Seçmeli
AFSA 202 Spanish Language IV Seçmeli
AFSA 301 Spanish Language V Seçmeli
AFSA 302 Spanish Language VI Seçmeli
AFSA 401 Spanish Language VII Seçmeli
AFSA 402 Spanish Language VIII Seçmeli
AFYA 101 Turkish Language and Culture for Foreigners I Seçmeli
AFYA 102 Turkish Language and Culture for Foreigners II Seçmeli
AFYA 201 Turkish Language and Culture for Foreigners III Seçmeli
AFYA 202 Turkish Language and Culture for Foreigners IV Seçmeli
AGR 324 Farm Management Seçmeli
AGR 510 Scientific Research Methods Seçmeli
AGR 520 Block Chain in Agriculture Seçmeli
AGR 521 International Agricultural Trade Seçmeli
AGR 522 Agricultural Data Analysis and Big Data Seçmeli
AGR 523 Agricultural Pricing and Marketing Seçmeli
AGR 524 Econometry for Agricultural Management Seçmeli
AGR 525 Microeconomic Applications in Agriculture and Resource Markets Seçmeli
AGR 526 Optimization in Agricultural Economic Problems Seçmeli
AGR 527 Agricultural Policy Analysis Seçmeli
AGR 541 Special Topics in Agricultural Trade and Management: Agriculture Models Seçmeli
AGR 542 Special Topics in Agricultural Trade and Management: Sustainable Soil and Waste Management Seçmeli
AGR 543 Selected Topics in Agribusiness and Management: Plant Nutrition, Protection and Biological Control Seçmeli
AGR 597 Graduation Project Seçmeli
AGR 598 Graduate Seminar Seçmeli
AGR 599 Master Thesis Seçmeli
ANID 511 Character Design Seçmeli
ANID 512 Cartoon Animation Design Seçmeli
ANID 513 Animation Fundemantals and 2D Animation Seçmeli
ANID 514 Creative Techniques in Animation Seçmeli
ANID 515 3D Animation and Modeling Seçmeli
ANID 517 Visual Storytelling and Storyboard Seçmeli
ANID 519 Animation and Visual Effects Seçmeli
ANID 522 Art and Animation Seçmeli
ANID 523 Introduction to Animation and Film Making Seçmeli
ANID 551 Scenario for Animation Seçmeli
ANID 572 Applied Film Production Workshop Seçmeli
ANID 573 Sound Design Seçmeli
ANID 574 Animated Film Making Seçmeli
ANID 575 General Overview to Animation Industry: Processes from Idea to Distribution Seçmeli
ANID 578 Introduction to Modelling, Texturing and Rigging Systems Seçmeli
ANID 599 Thesis Seçmeli
ANT 445 Nomads in Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 502 Culture, Language and Meaning Seçmeli
ANT 503 Introduction to Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 504 Ethnographic Theory: Themes and Topics Seçmeli
ANT 510 Method and Ethics in Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 513 Ritual and Religion Seçmeli
ANT 514 Turkish Cultural History Seçmeli
ANT 515 New Topics in Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 518 Rural Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 524 Urban Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 525 Anthropological Theory I Seçmeli
ANT 526 Anthropological Theory II Seçmeli
ANT 527 Communication and Culture Seçmeli
ANT 528 Ecologial, Environmental Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 531 Digital Ethnography Seçmeli
ANT 536 Sensory Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 542 Visual Antropology Seçmeli
ANT 545 Anthropology Of Nomads Seçmeli
ANT 550 Anthropology of Performance Seçmeli
ANT 551 Political Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 553 Economic Anthrophology Seçmeli
ANT 559 Forensic Antropology Seçmeli
ANT 561 Health and Culture Seçmeli
ANT 566 Islamic Studies in Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 568 The History of Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 569 Psychological Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 575 Archeology and Culture Seçmeli
ANT 581 Human Geography Seçmeli
ANT 583 Gender and Culture Seçmeli
ANT 594 Ethnomusicological Studies in Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 598 Seminar in Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 599 Master Thesis Seçmeli
ANT 601 Historical Perspevtives in Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 610 Method and Ethics in Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 614 Advanced Seminar In Anthropological Seçmeli
ANT 615 New Topics and Themes in Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 618 Regional Studies Seçmeli
ANT 622 Rural Studies İn Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 623 Performance and Culture Seçmeli
ANT 624 Urban Studies İn Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 631 Current Issues in Digital Ethnograhy Seçmeli
ANT 636 Senses and Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 645 Nomads in Past and Present Seçmeli
ANT 651 Anthropology Of Politics Seçmeli
ANT 653 Economics, Development and Culture Seçmeli
ANT 656 Applied Studies İn Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 661 Health of Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 667 Communication and Culture Seçmeli
ANT 674 Cultural Anthropology of Turkish World Seçmeli
ANT 675 Ethnoarchaeology Seçmeli
ANT 681 Nature, Place and Culture Seçmeli
ANT 683 Anthropology of Gender Seçmeli
ANT 694 Ethnomusicology Seçmeli
ANT 699 Doctoral Thesis Seçmeli
ARCH 325 Architectural Surface Modelling Techniques Seçmeli
ARCH 327 Advanced Modeling and Animation Techniques Seçmeli
ARCH 328 Building Information Modeling (BIM) Seçmeli
ARCH 329 Visual Effect Design in Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 360 Photographic Studies in Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 385 Architectural Sketching Seçmeli
ARCH 432 Model Making Seçmeli
ARCH 447 Urban Renewal and Regeneration Seçmeli
ARCH 460 Ideologies of Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 471 History Of Turkish Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 472 Stone Conservation Technology Seçmeli
ARCH 501 Architectural Studio\Workshop I Seçmeli
ARCH 502 Architectural Studio\Workshop II Seçmeli
ARCH 503 Term Project Seçmeli
ARCH 504 Research Methods in Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 512 Advanced Analysis of History & Theory of Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 513 Philosophies and Trends in Modern Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 514 Architectural Representation Seçmeli
ARCH 516 Design for Special Needs Seçmeli
ARCH 517 Transformation in Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 518 Conversions of Existing Buildings Seçmeli
ARCH 521 Discrimination in Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 522 Architectural Theories in 20th Century Seçmeli
ARCH 541 Urban Regeneration Seçmeli
ARCH 542 Post-Modern City in the Global Era Seçmeli
ARCH 543 Advanced Urban Design – Concepts & Analysis Seçmeli
ARCH 553 The Computer Integrated Building Process Seçmeli
ARCH 561 Building Performance Management Seçmeli
ARCH 562 Disaster and Shelter Research & Design Seçmeli
ARCH 566 Advanced Concepts in Structural Design Seçmeli
ARCH 573 Sustainability and Ecology Seçmeli
ARCH 575 Advanced Readings on History of Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 585 Special Topics in Future Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
ARCH 591 Architectural Conservation Concepts Seçmeli
ARCH 593 Vernacular Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 594 Ottoman Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 601 Architectural Studies I Seçmeli
ARCH 602 Architectural Studies II Seçmeli
ARCH 603 Advanced Research Methods Seçmeli
ARCH 611 Advanced Architectural Theories and Philosophy Seçmeli
ARCH 612 Advanced Conceptual Readings Seçmeli
ARCH 621 Advanced Architectural History Seçmeli
ARCH 622 Contemporary Architectural Approaches Seçmeli
ARCH 631 Architecture, Society and Culture Seçmeli
ARCH 632 Advanced Research In Architectural Education Seçmeli
ARCH 641 Advanced Urban Theory and Policies Seçmeli
ARCH 651 Psychological Context of Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 690 PhD Seminar Seçmeli
ARCH 691 Independent Study for Qualifying Exam Seçmeli
ARCH 700 PhD Dissertation Seçmeli
ARE 151 Real Estate Ethics Seçmeli
ARE 351 Construction Accounting Seçmeli
ARE 454 Green Building and Sustainability Seçmeli
ART 250 Art Publishing Seçmeli
ART 251 Arts and Cultural Institutions Management I Seçmeli
ART 252 Arts and Cultural Institutions Management II Seçmeli
ART 253 Communication Models in Art and Culture Industries Seçmeli
ART 254 Documentation and Archiving in Art Seçmeli
ART 255 Media Art,Virtual Reality,NFT and Metaverse Seçmeli
ART 256 Arts and Cultural Projects in Public Space Seçmeli
ART 257 Event Management Seçmeli
ART 258 Exhibition Design and Techniques Seçmeli
ART 259 Visual Art Analysis Seçmeli
ART 260 Sustaınability in Arts and Culture Managemenet Seçmeli
ART 501 Foundations of Arts and Cultural Management Seçmeli
ART 505 Contemporary Strategies in Art Seçmeli
ART 520 Funding for the Art and Cultural Projects Seçmeli
ART 521 Organization and Employment in Arts Seçmeli
ART 522 Curatorial Approaches Seçmeli
ART 523 Art Writing Seçmeli
ART 524 Exhibition Management Seçmeli
ART 525 Art Criticism Seçmeli
ART 526 Developing Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Arts Seçmeli
ART 527 Analyze of Visual Arts Seçmeli
ART 528 Popular Culture Studies Seçmeli
ART 529 Arts and Cultural Projects in Public Space Seçmeli
ART 530 Collection Management Seçmeli
ART 531 Event Management Seçmeli
ART 532 Analyze of Performing Arts Seçmeli
ART 533 Creative Industries Seçmeli
ART 534 Cultural Policy Seçmeli
ART 535 Efficiency Management and Coaching Seçmeli
ART 536 Documentation and Archiving in Art Seçmeli
ART 537 Media Art, Virtual Reality, NFT and Metaverse Seçmeli
ART 538 Art Theories Seçmeli
ART 539 Art Sociology Seçmeli
ART 540 Aesthetics and Art Philosophy Seçmeli
ART 541 Museology Seçmeli
ART 542 Press, Public Relations and Audience Development Seçmeli
ART 543 Gallery Management Seçmeli
ART 544 Intellectual Property and Art Law Seçmeli
ART 545 Production and Marketing in the Music Industry Seçmeli
ART 546 Marketing in Arts Seçmeli
ART 547 Arts and Cultural Institutions Management Seçmeli
ART 548 Sustainability in Arts and Culture Management Seçmeli
ART 597 Graduation Project Seçmeli
ART 599 Thesis Seçmeli
ATA 598 Thesis Seçmeli
ATD 311 Import and Export Management Seçmeli
ATD 320 Communication and Stress Management in Work Organizations Seçmeli
ATD 403 The Logistics Adventure with DHL Express Seçmeli
ATD 426 International Risk Management Seçmeli
ATD 477 Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility Seçmeli
ATD 501 Management, Organization and Change Seçmeli
ATD 502 Strategic Management in Contemporary Organizations Seçmeli
ATD 511 Web Innovation and Knowledge Management Seçmeli
ATD 513 Current Topics in Workplace Behaviour Seçmeli
ATD 514 Decision Theory Seçmeli
ATD 515 Human Capital Strategies Seçmeli
ATD 590 Scientific Research Methods and Publication Ethics Seçmeli
ATH 204 Airline Management I Seçmeli
ATH 313 Airline Management II Seçmeli
ATH 432 Health Tourism Seçmeli
ATR 122 Logistical Geography Seçmeli
ATR 313 Foreign Trade Logistics Seçmeli
ATR 498 Innovation Project Seçmeli
BBA 404 Financial Statement Analysis Seçmeli
BBA 412 Entrepreneurship (KOSGEB) Seçmeli
BBA 414 Total Quality Management Seçmeli
BBA 416 Quality Management System Seçmeli
BBA 418 EFQM Seçmeli
BME 511 Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging Techniques Seçmeli
BME 512 Medical Imaging Reconstruction Seçmeli
BME 513 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging Seçmeli
BME 514 Computational Methods in Biomedical Engineering Seçmeli
BME 515 Biomedical Signals and Processing Seçmeli
BME 516 Medical Instrument Design Seçmeli
BME 517 Rehabilitation Engineering Seçmeli
BME 518 Medical Informatics Seçmeli
BME 530 Micro-Nano Biomaterials for Biomedical Engineering Seçmeli
BME 531 Advanced Biomaterials for Imaging and Radiology Seçmeli
BME 532 Advanced Laboratory Analysis Techniques and Devices Seçmeli
BME 533 Biomimetics Methods in Biomineralization Seçmeli
BME 534 Biosensors Seçmeli
BME 561 Statistical and Adaptive Digital Signal Processing Seçmeli
BME 565 Medical Acoustic and Speech Processing Seçmeli
BME 580 Advanced Topics in Biomedical Engineering Seçmeli
BME 585 Biometric methods in Biomedical Engineering Seçmeli
BME 586 Neuroimaging Seçmeli
BME 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
BME 599 Term Project Seçmeli
BME 600 MSc Thesis Seçmeli
BTEC 501 Basic Biotechnology Seçmeli
BTEC 502 Medical and Clinical Genetics Seçmeli
BTEC 503 Advanced Molecular Biology Seçmeli
BTEC 504 Pharmaceutical and Medical Biotechnology Seçmeli
BTEC 505 Microbiology Seçmeli
BTEC 506 Plant Biotechnology Seçmeli
BTEC 507 Advanced Biochemistry Seçmeli
BTEC 509 Pharmagenetics and Pharmagenomics Seçmeli
BTEC 510 Biotechnology Laboratory Projects Seçmeli
BTEC 511 Comparative Physiology Seçmeli
BTEC 512 Ecology Seçmeli
BTEC 513 Introduction to Bioinformatics Seçmeli
BTEC 514 Cancer Genetics Seçmeli
BTEC 515 Immunogenetics Seçmeli
BTEC 516 Introduction to Nanobiotechnology Seçmeli
BTEC 517 Immunobiology Seçmeli
BTEC 518 Food and Bioetchics Seçmeli
BTEC 519 Microbiological Aspects of Food Systems Seçmeli
BTEC 521 Gene Expression Seçmeli
BTEC 522 Special Topics in Biotechnology Seçmeli
BTEC 527 Bioreactors Seçmeli
BTEC 528 Processing of Bioactive Exrtact From Natural Materials Seçmeli
BTEC 532 Drug Delivery and Device Seçmeli
BTEC 533 Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering Seçmeli
BTEC 534 Transgenics and Gene Therapy Seçmeli
BTEC 535 Mammalian Tissue Engineering Seçmeli
BTEC 536 Stem Cell Biology Seçmeli
BTEC 537 Dosage in Proteins and Peptides Seçmeli
BTEC 538 Nutrigenomics Seçmeli
BTEC 539 Protein Chemistry Seçmeli
BTEC 550 Methods in Scientific Research Seçmeli
BTEC 555 Biostatistics Seçmeli
BTEC 556 Plant Microbe Interactions Seçmeli
BTEC 560 Scientific Research Methods in Genetic Engineering Seçmeli
BTEC 582 Selected Topics: Signal Transduction Pathways Seçmeli
BTEC 584 Selected Topics: Adult Neurogenesis Seçmeli
BTEC 585 Selected Topics: Microbial Metabolism Seçmeli
BTEC 586 Selected Topics: Applications of Biostatistics for Research Seçmeli
BTEC 587 Selected Topics: Encapsulation Technology and Applications Seçmeli
BTEC 601 Yeast and Bacterial Biotechnology Seçmeli
BTEC 602 Advanced Molecular Biology Techniques Seçmeli
BTEC 603 Analytical Biotechnology Seçmeli
BTEC 604 Current Topics in Biotechnology Seçmeli
BTEC 605 Drug Metabolism Seçmeli
BTEC 606 Transgenics and Gene Therapy Seçmeli
BTEC 607 Drug Discovery and Development Seçmeli
BTEC 608 Cell Communication and Signal Transduction Mechanisms Seçmeli
BTEC 609 Epigenetics Seçmeli
BTEC 610 Tissue Engineering Applications Seçmeli
BTEC 611 Advanced Stem Cell Technology Seçmeli
BTEC 612 Reproductive Genetics Seçmeli
BTEC 613 Developmental Biology Seçmeli
BTEC 615 Protein Purification and Analysis Seçmeli
BTEC 616 Advanced Topics in Enzyme Kinetics Seçmeli
BTEC 620 Advanced Biomaterials Seçmeli
BTEC 621 Molecular Toxicology Seçmeli
BTEC 622 Advanced Biothermodynamics Seçmeli
BTEC 623 Neuroscience Seçmeli
BTEC 624 Cytobiology-I Seçmeli
BTEC 626 Advanced Bioreactors Seçmeli
BTEC 629 Eukaryotic Gene Regulation Seçmeli
BTEC 630 Controlled Drug Delivery and Targeting Systems Seçmeli
BTEC 635 Eukaryotic Cell Biology Seçmeli
BTEC 638 Molecular Pharmacology Seçmeli
BTEC 639 Fermentation Biotechnology Seçmeli
BTEC 640 Nanomedicine Seçmeli
BTEC 641 Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry Seçmeli
BTEC 642 Regenerative Biology and Biomedical Applications Seçmeli
BTEC 643 Gene Editing Technologies Seçmeli
BTEC 644 Plant Breeding Seçmeli
BTEC 666 Systems Biology Seçmeli
BTEC 667 Applied Biostatistics and Experimental Design Seçmeli
BTEC 690 PhD Seminar Seçmeli
BTEC 691 Independent Study for Qualifying Exam Seçmeli
BTEC 700 PhD Dissertation Seçmeli
BTSM 505 Computer and Social Media Literacy Seçmeli
BTSM 521 Artificial Intelligence and Semantic Web Applications in Education Seçmeli
BTSM 522 Object Oriented Programming for Instructional Use Seçmeli
BTSM 523 Designing Educational Application for Mobile Technologies Seçmeli
BTSM 530 Learning Management Systems Seçmeli
BTSM 538 Instructional Design Seçmeli
BTSM 590 Thesis Seçmeli
CE 357 Introduction to Coastal Engineering Seçmeli
CE 451 Introduction Environmental Engineering Seçmeli
CE 452 Hydrology Seçmeli
CE 453 Infrastructure Planning and Management Seçmeli
CE 455 Water Resources Seçmeli
CE 456 Planning and Design of Ports Seçmeli
CE 499 Special Topics in Civil Engineering Seçmeli
CE 520 Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete Seçmeli
CE 521 Advanced Strength of Materials Seçmeli
CE 522 Structural Dynamics Seçmeli
CE 523 Numerical Methods Seçmeli
CE 524 Finite Element Method Seçmeli
CE 525 Plastic Design Of Steel Structures Seçmeli
CE 526 Design of Steel Concrete Composite Structures Seçmeli
CE 527 Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures Seçmeli
CE 528 Repair and Strengthening of Damaged Structures Seçmeli
CE 529 Prestressed and Reinforced Concrete Structures Seçmeli
CE 530 Tall Structures Seçmeli
CE 531 Matrix Methods in Stuructural Analysis Seçmeli
CE 532 Arrangement of Structural Framing Systems Seçmeli
CE 533 Seismic Assessment of Existing Masonry Structures Seçmeli
CE 540 Properties of Fresh and Hardened Concrete Seçmeli
CE 541 Advanced Materials of Construction Seçmeli
CE 542 Mechanical Behavior of Materials Seçmeli
CE 543 Admixtures for Concrete Seçmeli
CE 544 Natural Building Materials Seçmeli
CE 545 Mechanical Properties and Deformation of Concrete Seçmeli
CE 550 Advanced Soil Mechanics Seçmeli
CE 551 Experimental Soil Mechanics Seçmeli
CE 552 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Seçmeli
CE 553 Soil Improvement Seçmeli
CE 554 Designing with Geosynthetics Seçmeli
CE 560 Construction Process Planning and Management Seçmeli
CE 561 Scientific Writing Seçmeli
CE 562 Advanced Project Planning Seçmeli
CE 563 Quality Control and Quality Management in Constructions Seçmeli
CE 564 Sustainability Management and Legal Framework Seçmeli
CE 565 Sustainable Cities Seçmeli
CE 566 Biomass Energy for Sustainable Development Seçmeli
CE 570 Mechanics of Water Waves Seçmeli
CE 571 Wind Energy Seçmeli
CE 572 Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants Seçmeli
CE 580 Special Topics in Civil Engineering Seçmeli
CE 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
CE 600 MSc Thesis Seçmeli
CEIT 211 Information Technologies Seçmeli
CEIT 311 Instructional Technologies Seçmeli
CEIT 321 Distance Education Seçmeli
CEIT 322 Visual Literacy and Creativity Seçmeli
CEIT 323 Project Development and Management Seçmeli
CEIT 331 Educational Games and Gamification Seçmeli
CEIT 334 Human-Computer Interaction Seçmeli
CEIT 339 Information Ethics and Security Seçmeli
CET 301 Design and Development of Educational Games Seçmeli
CET 410 Social Media and Entrepreneurship Education Seçmeli
CET 420 STEM Applications with Robotics Seçmeli
CET 430 Gamified Coding Seçmeli
CET 440 SPSS Applications for Human Sciences Seçmeli
CET 462 Content and Learning Management Systems Seçmeli
CET 463 Human-computer Interaction Seçmeli
CET 490 Advanced Internet Programming and E-Learning Seçmeli
CET 491 Mobile Application Development Seçmeli
CET 492 Data Mining and Social Network Analysis Seçmeli
CET 493 Visual Literacy and Creativity Seçmeli
CHBE 512 Modeling and Analysis of Chemical Engineering Systems Seçmeli
CHBE 514 Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics Seçmeli
CHBE 525 Advanced Instrumental Analysis Seçmeli
CHBE 531 Advanced Chemical Engineering I: Fluid Mechanics Seçmeli
CHBE 532 Advanced Chemical Engineering II: Heat Transfer Seçmeli
CHBE 533 Advanced Chemical Engineering III: Mass Transfer Seçmeli
CHBE 534 Transport Phenomena Seçmeli
CHBE 541 Advanced Chemical Process Control Seçmeli
CHBE 548 Statistical Analysis of Multivariate Data in Chemical Processes Seçmeli
CHBE 552 Pollution and Control Seçmeli
CHBE 554 Advanced Separation Processes Seçmeli
CHBE 555 Membrane Science and Membrane Separations Seçmeli
CHBE 561 Advanced Materials Seçmeli
CHBE 562 Advanced Chemical and Biological Reaction Engineering Seçmeli
CHBE 563 Materials Evaluation by Using Destructive and Nondestructive Testing Seçmeli
CHBE 565 Fundamentals of Colloid and Surface Chemistry Seçmeli
CHBE 567 Nanomaterials: Characterization and Applications Seçmeli
CHBE 568 Surface Chemistry in Nanoscience Seçmeli
CHBE 569 Nondestructive Testing Seçmeli
CHBE 573 Advanced Biotechnology Seçmeli
CHBE 577 Principles of Electrochemical Engineering Seçmeli
CHBE 581 Advanced Polymer Chemistry Seçmeli
CHBE 582 Advanced Computational Techniques in Chbe Seçmeli
CHBE 583 X-ray Diffraction Seçmeli
CHBE 584 Special Topics in Chemical Engineering I:Chemical Technologies Seçmeli
CHBE 585 Special Topics in Chemical Engineering II:Green Engineering and Sustainability Seçmeli
CHBE 591 Climate Change and Sustainable Development Seçmeli
CHBE 691 Independent Study for Qualifying Exam Seçmeli
CHBE 700 PhD Dissertation Seçmeli
CHED 101 Creativity in Higher Education Seçmeli
CIS 490 COOP I Seçmeli
CIS 492 COOP II Seçmeli
CIS 494 COOP III Seçmeli
CIS 496 COOP IV Seçmeli
CIS 501 Scientific Research Methods and Publication Ethics Seçmeli
CIS 502 Software Development Fundamentals Seçmeli
CIS 503 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures Seçmeli
CIS 504 Algorithms Seçmeli
CIS 505 Web Programming Seçmeli
CIS 506 Programming Mobile Devices Seçmeli
CIS 507 3D Game Development Seçmeli
CIS 508 Artificial Intelligence Seçmeli
CIS 509 Management Information Systems Seçmeli
CIS 510 Information Graphics Seçmeli
CIS 511 Information Analysis and System Design Seçmeli
CIS 512 Database Management Systems Seçmeli
CIS 513 Concepts of Programming Languages Seçmeli
CIS 514 Penetration Tests and Ethical Hacking Seçmeli
CIS 515 Decision Support Systems Seçmeli
CIS 516 Informatics Regulations Seçmeli
CIS 517 Data Mining Seçmeli
CIS 518 Virtualization and Introductory Cloud Computing Seçmeli
CIS 519 Software Testing and Quality Assurance Seçmeli
CIS 520 Cryptology and Cyber Security Seçmeli
CIS 521 Digital Marketing Management Seçmeli
CIS 522 Foundation of Machine Learning and Its Applications Seçmeli
CIS 523 Expert Systems Seçmeli
CIS 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
CIS 599 Graduation Project Seçmeli
CIS 600 MSc Thesis Seçmeli
CLPH 600 Thesis Seçmeli
CLPH 601 Pathophysiology I Seçmeli
CLPH 602 Pathophysiology II Seçmeli
CLPH 603 Introduction to Clinical Pharmacy Seçmeli
CLPH 604 Clinical Biochemistry Seçmeli
CLPH 606 Organization and Management of Health Foundations Seçmeli
CLPH 608 Pharmacy Management Seçmeli
CLPH 609 Literature Evaluation Seçmeli
CLPH 610 Total Parenteral Nutrition Seçmeli
CLPH 611 Clinical Pharmacy Applications I Seçmeli
CLPH 612 Clinical Pharmacy Applications II Seçmeli
CLPH 614 Basic Immunology Seçmeli
CLPH 615 Drug Abuse Seçmeli
CLPH 616 Seminar Seçmeli
CLPH 617 Pharmacy Services in Oncology and Hematology Seçmeli
CLPH 618 Complementary and Alternative Therapy Seçmeli
CLPH 619 Advanced Pharmacology I Seçmeli
CLPH 620 Advanced Pharmacology II Seçmeli
CLPH 621 Pharmacotherapy I Seçmeli
CLPH 622 Pharmacotherapy II Seçmeli
CLPH 623 Principles for Approach to Patient in Pharmacy Seçmeli
CLPH 624 Drug-Drug, Drug-Nutrient, Drug-Disease Interactions Seçmeli
CLPH 625 Gentic Polymorphysim and Drug Therapy Seçmeli
CLPH 626 Therapeutical Drug Monitoring and Clinic Pharmacokinetic Seçmeli
CLPH 627 Role of Pharmacist in Clinical Researches Seçmeli
CLPH 628 Clinical Toxicology Seçmeli
CLPH 630 Biopharmaceutics Seçmeli
CLPH 631 Pharmaceutical Applications Seçmeli
CLPH 650 Graduation Project Seçmeli
CLPH 686 Pharmacoepidemiology Seçmeli
CLT 510 Research Methods and Publishing Ethics in Literature Seçmeli
CLT 512 Cinema and Literature Seçmeli
CLT 521 Comparative Literature Seçmeli
CLT 522 Mythology and Literature Seçmeli
CLT 524 Image of the Turk in Foreign Texts Seçmeli
CLT 525 Turkish Literature and Western Literatures Seçmeli
CLT 527 Novel: History, Method, Criticism Seçmeli
CLT 529 Postmodernism and Literature Seçmeli
CLT 532 Music and Literature Seçmeli
CLT 536 Special Topics Seçmeli
CLT 540 Seminar Seçmeli
CLT 583 Gender and Literature Seçmeli
CLT 599 Thesıs Seçmeli
COGS 501 Cognitive Science Seçmeli
COGS 502 Research Methods for Cognitive Science Seçmeli
COGS 505 Language and Mind Seçmeli
COGS 507 Cognıtıve Neuroscıence Seçmeli
COGS 508 Functıonal Magnetıc Resonance Imagıng Seçmeli
COGS 511 Phılosophy Of Mınd Seçmeli
COGS 513 Cognition Seçmeli
COGS 515 Cognıtıve Anthropology Seçmeli
COGS 521 Selected Readings on Hemispheric Asymmetries Seçmeli
COGS 522 Cognıtıve Neuroscıence Of Memory Seçmeli
COGS 524 Language Culture And Thought I Seçmeli
COGS 525 Language Culture And Thought II Seçmeli
COGS 526 Memory And Identıty Seçmeli
COGS 527 Advanced Human Memory Seçmeli
COGS 528 Cognıtıve Agıng Seçmeli
COGS 529 Emotion, Cognition and Aging Seçmeli
COGS 531 Recent Research in Cognition Seçmeli
COGS 562 Artıfıcıal Intellıgence Seçmeli
COGS 598 Seminar Seçmeli
COGS 599 Thesıs Seçmeli
COMM 210 Media Literacy Seçmeli
COMM 222 History of 20th Century Seçmeli
COMM 310 Broadcasting Journalism Seçmeli
COMM 323 Globalization and Communication Seçmeli
COMM 324 Persuasion and Perception Seçmeli
COMM 341 Communication Ethics Seçmeli
COMM 360 Social Media and Society Seçmeli
COMM 381 Media and Children Seçmeli
COMM 382 Health Communication Seçmeli
COMM 404 Cultural Identity Seçmeli
COMM 421 Gender and Media Seçmeli
COMM 440 Social Media Managment Seçmeli
COMM 461 Populer Culture and Media Seçmeli
COMM 560 Communication Research and Scientific Ethics Seçmeli
COMM 580 Seminar in Communication Studies Seçmeli
COMP 206 Computer Organization Seçmeli
COMP 302 Desktop Publishing Seçmeli
COMP 311 Foundations of Machine Learning and Its Applications Seçmeli
COMP 402 Expert Systems Seçmeli
COMP 411 Introduction to Game Programming Seçmeli
COMP 422 Enterprise Web Application Development Seçmeli
COS 601 Cosmetic Ingredients(Active&Other Ingredients) and Their Functions Seçmeli
COS 602 Natural Active Ingredients That Are Used in Cosmetics Seçmeli
COS 611 Ethical and Regulatory Arrangements about Cosmetic Products Seçmeli
COS 612 Safety and Eficacy of Cosmetic Products Seçmeli
COS 613 Quality Assurance and Quality Control of Cosmetic Products Seçmeli
COS 621 Structer of skin and its appendages and their functions Seçmeli
COS 631 Cosmetic Products I Seçmeli
COS 632 Cosmetic Products II Seçmeli
COS 634 Cosmetics and Delivery Systems Seçmeli
COS 641 Cosmetic Product Design to Marketing(R&D)Process Seçmeli
COS 652 Cosmetic Seminars Seçmeli
COS 700 Thesis Seçmeli
COS 701 Special Topics in Cosmetology Writing a PROJECT Seçmeli
CPLT 502 Issues in Contemp Critical Theory II Seçmeli
CPLT 509 Masterpieces of Western Literature Seçmeli
CPLT 510 Masterpieces Of English Literature Seçmeli
CPLT 514 Post Colonical Theories:A Critical Introduction II Seçmeli
CPLT 515 Theories Of Psychoanalytic Criticism II Seçmeli
CPLT 516 Theories of Psychoanalytic Criticism II Seçmeli
CPLT 521 Theories of Comparative Literary And Cultural Studies Seçmeli
CPLT 555 The Turk in European Literature Seçmeli
CPLT 595 Literary Academic Methods and Ethics Seçmeli
CPLT 598 Seminar Seçmeli
CPLT 599 Graduation Thesis Seçmeli
CSE 445 Software Testing Seçmeli
CSE 464 Introduction to Data Science and Big Data Analytics Seçmeli
CSE 480 Special Topics Seçmeli
CSE 503 Advanced Computer Mathematics Seçmeli
CSE 505 Advanced Probability Theory for Discrete Systems Seçmeli
CSE 511 Theory of Algorithms Seçmeli
CSE 512 Evolutionary Algorithms Seçmeli
CSE 513 Object Oriented Programming Seçmeli
CSE 515 Advanced Object Oriented Programming Seçmeli
CSE 516 Object Oriented Design Seçmeli
CSE 519 Computational Geometry Seçmeli
CSE 524 Performance Evaluation of Computer System Seçmeli
CSE 526 Reconfigurable Computing Seçmeli
CSE 531 Computer Security Seçmeli
CSE 532 Distributed Systems Seçmeli
CSE 533 Advanced Computer Architectures Seçmeli
CSE 535 Operating Systems Seçmeli
CSE 536 Advanced Topics in Operating Systems Seçmeli
CSE 538 Real Time Systems Seçmeli
CSE 544 Advanced Topics in Software Engineering Seçmeli
CSE 547 Software Product Line Engineering Seçmeli
CSE 548 Database Management Systems Seçmeli
CSE 549 Software Architecture Seçmeli
CSE 552 Advanced Topics in Language Processors Seçmeli
CSE 553 Theory of Computation Seçmeli
CSE 554 Automata Theory and Formal Languages Seçmeli
CSE 557 Quantum Computing Seçmeli
CSE 562 Artificial Intelligence Seçmeli
CSE 564 Neural Networks Seçmeli
CSE 568 Robotics Seçmeli
CSE 569 Expert Systems & Fuzzy Logic Seçmeli
CSE 571 Data Communication & Computer Networks Seçmeli
CSE 572 New Generation Networks Seçmeli
CSE 574 Parallel Processing Seçmeli
CSE 575 Internet Technologies and Programming Seçmeli
CSE 576 Network Modelling and Analysis Seçmeli
CSE 577 Next Generation Telecommunication Technology Practice Seçmeli
CSE 578 Wireless Networks and Mobile Communication Systems Seçmeli
CSE 579 Embedded Multimedia Systems Seçmeli
CSE 581 Simulation Modeling and Analysis Seçmeli
CSE 583 Computer Graphics Seçmeli
CSE 584 Virtual Reality Seçmeli
CSE 585 Machine Learning Seçmeli
CSE 586 Algorithms and Operations Research Seçmeli
CSE 587 Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Seçmeli
CSE 588 Deep Learning Seçmeli
CSE 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
CSE 591 Special Topics Seçmeli
CSE 610 Advanced Topics in Algorithms and Computer Science Seçmeli
CSE 620 Advanced Topics in Systems Architecture Seçmeli
CSE 640 Advanced Topics in Embedded Systems Seçmeli
CSE 644 Advanced Topics in Information Systems Engineering Seçmeli
CSE 660 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence Seçmeli
CSE 670 Advanced Topics in Computer Networks and Communications Seçmeli
CSE 673 Advanced Topics in Mobile Systems and IoT Seçmeli
CSE 674 Advanced Topics in High Performance Computing Seçmeli
CSE 689 Advanced Topics in Human Computer Interaction Seçmeli
CSE 690 PhD Seminar Seçmeli
CSE 691 Independent Study for Qualifying Exam Seçmeli
CSE 700 PhD Dissertation Seçmeli
CULA 316 Oenology Seçmeli
CULA 323 Restaurant Management Seçmeli
CULA 343 Food Events and Communications Seçmeli
CULA 376 Food Product Formulation and Sensory Evaluation Seçmeli
CULA 401 Advanced Patisserie Seçmeli
CULA 418 Culinary Herbs Seçmeli
CULA 436 Culinary Trends Seçmeli
CULA 456 Food in Media Seçmeli
CULA 464 Menu Planning and Design Seçmeli
CULA 471 Art of Chocolate Seçmeli
CULA 474 Art of Food Styling and Photography Seçmeli
CULA 475 Developing Career Skills with Alumni Seçmeli
CULA 499 Food Beliefs & Rituals in Anatolia Seçmeli
CULA 501 Turkish Culinary Culture and Cooking Technics Seçmeli
CULA 502 Comparative Culinary Cultures Seçmeli
CULA 503 Research Methods & Applications in Gastronomy and Culinary Culture Studies Seçmeli
CULA 504 Classical Cooking Techniques and Innovative Approaches Seçmeli
CULA 505 Factors Affecting the Food Consumption Behaviour of Consumers Seçmeli
CULA 506 Sustainable Food Production Seçmeli
CULA 507 Theoretical Perspectives in Food Culture Seçmeli
CULA 508 Surface Chemistry and Molecular Gastronomy Seçmeli
CULA 509 Food Markets: Concept & Cases Seçmeli
CULA 510 Gastronomic Tourism Seçmeli
CULA 511 Experimental Kitchen Seçmeli
CULA 512 Factors Affecting the Perception of Taste and Taste Pairing Seçmeli
CULA 597 Graduation Project Seçmeli
CULA 598 Seminar Seçmeli
CULA 599 Thesis Seçmeli
CUM 111 Introduction to Customs Management Seçmeli
DATS 501 Fundamentals of Data Science Seçmeli
DATS 502 Research Methods in Data Science Seçmeli
DATS 504 Data Structures and Algorithms for Data Science Seçmeli
DATS 511 Applied Statistics and Data Analysis Seçmeli
DATS 521 Data Ethics and Humane Use of IT Seçmeli
DATS 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
DATS 591 Special Topics in Data Science Seçmeli
DATS 599 Term Project Seçmeli
DATS 600 MSc Thesis Seçmeli
DBA 602 Advanced Quantitative Research Techniques Seçmeli
DBA 603 Modern Management Perspective Seçmeli
DBA 604 Financial Reporting Seçmeli
DBA 605 Management Philosophy Seçmeli
DBA 606 Financial Management Seçmeli
DBA 607 Marketing Management Seçmeli
DBA 610 Advanced Organization Theory Seçmeli
DBA 611 Readings in Management Seçmeli
DBA 612 Strategic Management Seçmeli
DBA 613 Organizational Behavior Seçmeli
DBA 614 Business Policy and Strategic Management Seçmeli
DBA 615 Corporate Governance Seçmeli
DBA 616 Entrepreneurship Seçmeli
DBA 620 Accounting Theory Seçmeli
DBA 621 Readings in Accounting Seçmeli
DBA 622 Managerial Accounting Seçmeli
DBA 623 Auditing Seçmeli
DBA 624 Financial Reporting Standards Seçmeli
DBA 630 Finance Theory Seçmeli
DBA 631 Readings in Finance Seçmeli
DBA 632 Financial Analysis Seçmeli
DBA 633 Financial Economics Seçmeli
DBA 634 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Seçmeli
DBA 640 Marketing Theory Seçmeli
DBA 641 Readings in Marketing Seçmeli
DBA 642 Strategic Marketing Management Seçmeli
DBA 643 Strategic Brand Management Seçmeli
DBA 644 Advanced Topics in Consumer Behavior Seçmeli
DBA 646 Brand Management Seçmeli
DBA 647 Services Marketing Seçmeli
DBA 651 Graduation Thesis Seçmeli
DEND 501 Introduction To Endodontics Clinics Seçmeli
DEND 502 Clinical Studies in Endodontics Seçmeli
DEND 503 Endodontic Treatment 1 Seçmeli
DEND 504 Endodontic Treatment 2 Seçmeli
DEND 505 Literature Review 1 Seçmeli
DEND 506 Literature Review 2 Seçmeli
DEND 507 Pulpal Treatments Seçmeli
DEND 590 Seminar 1 Seçmeli
DEND 599 Endodontics MSc Thesis Seçmeli
DEND 601 Endodontics Clinic 1 Seçmeli
DEND 602 Endodontics Clinic 2 Seçmeli
DEND 603 Endodontics Clinic 3 Seçmeli
DEND 604 Endodontics Clinic 4 Seçmeli
DEND 605 Root Canal Treatment 1 Seçmeli
DEND 606 Root Canal Treatment 2 Seçmeli
DEND 607 Endodontic Diseases 1 Seçmeli
DEND 608 Endodontic Diseases 2 Seçmeli
DEND 609 Literature Revıiw 3 Seçmeli
DEND 610 Literature Review 4 Seçmeli
DEND 611 Vital Pulp Treatments Seçmeli
DEND 612 Case Discussion 2 Seçmeli
DEND 613 Endodontics Preclinic 1 Seçmeli
DEND 690 Seminar 2 Seçmeli
DEND 699 Endodontics PhD Thesis Seçmeli
DENT 115 Morphology of teeth,Manipulation and Prosthodontics 1 Seçmeli
DENT 213 Materials Science Seçmeli
DENT 215 Prosthodontics 2 Seçmeli
DENT 218 Cariology and Preventive Dentistry Seçmeli
DENT 315 Prosthodontics 3 Seçmeli
DENT 316 Restorative Dentistry 2 Seçmeli
DENT 317 Endodontics 2 Seçmeli
DENT 318 Dentomaxillofacial Radiology Seçmeli
DENT 332 Introduction to Clinical Dentistry Seçmeli
DENT 344 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1 Seçmeli
DENT 345 Dental Anesthesia Seçmeli
DENT 366 Pediatric Preventive Dentistry Seçmeli
DENT 374 Orofacial Growth and Development Seçmeli
DENT 382 Periodontology 1 Seçmeli
DENT 415 Prosthodontics 4 Seçmeli
DENT 416 Restorative Dentistry 3 Seçmeli
DENT 417 Endodontics 3 Seçmeli
DENT 445 Oral Diseases Seçmeli
DENT 456 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2 Seçmeli
DENT 461 Diagnosis and Treatment in Orthodontics Seçmeli
DENT 464 Advanced Research Methodology 2 Seçmeli
DENT 474 Clinical Applications in Pediatric Dentistry Seçmeli
DENT 482 Periodontology 2 Seçmeli
DENT 505 Prosthodontics 5 Seçmeli
DENT 506 Restorative Dentistry 4 Seçmeli
DENT 507 Endodontics 4 Seçmeli
DENT 542 Maxillofacial Surgery Seçmeli
DENT 543 Oral Implantology Seçmeli
DENT 550 Introduction to Clinical Orthodontics Seçmeli
DENT 556 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 3 Seçmeli
DENT 574 Case Discussions in Pediatric Dentistry Seçmeli
DENT 582 Periondotology 3 Seçmeli
DENT 590 Dental Public Health Seçmeli
DEST 501 Esthetic Dentistry Clinics I Seçmeli
DEST 502 Esthetic Dentistry Clinics II Seçmeli
DEST 503 Esthetic Dentistry Clinics III Seçmeli
DEST 504 Esthetic Dentistry Clinics IV Seçmeli
DEST 509 Preclinical Adhesive Dentistry Seçmeli
DEST 521 Adhesive Dentistry Seçmeli
DEST 581 Esthetic Dentistry I Seçmeli
DEST 582 Esthetic Dentistry II Seçmeli
DEST 590 Seminar Seçmeli
DEST 599 Restorative Dentistry Estetic Master Thesis Seçmeli
DNSC 568 Photography Concept and Dental Photography Seçmeli
DOPR 501 Operative Dentistry Clinics I Seçmeli
DOPR 502 Operative Dentistry Clinics II Seçmeli
DOPR 503 Operative Dentistry Clinics III Seçmeli
DOPR 504 Operative Dentistry Clinics IV Seçmeli
DOPR 531 Preclinical Operative Dentistry Seçmeli
DOPR 590 Seminar Seçmeli
DOPR 599 Restorative Dentistry Restorative Master Thesis Seçmeli
DOPR 601 Operative Dentistry Clinics V Seçmeli
DOPR 602 Operative Dentistry Clinics VI Seçmeli
DOPR 603 Operative Dentistry Clinics VII Seçmeli
DOPR 604 Operative Dentistry Clinics VIII Seçmeli
DOPR 611 Operative Dentistry Seçmeli
DOPR 690 Seminar Seçmeli
DOPR 699 Restorative Dentistry Doctorate Thesis Seçmeli
DORD 500 Dental Radiology Seçmeli
DORD 502 Radiographic Techniques and Diagnosis Seçmeli
DORD 505 Clinical Practices I Seçmeli
DORD 506 Clinical Practices II Seçmeli
DORD 590 Seminar-I Seçmeli
DORD 591 Literature Review I Seçmeli
DORD 593 Literature Review II Seçmeli
DORD 599 Thesis Seçmeli
DORD 601 Oral Diagnosis and Radiology Clinic I Seçmeli
DORD 605 Radiographic Interpretation Seçmeli
DORD 606 Oral Diagnosis and Radiology Clinic II Seçmeli
DORD 607 Oral Diagnosis and Radiology Clinic III Seçmeli
DORD 608 Radiobiology and Radiation Protection Seçmeli
DORD 609 Oral Manifestations of Systemic Diseases in Dentistry Seçmeli
DORD 610 Oral Diagnosis and Radiology Clinic IV Seçmeli
DORD 631 Oral Mucosal Disease Seçmeli
DORD 690 Seminar II Seçmeli
DORD 691 Literature Review III Seçmeli
DORD 693 Literature Review IV Seçmeli
DORD 699 PhD Thesis Seçmeli
DORT 501 Orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning Seçmeli
DORT 502 Orthodontic treatment approaches and techniques Seçmeli
DORT 503 Basic edgewise I Seçmeli
DORT 504 Basic edgewise II Seçmeli
DORT 507 Orthodontic Clinic I Seçmeli
DORT 508 Orthodontic Clinic II Seçmeli
DORT 509 Orthodontic Clinic III Seçmeli
DORT 510 Orthodontic Clinic IV Seçmeli
DORT 511 Preventive and İnterceptive Orthodontics I Seçmeli
DORT 512 Preventive and İnterceptive Orthodontics II Seçmeli
DORT 581 Literature Review I Seçmeli
DORT 582 Literature Review II Seçmeli
DORT 591 Seminars I Seçmeli
DORT 592 Seminars II Seçmeli
DORT 599 MSc Thesis in Orthodontics Seçmeli
DORT 601 Orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning Seçmeli
DORT 602 Orthodontic treatment approaches and techniques Seçmeli
DORT 603 Advanced edgewise I Seçmeli
DORT 604 Advanced edgewise II Seçmeli
DORT 605 Congenital Anomalies and Treatment Approach Seçmeli
DORT 606 Adult orthodontics Seçmeli
DORT 607 Case discussion I Seçmeli
DORT 608 Case discussion II Seçmeli
DORT 609 Case discussion III Seçmeli
DORT 610 Case discussion IV Seçmeli
DORT 611 Interdisciplinary Approaches Seçmeli
DORT 612 Lingual Technics in Orthodontics and Aesthetic Approaches Seçmeli
DORT 613 Oral Hygiene in Orthodontics Seçmeli
DORT 681 Literature Review I Seçmeli
DORT 682 Literature Review II Seçmeli
DORT 683 Literature Review III Seçmeli
DORT 684 Literature Review IV Seçmeli
DORT 691 Seminars I Seçmeli
DORT 692 Seminars II Seçmeli
DORT 693 Seminars III Seçmeli
DORT 694 Seminars IV Seçmeli
DORT 699 PhD Thesis in Orthodontics Seçmeli
DPED 501 Clinical Practice in Pedodontics I Seçmeli
DPED 502 Clinical Practice in Pedodontics II Seçmeli
DPED 503 Clinical Practice in Pedodontics III Seçmeli
DPED 504 Clinical Practice in Pedodontics IV Seçmeli
DPED 505 Case Discussions I Seçmeli
DPED 506 Case Discussions II Seçmeli
DPED 511 Advanced Pedodontics I Seçmeli
DPED 512 Advanced Pedodontics II Seçmeli
DPED 591 Literature Review I Seçmeli
DPED 592 Literature Review II Seçmeli
DPED 594 Seminar Seçmeli
DPED 599 Master Thesis in Pediatric Dentistry Seçmeli
DPED 601 Clinical Practice in Paediatric Dentistry I Seçmeli
DPED 602 Clinical Practice in Paediatric Dentistry II Seçmeli
DPED 603 Clinical Practice in Paediatric Dentistry III Seçmeli
DPED 604 Clinical Practice in Paediatric Dentistry IV Seçmeli
DPED 605 Case Presentations I Seçmeli
DPED 606 Case Presentations II Seçmeli
DPED 607 Case Presentations III Seçmeli
DPED 608 Case Presentations IV Seçmeli
DPED 611 Advanced Applications in Paediatric Dentistry I Seçmeli
DPED 612 Advanced Applications in Paediatric Dentistry II Seçmeli
DPED 691 Scientific Paper Review I Seçmeli
DPED 692 Scientific Paper Review II Seçmeli
DPED 693 SeminAr I Seçmeli
DPED 694 Seminar II Seçmeli
DPED 699 Doctorate Thesis in Pediatric Dentistry Seçmeli
DPER 501 Periodontology Clinic I Seçmeli
DPER 502 Periodontology Clinic II Seçmeli
DPER 503 Diagnosis, Treatment Plan, Case Discussion I Seçmeli
DPER 504 Diagnosis, Treatment Plan, Case Discussion II Seçmeli
DPER 505 Literature Discussion I Seçmeli
DPER 506 Literature Discussion II Seçmeli
DPER 507 Oral Implantology in Dentistry Seçmeli
DPER 590 Periodontology Seminar Seçmeli
DPER 599 Periodontology Master Thesis Seçmeli
DPER 611 Periodontology I Seçmeli
DPER 612 Periodontology II Seçmeli
DPER 613 Diagnosis and Treatment Plan I Seçmeli
DPER 614 Diagnosis and Treatment Plan II Seçmeli
DPER 615 Non –Surgical Periodontal Treatment I Seçmeli
DPER 616 Non –Surgical Periodontal Treatment II Seçmeli
DPER 617 Literature Review I Seçmeli
DPER 618 Literature Review II Seçmeli
DPER 619 Periodontology III Seçmeli
DPER 620 Diagnosis and Treatment Plan III Seçmeli
DPER 621 Non –Surgical Periodontal Treatment III Seçmeli
DPER 622 Literature Review III Seçmeli
DPER 623 Surgical Periodontal Treatment Seçmeli
DPER 624 Oral Implantology Seçmeli
DPER 690 Seminar Seçmeli
DPER 699 Periodontology Doctorate Thesis Seçmeli
DPRO 501 Clinical Prosthodontıcs-I Seçmeli
DPRO 502 Clinical Prosthodontıcs-II Seçmeli
DPRO 503 Clinical Prosthodontıcs-III Seçmeli
DPRO 504 Clinical Prosthodontıcs-IV Seçmeli
DPRO 511 Removable Dentures-I Seçmeli
DPRO 512 Removable Dentures-II Seçmeli
DPRO 521 Fıxed Denture-I Seçmeli
DPRO 522 Fıxed Denture-II Seçmeli
DPRO 531 Case Dıscussıon- I Seçmeli
DPRO 532 Case Dıscussıon- II Seçmeli
DPRO 541 Lıterature Review-I Seçmeli
DPRO 542 Lıterature Review-II Seçmeli
DPRO 560 Occlusion Seçmeli
DPRO 565 Functional Occlusion and TMD Seçmeli
DPRO 590 Semınary -I Seçmeli
DPRO 599 Thesis Seçmeli
DPRO 601 Advenced Clinical Prosthodontıcs -I Seçmeli
DPRO 602 Advenced Clinical Prosthodontıcs -II Seçmeli
DPRO 603 Advenced Clinical Prosthodontıcs -III Seçmeli
DPRO 604 Advenced Clinical Prosthodontıcs -IV Seçmeli
DPRO 611 Advenced Removable Dentures-I Seçmeli
DPRO 612 Advenced Removable Dentures-II Seçmeli
DPRO 621 Advenced Fıxed Denture-I Seçmeli
DPRO 622 Advenced Fıxed Denture-II Seçmeli
DPRO 631 Advenced Case Dıscussıon -I Seçmeli
DPRO 632 Advenced Case Dıscussıon -II Seçmeli
DPRO 633 Advenced Case Dıscussıon -III Seçmeli
DPRO 641 Advenced Lıterature Review-I Seçmeli
DPRO 642 Advenced Lıterature Review-II Seçmeli
DPRO 660 Advenced Occlusıon Seçmeli
DPRO 665 Advanced Functıonal Occlusıon and TMD Seçmeli
DPRO 690 Seminar -II Seçmeli
DPRO 699 Thesis Seçmeli
DSUR 592 Seminar Seçmeli
DİMP 544 Implant Complications and Treatment Seçmeli
ECKM 501 Introduction to Drug Seçmeli
ECKM 502 Cosmetology and Cosmetic Products Seçmeli
ECKM 503 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms Seçmeli
ECKM 504 Controlled Release Systems Seçmeli
ECKM 505 Preformulation Seçmeli
ECKM 506 Literature Search/Patents Seçmeli
ECKM 507 Production I Seçmeli
ECKM 508 Production II Seçmeli
ECKM 509 Basic Concepts and Design in Drug İndustry Seçmeli
ECKM 510 Seminar Seçmeli
ECKM 511 Stoichiometry Seçmeli
ECKM 512 Purification Mechanism and Processes Seçmeli
ECKM 513 Enginearing Thermodynamics and Flow Processes Seçmeli
ECKM 514 Mathematic Modelling Seçmeli
ECKM 515 Chemical Reaction Kinetics Seçmeli
ECKM 516 Biopharmaceutical Production Seçmeli
ECKM 517 Physical Pharmacy Seçmeli
ECKM 518 Pharmaceutic standarting materials Seçmeli
ECKM 519 Regulations and registration Seçmeli
ECKM 520 Patent for drug Endustry Seçmeli
ECKM 521 Otomation Seçmeli
ECKM 522 New dosage forms Seçmeli
ECKM 523 Pharmaceutical Unit Processes Seçmeli
ECKM 524 Pharmaceutical Engineering Fundamentals Seçmeli
ECKM 525 Quality Assurance of Pharmaceuticals Seçmeli
ECKM 526 Cosmetic Ingredients Seçmeli
ECKM 527 Cosmetic Formulations and Production-I Seçmeli
ECKM 528 Cosmetic Formulations and Production-II Seçmeli
ECKM 529 Quality Control Tests and Quality Assurance for Cosmetics Seçmeli
ECKM 530 Packaging Technologies for Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Seçmeli
ECKM 531 Marketing of Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Seçmeli
ECKM 532 Production of Radiopharmaceuticals Seçmeli
ECKM 590 Graduation/Finishing Project (Non-thesis) Seçmeli
ECKM 600 Thesis Seçmeli
ECON 215 Sustainable Digital Economy Seçmeli
ECON 294 Economics for Engineers Seçmeli
ECON 295 Introduction to Economics I Seçmeli
ECON 296 Introduction to Economics II Seçmeli
ECON 311 Public Finance Seçmeli
ECON 342 Global Economy Seçmeli
ECON 364 Health Economics Seçmeli
ECON 366 Economics of European Seçmeli
ECON 370 Cinema and Economics Seçmeli
ECON 371 Reading the World and Turkish Economy Seçmeli
ECON 412 Industrial Organization Seçmeli
ECON 461 Economics of Strategy Seçmeli
ECON 462 Economics of Energy Seçmeli
ECON 463 Critique of Orthodox Economics Seçmeli
ECON 465 Economics of Income Distribution and Happiness Seçmeli
ECON 502 Microeconomics I Seçmeli
ECON 503 Microeconomics II Seçmeli
ECON 504 Managerial Economics Seçmeli
ECON 506 Macroeconomics I Seçmeli
ECON 507 Macroeconomics II Seçmeli
ECON 508 Growth Theory Seçmeli
ECON 510 Econometrics I Seçmeli
ECON 511 Econometrics II Seçmeli
ECON 514 Monetary Theory and Policy Seçmeli
ECON 517 Public Finance Seçmeli
ECON 522 International Economic Seçmeli
ECON 527 International Macroeconomics Seçmeli
ECON 530 Game Theory Seçmeli
ECON 533 Labor Economics Seçmeli
ECON 535 Industrial Organization Seçmeli
ECON 539 Entrepreneurship Seçmeli
ECON 555 Company Financing Seçmeli
ECON 560 Turkish Economy Seçmeli
ECON 563 Development Economy Seçmeli
ECON 565 Sociology of Economics Seçmeli
ECON 567 History of Economic Thought Seçmeli
ECON 569 Alternatives in Political Economics Seçmeli
ECON 573 Labor Policy of Economy Seçmeli
ECON 575 Income distribution Seçmeli
ECON 577 Gender Economics Seçmeli
ECON 580 Environmental Economics Seçmeli
ECON 582 Economic Analysis of Urbanization Seçmeli
ECON 584 Growth and Regional Development Seçmeli
ECON 586 Technology and Economic Growth Seçmeli
ECON 588 Institutions and Economic Growth Seçmeli
ECON 597 Graduation Project Seçmeli
ECON 599 Masters Thesis Seçmeli
ECON 614 Advanced Monetary Theory and Policy Seçmeli
ECON 622 International Economics Seçmeli
ECON 627 International Macro Economic Policy Seçmeli
ECON 630 Advanced Game Theory Seçmeli
ECON 633 Advanced Labor Force Economics Seçmeli
ECON 635 Advanced Industrial Organization Seçmeli
ECON 639 Advanced Entrepreneurship Seçmeli
ECON 650 Mathematıcal Analysıs Of Economıcs Seçmeli
ECON 655 Advanced Corporate Finance Seçmeli
ECON 660 History and Problems of The Turkish Economy Seçmeli
ECON 663 Advanced Economic Development Seçmeli
ECON 682 Political Economy of Urbanization Seçmeli
ECON 684 Economic Growth and Regional Development Seçmeli
ECON 686 Technological Change and Economic Growth Seçmeli
ECON 690 Hıstory And Methodology Of Economıc Analysıs Seçmeli
ECON 699 Thesis Seçmeli
ED 103 Guidance in Education Seçmeli
ED 225 Curriculum Development Seçmeli
ED 245 History of Education Seçmeli
ED 252 Innovative Practices in Education Seçmeli
ED 253 Child Mental Health Seçmeli
ED 254 Adolescent Mental Health Seçmeli
ED 255 Human Relationships and Communication Seçmeli
ED 256 Thinking Skills Education Seçmeli
ED 257 Conflict Resolution and Peace Seçmeli
ED 258 Drama in Education Seçmeli
ED 259 Social Skill Training Seçmeli
ED 260 Research in Teaching Seçmeli
ED 261 Extracurricular Activities in Education Seçmeli
ED 262 Social Gender Equality Seçmeli
ED 263 Ecology Education Seçmeli
ED 319 Trauma Sensitive Classroom Environments Seçmeli
ED 320 Leisure Time Activities in Schools Seçmeli
ED 321 Woman Studies Seçmeli
ED 371 Comparative Education Seçmeli
ED 372 Adult Education and Life Long Learning Seçmeli
ED 373 Project Preparation in Education Seçmeli
ED 374 Teaching in International Programs Seçmeli
ED 375 Sustainable Development and Education Seçmeli
EDEM 102 Development of Mathematical Concepts Seçmeli
EDEM 280 Computer Assisted Mathematics Instruction Seçmeli
EDEM 281 Culture and Mathematics Seçmeli
EDEM 282 Teaching Primary Mathematics Seçmeli
EDEM 283 Analysis of Mathematics Textbook Seçmeli
EDEM 284 Mainstreaming in Mathematics Education Seçmeli
EDEM 285 Self-Regulation in Mathematics Education Seçmeli
EDEM 286 Task Design for Teaching Mathematics Seçmeli
EDEM 287 Material Design for Teaching Mathematics Seçmeli
EDEM 288 Out-of-school Learning Environments for Teaching Mathematics Seçmeli
EDEM 290 Teaching Mathematics to Talented Students Seçmeli
EDEM 291 Teaching Matematics Through Games Seçmeli
EDEM 292 Evaluation of In-Class Learning Seçmeli
EDEM 480 Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice Seçmeli
EDEM 481 Analysis of Mathematics Course Seçmeli
EDEM 482 Qualitative Research Methods in Mathematics Education Seçmeli
EDEM 483 Exploring Geometry Seçmeli
EDEM 484 Mathematical Modelling and Problem Solving Seçmeli
EDEM 485 Evaluation of Mathematics Instruction Seçmeli
EDEM 486 Contemporary Issues in Elementary Mathematics Education Seçmeli
EDEM 487 Teaching Probability and Statistics Seçmeli
EDEM 490 Instructional Design and Implementation Seçmeli
EDEM 491 History and Philosophy of Mathematics Seçmeli
EDEN 206 Structure of Turkish Seçmeli
EDEN 302 English Morphology Seçmeli
EDEN 306 Sociolinguistics & English Education Seçmeli
EDEN 312 ELT in School Context II Seçmeli
EDEN 321 ELT in School Context 1 Seçmeli
EDEN 322 ELT in School Context 2 Seçmeli
EDEN 408 Use of Literary Texts in TEFL 2 Seçmeli
EDEN 419 Pragmatics Seçmeli
EDEN 420 Translation Seçmeli
EDEN 482 Drama in ELT Seçmeli
EDEN 501 Topics in Applied Linguistics Seçmeli
EDEN 505 Current Issues in INSET and Professional Development Seçmeli
EDEN 507 Principles of Foreign Language Testing Seçmeli
EDEN 509 Approaches to Teaching Language Skills Seçmeli
EDEN 512 Pedagogical Grammar Seçmeli
EDEN 513 Sociolinguistics Seçmeli
EDEN 515 Psycholinguistics Seçmeli
EDEN 517 Use of Literary Texts for TEFL Seçmeli
EDEN 518 Technology in Materials Development Seçmeli
EDEN 520 Teaching Methods in English Language Education Seçmeli
EDEN 521 TEFL to Young Learners Seçmeli
EDEN 523 Classroom Based Research Seçmeli
EDEN 569 MA Project Seçmeli
EDEN 581 Materials Development and Adaptation Seçmeli
EDEN 582 Cross Cultural Communication and Discourse Analysis Seçmeli
EDEN 583 ELT Management Seçmeli
EDEN 586 Corpus Techniques for Teaching English Seçmeli
EDEN 589 English for Specific Purposes Seçmeli
EDEN 590 MA Thesis Seçmeli
EDEN 603 Language Teacher Education Seçmeli
EDEN 605 Recent Approaches in EFL/ESL Reading and Writing Seçmeli
EDEN 606 Recent approaches in EFL/ESL listening and speaking learning/teaching Seçmeli
EDEN 607 Program Evaluation in English Language Education Seçmeli
EDEN 608 Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis Seçmeli
EDEN 611 Qualitative Research in Language Education and Language Teacher Education Seçmeli
EDEN 613 Psycholinguistic Issues in Second Language Acquisition Seçmeli
EDEN 614 Advanced Issues in Applied Linguistics Seçmeli
EDEN 634 Field Work Seçmeli
EDEN 642 Language and Mind Seçmeli
EDEN 643 Educational Technology in English Language Education Seçmeli
EDEN 668 Seminar Seçmeli
EDEN 683 Language Planning and Policy in Education Seçmeli
EDEN 686 World Englishes Seçmeli
EDEN 690 Thesis Seçmeli
EDGN 120 Remedial English I Seçmeli
EDGN 121 Remedial English II Seçmeli
EDGN 200 Social Awareness Seçmeli
EDGN 206 Language and Culture Seçmeli
EDGN 208 Social Media and Career Management Seçmeli
EDGN 210 Addiction and Coping with Addiction Seçmeli
EDGN 211 Nutrition and Health Seçmeli
EDGN 212 History and Philosophy of Science Seçmeli
EDGN 213 Ethics of Science and Research Seçmeli
EDGN 214 Economics of Entrepreneurship Seçmeli
EDGN 215 Traditional Turkish Handcrafts Seçmeli
EDGN 216 Human Rights and Democracy Education Seçmeli
EDGN 218 Career Planning and Development Seçmeli
EDGN 221 English for Professional Purposes Seçmeli
EDGN 223 Turkish Folk Dance Seçmeli
EDGN 225 Turkish Cultural Geography Seçmeli
EDGN 226 Turkish Music Seçmeli
EDGN 227 History of Turkish Art Seçmeli
EDGN 230 Data Analysis Applications in Education Seçmeli
EDGN 238 Working with Disadvantaged Groups Seçmeli
EDGN 248 Chess Education Seçmeli
EDGN 511 Research Seminar and Publishing Seçmeli
EDGN 528 Research Methods and Techniques in Education Seçmeli
EDGN 528U Research Methods and Techniques in Education Seçmeli
EDGN 529 Educational Statistics and Applications Seçmeli
EDGN 604U Advanced Quantitative Research Methods and Techniques in Education Seçmeli
EDTR 352 Teaching Contemporary Literary Criticism Seçmeli
EDTR 454 Teaching Children’s and Young-Adult Literature Seçmeli
EE 428 Numerical Electromagnetics Seçmeli
EE 463 Fundamentals of Machine Learning Seçmeli
EE 508 Random Process and Noise Seçmeli
EE 509 System Theory Seçmeli
EE 511 Advanced Logic Circuit Design Seçmeli
EE 513 Artifical Neural Networks Seçmeli
EE 514 Advanced Embedded System Design Seçmeli
EE 515 Sensors Seçmeli
EE 517 Glow Discharge Processing Seçmeli
EE 518 Sensitivity and Tolerance Analysis Seçmeli
EE 519 Active Network Synthesis Seçmeli
EE 521 Fourier Optics Seçmeli
EE 522 Advanced Antenna Theory Seçmeli
EE 523 Smart Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Systems Seçmeli
EE 526 Biomedical Electromagnetics Seçmeli
EE 527 Microwave Circuit and Systems Seçmeli
EE 528 Numerical Methods for Electromagnetic Problems Seçmeli
EE 529 Analytical Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory Seçmeli
EE 532 Digital IC (Integrated Circuit) Design Seçmeli
EE 533 RF Circuit Design Seçmeli
EE 535 MOS Device Physics and Technology Seçmeli
EE 536 Advanced VLSI System Design Seçmeli
EE 537 Advanced Mixed-Signal IC Design Seçmeli
EE 538 Noise in Electronic Devices and Systems Seçmeli
EE 539 Analog Integrated Circuit Design Seçmeli
EE 542 Quantum Electronics Seçmeli
EE 543 Solid State Electronic Devices Seçmeli
EE 544 Microelectronic Fabrication Seçmeli
EE 545 Semiconductor Processing Technologies Seçmeli
EE 555 Physical Layer Principles of Wireless Communications Seçmeli
EE 558 Digital Communication Theory Seçmeli
EE 559 Information Theory Seçmeli
EE 562 Advanced Image Processing Seçmeli
EE 563 Detection and Estimation Theory Seçmeli
EE 564 Multiresolution Signal Processing Seçmeli
EE 565 Digital Speech Processing Seçmeli
EE 566 Pattern Recognition Seçmeli
EE 568 Advanced Digital Signal Processing Seçmeli
EE 569 Advanced Deep Learning for Computer Vision Seçmeli
EE 571 Power System Operation and Control Seçmeli
EE 573 Flexible Control of Distribution Systems Seçmeli
EE 574 Advanced Power Electronics Seçmeli
EE 578 Dynamics of Electrical Machines Seçmeli
EE 581 Design of Control Systems Seçmeli
EE 583 Fuzzy Logic Modeling and Control Seçmeli
EE 584 Advanced Robotic Sytems Seçmeli
EE 585 Control of Robotic Systems Seçmeli
EE 586 Advanced Digital Control Systems Seçmeli
EE 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
EE 600 MSc Thesis Seçmeli
EE 618 Sensitivity and Tolerance Analysis Seçmeli
EE 619 Advanced Methods in Logic Circuits Seçmeli
EE 621 Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Systems Seçmeli
EE 622 Electromagnetic Compability Seçmeli
EE 624 Numerical Methods in Electrical Engineering Seçmeli
EE 628 Computational Electromagnetics Seçmeli
EE 641 RF Microelectronics Seçmeli
EE 649 Special Topics in Electronics Seçmeli
EE 659 Special Topics in Communication Systems Seçmeli
EE 661 Medical Image Processing Seçmeli
EE 662 Computer Vision Seçmeli
EE 664 Random Signal Processing Seçmeli
EE 669 Advanced Methods for Signal Processing Seçmeli
EE 672 Selected Topics in Power Electronics Seçmeli
EE 678 Special Topics in Electric Power and Energy Systems Seçmeli
EE 689 Advanced Topics on Control Systems Seçmeli
EE 690 Ph.D Seminar Seçmeli
EE 691 Independent Study for Qualifying Exam Seçmeli
EE 695 Selected Topics in Radio Frequency Systems I Seçmeli
EE 696 Special Topics in RF Systems Seçmeli
EE 700 PhD Dissertation Seçmeli
EEP 514 Educational Leadership and Continuous Improvement Strategies Seçmeli
EEP 515 Innovative Approaches to Instruction Seçmeli
ELEC 1 All Courses Seçmeli
ELIT 107 Literary Genres I Seçmeli
ELIT 371 Introduction to Linguistics Seçmeli
ELIT 531 Victorian Poetry Seçmeli
ELIT 532 Victorian Novel Seçmeli
ELIT 533 Twentieth-Century Poetry Seçmeli
ELIT 534 Twentieth-Century Novel Seçmeli
ELIT 535 Gothic Studies and Theory Seçmeli
ELIT 536 Cultural Studies Seçmeli
ELIT 537 Shakespeare Seçmeli
ELIT 538 Modern Drama Seçmeli
ELIT 539 Postcolonial Literature Seçmeli
ELIT 540 World Literature Seçmeli
ELIT 541 Introduction To English Drama I Seçmeli
ELIT 543 Selected Topıcs in Shakespearean Drama Seçmeli
ELIT 601 Selected Topics in Literary Theory I Seçmeli
ELIT 602 Selected Topics in Literary Theory II Seçmeli
ELIT 623 Development of English Drama I Seçmeli
ELIT 624 Development of the English Drama II Seçmeli
ELIT 625 Selected Topics in Shakespeare and His Contemporaries Seçmeli
ELIT 626 Romantic Poetry I Seçmeli
ELIT 627 Romantik Dönem Şiiri II Seçmeli
ELIT 628 Romantic Prose Seçmeli
ELIT 629 Victorian Poetry Seçmeli
ELIT 630 Victorian Prose Seçmeli
ELIT 631 Selected Topics in the English Novel Seçmeli
ELIT 632 Selected Topics in English Drama Seçmeli
ELIT 633 Selected Topics in English Poetry Seçmeli
ELIT 634 Migration and Exile Literature Seçmeli
ELIT 635 Comparative Mythology Seçmeli
ELIT 636 Selected Topics in Shakespeare and World Literature Seçmeli
ELIT 637 Contemporary English Drama Seçmeli
ELIT 638 Irish Drama Seçmeli
ELIT 639 Selected Topics in Postcolonial Literature Seçmeli
ELIT 640 Selected Topics in Psychoanalytical Critical Theory Seçmeli
ELIT 641 Selected Topics in the Modern Novel Seçmeli
ELIT 642 Selected Topics in Gothic Studies Seçmeli
ELIT 643 Tragedy Seçmeli
ELIT 644 Influence and Reception in Comparative Literature Seçmeli
ELIT 645 Literature and Social Sciences/Arts Seçmeli
ELIT 646 From Literature to Cinema Seçmeli
ELIT 647 Ideology and Literature Seçmeli
ELIT 648 Politics and Literature Seçmeli
ELIT 649 Imagology Seçmeli
ELIT 650 19th Century European Novel Seçmeli
ELIT 651 Translation and Literature Seçmeli
ELIT 652 Memory in Literature Seçmeli
ELIT 653 Selected Topics in Comparative Literature Seçmeli
ELIT 654 Comparative Literature and Thematology Seçmeli
ELIT 655 Modern American Literature Seçmeli
ELIT 656 Philosophy and Literature Seçmeli
ELIT 657 Comparative Studies in Poetry Analysis Seçmeli
ELIT 658 Shakespeare and Memory Seçmeli
ELIT 659 Shakespeare: Adaptations, Receptions and Translations Seçmeli
ELIT 660 Shakespeare and Gothic Seçmeli
ELIT 695 Literary Academic Research Methods and Ethics Seçmeli
ELIT 698 Doctoral Seminar in English Literature Seçmeli
ELIT 699 PhD Dissertation Seçmeli
EMBA 500 Contemporary Management Seçmeli
EMBA 502 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Seçmeli
EMBA 503 Global Business Environment Seçmeli
EMBA 504 Strategic Management Seçmeli
EMBA 506 Operations Management Seçmeli
EMBA 507 Human Capital Management Seçmeli
EMBA 520 Financial Management Seçmeli
EMBA 521 Strategic Investment Management Seçmeli
EMBA 560 Strategic Marketing Seçmeli
EMBA 580 Business Foresight and Change Seçmeli
EMBA 581 Business Futures Seçmeli
EMBA 598 Research Methodology and Ethics Seçmeli
EPÖ 501 The Foundations of Curriculum Development in Education Seçmeli
EPÖ 502 Curriculum Development Practices Seçmeli
EPÖ 503 Learning and Teaching Processes Seçmeli
EPÖ 504 STEAM Curriculum Development Seçmeli
EPÖ 508 Seminar Seçmeli
EPÖ 509 Project Seçmeli
EPÖ 514 Curriculum Evaluation Seçmeli
EPÖ 520 Distance Education Seçmeli
EPÖ 527 Assessment and Evaluation Seçmeli
EPÖ 528 Innovative Approaches to Instruction Seçmeli
EPÖ 529 Comparative Education Seçmeli
EPÖ 590 Graduate Thesis Seçmeli
EPÖ 602 Curriculum Design Practice Seçmeli
EPÖ 605 Seminar Seçmeli
EPÖ 606 Cognitive Learning Seçmeli
EPÖ 609 Turkish National Education System Issues Seçmeli
EPÖ 610 Alternative Education Seçmeli
EPÖ 615 Improvements in Teacher Training System Seçmeli
EPÖ 617 Individual Differences in Classroom Seçmeli
EPÖ 618 Comparative Education and Science History Seçmeli
EPÖ 619 Advance Qualitative Research Practice in Education Seçmeli
EPÖ 620 Affective Learning Seçmeli
EPÖ 621 Research in Classroom Management Seçmeli
EPÖ 622 Thinking Processes Seçmeli
EPÖ 624 Adult Education Seçmeli
EPÖ 625 Digital Learning Environments Seçmeli
EPÖ 626 Colloquium in Curriculum Studies Seçmeli
EPÖ 627 Research in Instruction Seçmeli
EPÖ 690 Thesis Seçmeli
ES 112 Algorithms & Computer Programming Seçmeli
ES 117 Introduction to Scientific Computing in Octave Seçmeli
ES 118 Introduction to Scientific Computing in Python Seçmeli
ES 272 Numerical Analysis Seçmeli
ES 310 Results Oriented Innovation Seçmeli
ES 411 Vehicle Electrification Seçmeli
ES 415 Smart Vehicles Seçmeli
ESYE 501 Research Methodology Seçmeli
ESYE 505 Systems Engıneerıng Methodology Seçmeli
ESYE 511 Frameworks, Processes and Application Seçmeli
ESYE 522 Operations Research Seçmeli
ESYE 535 Total Quality Management Seçmeli
ESYE 538 Systems Simulation Seçmeli
ESYE 540 Stochastic Processes Seçmeli
ESYE 541 Engineering Experimental Design Seçmeli
ESYE 547 Forecasting Seçmeli
ESYE 549 Logistics Systems Planning and Design Seçmeli
ESYE 550 Fuzzy Set Theory and Applıcatıons Seçmeli
ESYE 552 Modern Control Engıneerıng Seçmeli
ESYE 553 Multivariate Analysis Seçmeli
ESYE 554 Risk Analysis Seçmeli
ESYE 556 Optimal Control Seçmeli
ESYE 557 Special Topics in Control Theory Seçmeli
ESYE 560 Advanced Methods in OR Seçmeli
ESYE 562 Multicriteria Decision Making Seçmeli
ESYE 564 Supply Chain Managament Seçmeli
ESYE 565 Modeling and Decision Making for Industrial Systems Seçmeli
ESYE 573 Quantitative Methods in Finance Seçmeli
ESYE 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
ESYE 600 MSc Thesis Seçmeli
ESYE 603 Quantitative Methods For Systems Engineering I Seçmeli
ESYE 604 Quantitative Methods For Systems Engineering II Seçmeli
ESYE 605 OR Applications in Healthcare Seçmeli
ESYE 611 Mathematical Programing Seçmeli
ESYE 621 Combinatorial Optimization Seçmeli
ESYE 643 Topics In Engineering Decisions Seçmeli
ESYE 647 Statistical Inference Seçmeli
ESYE 648 Time Series Analysis And Forecasting Seçmeli
ESYE 654 Industrial Automation Systems Seçmeli
ESYE 690 PhD Seminar Seçmeli
ESYE 691 Independent Study for Qualifying Exam Seçmeli
ESYE 697 Topics In Industrial Engineering Seçmeli
ESYE 700 PhD Dissertation Seçmeli
ETT 321 Digital Entrepreneurship Seçmeli
ETT 475 Cross Border E-Commerce Management Seçmeli
EUI 503 European Integration:Key Theories and Issues Seçmeli
EUI 504 Security in European Union Seçmeli
EUI 505 Identity Politics in European Union Seçmeli
EUI 507 European Union Foreign Policy Seçmeli
EUI 508 European Union and Inernational Crisis Seçmeli
EUI 509 Europe Economic Practices Seçmeli
EUI 521 Legal Aspects of European Union Politics Seçmeli
EUI 530 European Union Energy Policies Seçmeli
EUI 532 European Union Agricultural and Development Policies Seçmeli
EUI 535 European Union Environmental and Climate Policy Seçmeli
EUI 541 Public Opinion in European Union Seçmeli
EUI 543 Political Communication and Media in European Union Seçmeli
EUI 546 Survey Design in European Studies Seçmeli
EUI 549 European Union's Practices of Democracy Seçmeli
EUI 551 Methods and Strategies for Smart Cities Seçmeli
EUI 552 Political Parties, Electoral Systems and Election Campaigns Seçmeli
EUI 597 Graduation Project Seçmeli
EUI 599 Thesis Seçmeli
EYD 503 Developing School Culture Seçmeli
EYD 504 Educational Administration Seçmeli
EYD 505 Organizational Structures of the National Turkish Educational System Seçmeli
EYD 509 Human Resources Management in Education Seçmeli
EYD 511 Seminer: Öğretmen Değerlendirmesi Seçmeli
EYD 513 Organizational Behavior Seçmeli
EYD 560 Graduation Project Seçmeli
EYD 599 Thesıs Seçmeli
FAR 700 Thesis- Special Topics Seçmeli
FAR 701 Mechanisms of action of Drug Seçmeli
FAR 702 Pharmacokinetic Seçmeli
FAR 703 Functional Anatomy, Pharmacology of the Cell and Signalling Delivery Mechanisms Seçmeli
FAR 704 Advanced Pharmacology of Signalling Between Cells and Neurotransmitters Seçmeli
FAR 705 Advanced Pharmacology of Signalling Between Cells and Autocoids Seçmeli
FAR 706 Advanced Pharmacology of Signalling Between Cells and Hormones Seçmeli
FAR 707 Advanced Experimental Pharmacology I Seçmeli
FAR 708 Advanced Experimental Pharmacology-2 Seçmeli
FAR 709 Advanced Technics in Literature Searching and Evaluation-I Seçmeli
FAR 710 Advanced Technics in Literature Searching and Evaluation-II Seçmeli
FAR 711 Advanced Techincs in Scientific Presentation and Writing Seçmeli
FAR 712 Advanced Biostatistics (Epidemiology) Seçmeli
FAR 713 Science Ethics Seçmeli
FAR 714 Toxicology Seçmeli
FAR 715 Principles of Clinical Pharmacology Seçmeli
FAR 716 Pharmacology of Endocrine System Seçmeli
FAR 717 Pharmacogenetics Seçmeli
FAR 718 Molecular Pharmacology Seçmeli
FAR 719 Autonomic Nervous System Pharmacology Seçmeli
FAR 720 Cardiovascular System Drugs Seçmeli
FAR 721 Respiratory System Drugs Seçmeli
FAR 722 Psychoneuropharmacology Seçmeli
FAR 723 Seminar Seçmeli
FDE 313 Physical Properties of Food Biomaterials Seçmeli
FDE 462 Trends in Food Science and Technology Seçmeli
FE 500 Fundamentals of Finance Seçmeli
FE 501 Financial Calculus Seçmeli
FE 502 Financial Econometrics Seçmeli
FE 503 Optimization Models in Economics and Finance Seçmeli
FE 504 Derivative Securities and Markets Seçmeli
FE 505 Investment Analysis And Portfolio Theory Seçmeli
FE 506 Finansta Stokastik Modelleme Seçmeli
FE 507 Prıncıples Of Fınancıal Engıneerıng Seçmeli
FE 510 Computatıonal Fınance Seçmeli
FE 511 Fınancıal Rısk Analysıs And Management Seçmeli
FE 512 Analysis of Financial Time Series Seçmeli
FE 514 Finansta Belirsizlik Ve Enformasyon Seçmeli
FE 515 Asset Pricing Seçmeli
FE 516 Behavioral Finance Seçmeli
FE 530 International Finance Seçmeli
FE 531 Global Financial Systems and Crisis Seçmeli
FE 532 Research In International Finance Seçmeli
FE 533 Economıcs And Fınancıal Systems Of Emergıng Markets Seçmeli
FE 536 Mergers and Acquisitions ( M&A ) Seçmeli
FE 537 Money and Banking Seçmeli
FE 597 Graduation Project Seçmeli
FE 598 Seminar in Financial Economics Seçmeli
FE 599 Thesıs Seçmeli
FE 600 Special Topics in Financial Econometrics Seçmeli
FE 605 Advanced Investment Analysis and Portfolio Theory Seçmeli
FE 616 Advanced Behavioral Finance Seçmeli
FE 623 Levy Processes In Fınance Seçmeli
FE 624 Multıvarıate Fınancıal Tıme Srıes Analysıs Seçmeli
FE 625 Neural Networks In Fınance Seçmeli
FE 626 Econophysıcs Seçmeli
FE 627 Advanced Rısk Modellıng In Fınancıal Markets Seçmeli
FE 628 Blockchain Applications and Cryptocurrencies Seçmeli
FE 630 Advanced International Finance Seçmeli
FE 631 Advanced Macroeconomics and Finance Seçmeli
FE 632 Advanced Mıcroeconomıcs Seçmeli
FE 633 Empırıcal Topıcs In Economıcs And Fınance Seçmeli
FE 634 Financial Decision Making Techniques Seçmeli
FE 635 Advanced Research Methods and Ethic Seçmeli
FE 637 Advanced Money and Banking Seçmeli
FE 698 Seminar Seçmeli
FE 699 Thesis Seçmeli
FEAS 501 Research Methodology and Ethics Seçmeli
FEAS 598 Seminar Seçmeli
FEAS 601 Research Methodology and Ethics Seçmeli
FEAS 698 Seminar Seçmeli
FHS 102 General Pathology Seçmeli
FHS 104 Microbiology Seçmeli
FHS 202 Principles of Pharmacology Seçmeli
FHS 301 Research Methodology in Health Sciences Seçmeli
FPT 601 Pathophysiology of Hematopoietic System Seçmeli
FPT 602 Pathophysiology of Cardiovascular System Seçmeli
FPT 603 Pathophysiology of Respiratory System Seçmeli
FPT 604 Pathophysiology of Endocrine System Seçmeli
FPT 605 Pathophysiology of Urinary System Seçmeli
FPT 606 Pathophysiology of Gastrointestinal System Seçmeli
FPT 607 Advanced Immunology Seçmeli
FPT 608 Advanced Methods and Models of Researchs Seçmeli
FPT 609 Pathophysiology of Reproductive System Seçmeli
FPT 610 Pathophysiology of Musculoskeletal System, and Connective Tissue Diseases Seçmeli
FPT 611 Pathophysiology of Immun System Diseases Seçmeli
FPT 612 Trace Elements and Vitamins in Health and Disease Seçmeli
FPT 613 Pathobiology and Pathophysiology of Cancer Seçmeli
FPT 614 Cardiac Arrhythmias and The Analysis, and The Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram Seçmeli
FPT 615 Clinical Toxicology Seçmeli
FPT 690 Seminar Seçmeli
FPT 699 Thesis Seçmeli
FTR 208 Advanced Electrotherapy Seçmeli
FTR 601 Exercise Physiology Seçmeli
FTR 602 Test and Measurements in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Seçmeli
FTR 604 Seminar Seçmeli
FTR 605 Neuro-physiological Approaches in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Seçmeli
FTR 607 Patho-kinesiology of the Human Body Seçmeli
FTR 608 Advanced Electrotherapy Seçmeli
FTR 609 Neurological Rehabilitation in Adults Seçmeli
FTR 610 Advanced Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology Seçmeli
FTR 611 Nutrition in Rehabilitation Seçmeli
FTR 612 Occupational Therapy Seçmeli
FTR 613 Trends in Orthotics and Rehabilitation Seçmeli
FTR 614 Pediatric Rehabilitation Seçmeli
FTR 615 Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation Seçmeli
FTR 616 Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Seçmeli
FTR 617 Evidenced Based Rehabilitation Seçmeli
FTR 618 Community Health Rehabilitation Seçmeli
FTR 619 International Classification of Function in Physiotherapy Seçmeli
FTR 620 Speech and Hearing Disabilities and Rehabilitation Approaches Seçmeli
FTR 621 Geriatric Rehabilitation Seçmeli
FTR 622 Cognitive Rehabilitation Seçmeli
FTR 623 Physiotherapy in Pain Treatment Seçmeli
FTR 690 Thesis Seçmeli
FZY 601 Cellular and Molecular Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 602 Advanced Cardiovascular Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 603 Advanced Blood Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 604 Advanced Respiratory System Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 605 Advanced Nervous System Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 606 Advanced Endocrine System Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 607 Advanced Gastro-Intestinal System Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 608 Advanced Renal System Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 609 Immune System Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 610 Advanced Reproductive System Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 611 Musculo-Skeletal System Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 612 Sports and Exercise Physiology Seçmeli
FZY 613 Advanced Research Methods and Models Seçmeli
FZY 614 Cardiac Arrhythmias and Electrocardiographic Analysis Seçmeli
FZY 690 Seminar Seçmeli
FZY 699 Thesis Seçmeli
GBE 102 Biology II Seçmeli
GBE 321 Biothermodynamics Seçmeli
GRA 501 Project: Advertising Graphics Design Seçmeli
GRA 503 Analyze Of Media Advertising Seçmeli
GRA 508 Project: Experimental Graphic Design Seçmeli
GRA 519 Design and Social Responsibility Seçmeli
GRA 521 Advertising Photography I Seçmeli
GRA 522 Advertising Photography II Seçmeli
GRA 523 Experimental Typgrafphy I Seçmeli
GRA 524 Experimental Typgrafphy II Seçmeli
GRA 525 Web Design I Seçmeli
GRA 526 Web Design II Seçmeli
GRA 527 Graphic Form Studio I Seçmeli
GRA 528 Graphic Form Studio II Seçmeli
GRA 529 Poster Studio I Seçmeli
GRA 530 Poster Studio II Seçmeli
GRA 599 Thesis Seçmeli
GRA 601 Graphic Design Theory Seçmeli
GRA 602 Project: Contemporary Approaches in Graphic Design and Design Innovation Seçmeli
GRA 603 Project: Design for Social Issues and Field Study Seçmeli
GRA 604 Project: Graphic Arts Practices Seçmeli
GRA 607 Experimental Illustration Studio Seçmeli
GRA 610 Communication Through Graphic Animation Seçmeli
GRA 613 New Approaches in Typography and Language Seçmeli
GRA 699 Thesis Seçmeli
GTCP 501 Curriculum in International Context Seçmeli
GTCP 502 Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in IB Seçmeli
GTCP 503 Professional Development & Study Skills Seçmeli
GTCP 506 Inquiry-based Learning (TOK Focus) Seçmeli
GTCP 507 Creativity in Education Seçmeli
GTCP 514 Teaching and Assessment in Language A: Literature Seçmeli
GTCP 515 Curriculum Studies Language A: Literature Seçmeli
GTCP 524 İngilizce B dersinde Öğretim ve Değerlendirme Seçmeli
GTCP 525 Curriculum Studies: Language B: English Seçmeli
GTCP 544 Teaching and Assessment in Biology Seçmeli
GTCP 545 Curriculum Studies in Biology Seçmeli
GTCP 554 Teaching and Assessment in Mathematics Seçmeli
GTCP 555 Curriculum Studies in Mathematics Seçmeli
GTCP 564 Teaching and Assessment in Psychology Seçmeli
GTCP 565 Curriculum Studies in Psychology Seçmeli
GTCP 574 Teaching and Assessment in Business and Management Seçmeli
GTCP 575 Curriculum Studies in Business and Management Seçmeli
GTCP 584 Teaching and Assessment in ITGS Seçmeli
GTCP 585 Curriculum Studies: ITGS Seçmeli
HE 501 Structures and Histochemical Properties of Cells and Tissues Seçmeli
HE 502 Application of Histological and Molecular Laboratory Techniques Seçmeli
HE 503 General Embryology Seçmeli
HE 504 Histology of Urogenital and Endocrine System Seçmeli
HE 505 Embryology of Urogenital and Endocrine System Seçmeli
HE 507 Basic Assisted Reproductive Techniques Seçmeli
HE 590 Seminar Seçmeli
HE 599 Thesis Seçmeli
HE 601 Research Methods of Cell and Developmental Biology Seçmeli
HE 602 Embryology and Histology of Cardiovascular System Seçmeli
HE 603 Embryology and Histology of Respiratory System Seçmeli
HE 604 Embryology and Histology of Digestive System Seçmeli
HE 605 Embryology and Histology of Urogenital System Seçmeli
HE 606 Embryology and Histology of Nervous System Seçmeli
HE 607 Embryology and Histology of Endocrine System Seçmeli
HE 608 Embryology and Histology of Special Sense Organs Seçmeli
HE 610 Reproductive Genetics and Infertility Seçmeli
HE 612 Biology of Stem Cells and Tumor Cells Seçmeli
HE 613 Principles of Electron Microscopy Seçmeli
HE 690 Seminar Seçmeli
HE 699 Thesis Seçmeli
HESC 574 Human Genetics in Health Science Seçmeli
HESC 581 Bioistatistics I Seçmeli
HESC 582 Bioistatistics II Seçmeli
HIST 501 Readings and Research in Thesis Seçmeli
HIST 502 History Research Methods Seçmeli
HIST 505 Oral History (Theory and Method) Seçmeli
HIST 506 Women in Late Ottoman and Republican Turkey Seçmeli
HIST 507 Visual History Of Late Ottoman Empire And Early Reublican Turkey Seçmeli
HIST 508 Sources of Visual History Seçmeli
HIST 509 The history of the Turkish States in the Middle Ages I Seçmeli
HIST 510 The history of the Turkish States in the Middle Ages II Seçmeli
HIST 511 20th century Turkish World Explorations Seçmeli
HIST 512 History of Modern Eurasian Studies Seçmeli
HIST 513 Ottoman Paleography Seçmeli
HIST 514 Studies on Ottoman History Resources Seçmeli
HIST 516 Reading on History of the Ottoman Empire 1500-1800 Seçmeli
HIST 523 Eurasia Turkish History I Seçmeli
HIST 524 Eurasia Turkish History II Seçmeli
HIST 525 Archival Studies Seçmeli
HIST 528 Late Ottoman Modernisation and Reform (19th Century) Seçmeli
HIST 531 Modernization Process in Europe Seçmeli
HIST 532 Modernite ve Görsel Kültür Seçmeli
HIST 533 The Dilemma of Tradition and Modernity in History Seçmeli
HIST 534 Scientific Research and Ethics Seçmeli
HIST 535 The Turkish Political Life after the First World War. Seçmeli
HIST 536 The Turkish Foreign Policy During the Cold War Period Seçmeli
HIST 597 Graduation Project Seçmeli
HIST 598 Seminar Seçmeli
HIST 599 Thesıs Seçmeli
HIST 604 Reading and Evaluating Historical Resources of the Early Republican Period Seçmeli
HIST 605 Methodology of Visual History Seçmeli
HIST 606 Reading and Evaluating Visual History Resources Seçmeli
HIST 607 Early Medieval Byzantine Historical Texts and Sources Seçmeli
HIST 609 Sources of Medieval Turkish History Seçmeli
HIST 610 Organization of Medieval Turkish States Seçmeli
HIST 611 Sources of Ottoman Political History of the Early Modern Period Seçmeli
HIST 612 Siyasetnames of Ottoman Empire Seçmeli
HIST 614 History of the Republic from 1923 to 1990 Seçmeli
HIST 615 Social History of National Struggle Seçmeli
HIST 616 Social Structure from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic Seçmeli
HIST 617 Ottoman Diplomacy Seçmeli
HIST 618 Late Ottoman Modernization and Reform (19th Century) Seçmeli
HIST 620 Scientific Research and Ethics Seçmeli
HIST 621 Turkish History of Central Asia I Seçmeli
HIST 622 Turkish History of Central Asia II Seçmeli
HIST 624 History Philosophy and Histography Seçmeli
HIST 625 The Turkish Period from 1908 to 1923 Seçmeli
HIST 626 Classical Period Ottoman Diplomacy Seçmeli
HIST 627 The History of XIX. Century Ottoman Diplomacy Seçmeli
HIST 629 The Turkish Woman in the Reform Process Seçmeli
HIST 698 Doctorate Seminar Seçmeli
HIST 699 Doctoral Thesis Seçmeli
HRM 221 Effective Communicatıon Techniques in the Organizations Seçmeli
HRM 332 Work and Professional Ethic Seçmeli
HRM 334 Information Systems and the Metaverse World in the 21st Century Seçmeli
HRM 335 Assessment and Development Center Exercises for HR Professionals Seçmeli
HRM 336 Understanding the Consumer in Human Resources Seçmeli
HRM 342 Technological Developments and Applications in Business Life Seçmeli
HRM 432 Human Capital Management Seçmeli
HRM 501 Human Resource Management in Business Life Seçmeli
HRM 502 Training, Development and Change in Organizations Seçmeli
HRM 503 Compensation, Performance and Planning in Human Resources Seçmeli
HRM 504 Business Law Seçmeli
HRM 505 Organizational Behavior in Human Resource Management Seçmeli
HRM 507 Persuation and Communication Psychology Seçmeli
HRM 508 Human Resources Information Systems Seçmeli
HRM 509 Career Management Seçmeli
HRM 511 Occupational Health and Safety Seçmeli
HRM 513 Human Resources Management with Corporate Coaching Approach Seçmeli
HRM 514 Team Member Selection and Placement Seçmeli
HRM 515 International Human Resources, Global Diversity and Equality Management Seçmeli
HRM 516 Job Psychology Seçmeli
HRM 517 Ability to deal with Outsource for Human Resources Seçmeli
HRM 518 Digital Competencies for HR Seçmeli
HRM 519 Information Systems and the Metaverse World in the 21st Century Seçmeli
HRM 520 Understanding the Consumer in Human Resources Seçmeli
HRM 521 Trends in Management in Human Resources Seçmeli
HRM 597 Graduation Project Seçmeli
HRM 598 Seminar Seçmeli
HRM 599 Thesis Seçmeli
HS 501 Introduction to public health Seçmeli
HS 502 Global health - I Seçmeli
HS 503 Epidemiology - I Seçmeli
HS 504 Basic Biostatistics Seçmeli
HS 505 Communicable diseases and public health Seçmeli
HS 506 Global health - II Seçmeli
HS 507 Epidemiology - II Seçmeli
HS 508 Health promotion and health behavior Seçmeli
HS 509 Evidence based medicine Seçmeli
HS 510 Making Sense of Data Seçmeli
HS 511 Occupational and environmental health Seçmeli
HS 512 Health management and policy Seçmeli
HS 513 Mother and Child Health Seçmeli
HS 514 Public Health and Ethics Seçmeli
HS 515 Public Health and Demography Seçmeli
HS 516 Community Nutrition Seçmeli
HS 517 Community Oriented Primary Care Seçmeli
HS 518 Ageing and Health Seçmeli
HS 519 Health Inequities in Vulnerable Populations Seçmeli
HS 590 Seminar Seçmeli
HS 598 Graduation Project Seçmeli
HS 599 Dissertation Seçmeli
HTR 301 History of Turkish Revolution I Seçmeli
IBED 400 Professional Development and Study Skills Seminar Seçmeli
IMC 511 Integrated Marketing Communication Seçmeli
IMC 512 Media Planning and Procurement Seçmeli
IMC 513 Brand Management and Corporate Communications Seçmeli
IMC 522 Creative Marketing Communication Strategies Seçmeli
IMC 532 Communication Skills and Persuasive Communication Seçmeli
IMC 563 Digital Marketing Communications Seçmeli
IMC 566 Competitive Strategies Seçmeli
IMC 572 Graduation Project Seçmeli
IMC 599 Thesis Seçmeli
IND 501 Analysis of User Needs Seçmeli
IND 502 User Experience Design Seçmeli
IND 503 Universal Design Seçmeli
IND 521 Cultural Elements in Interaction Design Seçmeli
IND 522 Graphic Animation Seçmeli
IND 525 Design Management Seçmeli
IND 526 Sound Design Seçmeli
IND 571 User Experience Prototyping Seçmeli
IND 572 Graphical User Interface Design Seçmeli
IND 574 Behavioural Sciences and Cognitive Psychology Seçmeli
IND 592 Interaction Project Design Seçmeli
IND 599 Thesis Seçmeli
INDD 161 Technical Drawing for Design Seçmeli
INDD 215 Structural Packaging Design Seçmeli
INDD 365 Accessories and Jewellary Design Seçmeli
INDD 401 Project V Seçmeli
INDD 403 Fictional Product and Space Design Seçmeli
INDD 496 Typography in Design Seçmeli
INP 112 Database Manage Systems Seçmeli
INP 121 Anwendung der Künstlichen Intelligenz Seçmeli
INP 214 Machine Learning Seçmeli
INTD 313 Advanced Modellıng In Interıor Archıtecture Seçmeli
INTD 360 Material and Surface Finishings Seçmeli
INTD 362 Computer Applications in Interior Design Seçmeli
INTD 381 Special Computer Applications in Architecture Seçmeli
INTD 461 Installation and Acoustic of Buildings Seçmeli
INTD 481 Smart Buildings Seçmeli
INTD 482 Computer Visualisation Techniques Seçmeli
INTE 506 Educational Interface Development in Multimedia Seçmeli
INTE 508 Social Media Management in Education Seçmeli
INTE 510 Communication Theories and Media Education Seçmeli
INTE 511 Seminar Seçmeli
INTE 512 Digital Literacies and Education Seçmeli
INTE 513 Educational Game Design and Development Seçmeli
INTE 515 Internet Based Qualitative Research Techniques Seçmeli
INTE 521 Artificial Intelligence and Semantic Web Applications in Education Seçmeli
INTE 523 Educational Application Design for Mobile Technologies Seçmeli
INTE 530 Learning Management Systems Seçmeli
INTE 535 Human – Computer Interaction Seçmeli
INTE 590 Thesis Seçmeli
ISD 601 Interdisciplinary Studies on “Disabilities” Seçmeli
ISE 304 Systems Engineering Methods with DHL Seçmeli
ISE 428 Graph Theory and Network Flows Seçmeli
ISG 508 Occupational Psychology and Teaching Skills in Occupational Health and Safety Seçmeli
ISG 590 Seminar Seçmeli
ISG 592 Project Work Seçmeli
ISG 599 Thesis Seçmeli
IYPOP 501 Curriculum and Assessment in the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Seçmeli
IYPOP 502 Approaches to Teaching and Learning in the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Seçmeli
IYPOP 503 Conceptual Learning in the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Seçmeli
IYPOP 504 Action in the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program and Teaching Practice Seçmeli
JRN 276 Digital Design Practices in Journalism Seçmeli
JRN 351 Investigative Journalism Seçmeli
JRN 444 Sport Journalism Seçmeli
JRN 503 Principles of Digital Journalism Seçmeli
JRN 504 Comparative Journalism Seçmeli
JRN 507 New Media Theories Seçmeli
JRN 530 Media Convergency Seçmeli
JRN 545 Cognitive Management and Journalism Seçmeli
JRN 560 Digital Memory and Journalism Seçmeli
JRN 562 Cyber Culture and Virtual Identity Seçmeli
JRN 570 Digital Media Management and Journalism Seçmeli
JRN 580 International Communication and Its Problems Seçmeli
JRN 599 Thesis Seçmeli
KENT 501 Urban Design Studio/Workshop Seçmeli
KENT 502 Evolution of Public Open Spaces Seçmeli
KENT 503 City, Identity and Space from Modernism to Postmodernism Seçmeli
KENT 504 Globalisation and Regeneration of City Centres Seçmeli
KENT 505 Sustainable Urban Open Spaces Seçmeli
KENT 506 Urban Open Space Quality Seçmeli
KENT 507 Design with Nature Seçmeli
KENT 508 Ecological Sustainability and Restoration Seçmeli
KENT 509 Cultural Landscape and Conservation Approaches Seçmeli
KENT 510 Recreation Areas Planning Seçmeli
KENT 511 Urban Furniture in Spatial Design Seçmeli
KENT 512 Inclusive Urban Design Seçmeli
KENT 513 Contemporary Approaches to Landscape Architecture Seçmeli
KENT 514 Climate-sensitive Urban Design Approaches Seçmeli
KENT 515 Geographic Information Systems Seçmeli
KENT 516 Landscape Engineering Details Seçmeli
KENT 517 Planting Critics in Landscape Practice Seçmeli
KENT 518 Arboretum and Botanical Gardens Seçmeli
KENT 519 Urban Design Guides Seçmeli
KENT 520 Environmental Psychology Seçmeli
KENT 521 City Master Plan Concepts and Applications Seçmeli
KENT 522 Right to the City’ from a Social/Sociological Perspective Seçmeli
KENT 523 Urban Regeneration Seçmeli
KENT 524 Urban Image and Placemaking Seçmeli
KENT 525 Sustainability and Urban Resilience Seçmeli
KENT 526 Real Estate Appraisal Seçmeli
KENT 527 Environmental Policies and Local Governments Seçmeli
KENT 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
KENT 599 Term Project Seçmeli
KPD 101 Kariyer Planlama Seçmeli
KPD 102 Girişimcilik Seçmeli
KYL 550 Graduation Project Seçmeli
LAND 428 Lawn and Groundcovers Seçmeli
LAUD 220 Indoor Plants and Design Seçmeli
LAUD 221 Irrigation and Drainage Seçmeli
LAUD 225 Soil Science Seçmeli
LAUD 304 Contemporary Landscape Approaches Seçmeli
LAUD 311 Plant Breeding Techniques Seçmeli
LAUD 402 Design Studio VI Seçmeli
LAUD 403 Sustainable Tourism Planning and Design Seçmeli
LAUD 407 Techniques of Landscape Maintenance Seçmeli
LAUD 408 Environmental Impact Assessment Seçmeli
LAUD 409 Landscape Aesthetics and Landscape Quality Seçmeli
LAUD 421 Urban Furniture Seçmeli
LAUD 427 Advanced Rendering Techniques in Urban Design Seçmeli
LAUD 429 Urban Design and Zoning Regulations Seçmeli
LAUD 430 Planning of Botanic Garden with NGBB Seçmeli
LAUD 501 Urban Design Studio Seçmeli
LAUD 502 Evolution of Public Open Spaces Seçmeli
LAUD 503 City, Identity and Space from Modernism to Postmodernism Seçmeli
LAUD 504 Globalisation and Renegeneration of City Centres Seçmeli
LAUD 505 Sustainable Urban Open Spaces Seçmeli
LAUD 506 Urban Open Space Quality Seçmeli
LAUD 507 Design with Nature Seçmeli
LAUD 508 Ecological Sustainability and Restoration Seçmeli
LAUD 509 Cultural Landscape and Conservation Approaches Seçmeli
LAUD 510 Recreation Areas Planning Seçmeli
LAUD 511 Urban Furniture in Spatial Design Seçmeli
LAUD 512 Inclusive Urban Design Seçmeli
LAUD 513 Contemporary Approaches to Landscape Architecture Seçmeli
LAUD 514 Climate-sensitive Urban Design Approaches Seçmeli
LAUD 515 Geographic Information Systems Seçmeli
LAUD 516 Landscape Engineering Details Seçmeli
LAUD 517 Planting Critics in Landscape Practice Seçmeli
LAUD 518 Arboretum and Botanical Gardens Seçmeli
LAUD 519 Urban Design Guides Seçmeli
LAUD 520 Environmental Psychology Seçmeli
LAUD 521 City Master Plan Concepts and Applications Seçmeli
LAUD 522 ‘Right to the City’ from a Social/Sociological Perspective Seçmeli
LAUD 523 Urban Regeneration Seçmeli
LAUD 524 Urban Image and Placemaking Seçmeli
LAUD 525 Sustainability and Urban Resilience Seçmeli
LAUD 526 Real Estate Appraisal Seçmeli
LAUD 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
LAUD 600 MSc Thesis Seçmeli
LAW 101 Introduction to Law and Legal Methodology Seçmeli
LAW 111 Constitutional Law Seçmeli
LAW 112 Turkish Constitutional Law Seçmeli
LAW 122 Civil Law II Seçmeli
LAW 132 Legal Terminology II Seçmeli
LAW 144 Legal History II Seçmeli
LAW 151 General Public Law I Seçmeli
LAW 152 General Public Law II Seçmeli
LAW 221 Philosophy and Sociology of Law Seçmeli
LAW 231 Administrative Law I Seçmeli
LAW 232 Administrative Law II Seçmeli
LAW 234 Constitional Jurisdiction Seçmeli
LAW 241 Criminal Law General Provisions I Seçmeli
LAW 242 Criminal Law General Provisions II Seçmeli
LAW 251 Law of Obligations General Provisions I Seçmeli
LAW 252 Law of Obligations General Provisions Seçmeli
LAW 297 Administrative Jurisdiction Seçmeli
LAW 301 Law Of Obligation Special Provisions I Seçmeli
LAW 302 Law of Obligations Special Provisions II Seçmeli
LAW 311 Criminal Law Special Provisions I Seçmeli
LAW 312 Criminal Law Special Provisions II Seçmeli
LAW 321 Commercial Law I Seçmeli
LAW 322 Commercial Law II Seçmeli
LAW 331 Civil Procedure Law Seçmeli
LAW 335 Introduction to Information Technology Law Seçmeli
LAW 341 Law of Property I Seçmeli
LAW 342 Law of Property II Seçmeli
LAW 355 Labour Law Seçmeli
LAW 401 Application of Civil Law I Seçmeli
LAW 404 Maritime Law Seçmeli
LAW 411 Criminal Procedure Law I Seçmeli
LAW 422 Competition Law Seçmeli
LAW 423 Forensic Medicine Seçmeli
LAW 432 Insurance Law Seçmeli
LAW 436 Practice of Criminal Law Seçmeli
LAW 452 Bankruptcy Law and Composition with Creditors Seçmeli
LAW 461 Private International Law (Law of Foreigners and Nationality) Seçmeli
LAW 462 Private International Law and Procedure Seçmeli
LAW 472 Public Finance and Tax Law Seçmeli
LAW 504 Atypical Contracts I Seçmeli
LAW 505 The Cheque law Seçmeli
LAW 506 Uluslar Arası Karayolu Taşımacılığı Hukuku Seçmeli
LAW 508 Law of Non-Contractural Liabilities Seçmeli
LAW 520 Qualified Calculations Based on Labour Legislation Seçmeli
LAW 525 The Competition Law of Digital Markets and Digital Markets Regulation Seçmeli
LAW 526 Artificial Intelligence Online Platforms and Law Seçmeli
LAW 531 Current Concordat Practies Seçmeli
LAW 533 Defective Intention Seçmeli
LAW 541 Termination of Marriage and Its Legal Consequences Seçmeli
LAW 547 Yeni Türk Ticaret Kanunu Çerçevesinde Sermaye Şirketlerinde Pay, Pay Senedi Ve Bunların Devri Seçmeli
LAW 548 Developments in Family Law Seçmeli
LAW 552 Amerikan Sözleşmeler Hukukunun Esasları Seçmeli
LAW 553 Parti İçi Demokrasi ve Hukuksal Çerçeve Seçmeli
LAW 555 Shareholder Rights in Joint Stock Companies Seçmeli
LAW 557 Ceza Hukukunun Siyasal Sistemleri Şekillendirmesi Seçmeli
LAW 558 Mergers & Acquisitions Seçmeli
LAW 560 Personal Rights and Protection of Personality Under Turkish Civil Code Seçmeli
LAW 562 Sermaye Şirketlerinde Güncel Gelişmeler Seçmeli
LAW 563 Borç İlişkilerinde Tarafların Değişmesi Seçmeli
LAW 564 Ekonomik Nitelikli Kamu Hizmetleri Seçmeli
LAW 566 Torts and Quasi Delictum Seçmeli
LAW 567 Sports Arbitration Law Seçmeli
LAW 568 Appeal Procedure and Major Problems of Civil Procedure Law Seçmeli
LAW 570 International Information Technology Law and Cyber Crimes Seçmeli
LAW 572 Investor Protection in Capital Markets Law Seçmeli
LAW 573 Data Protection Law Seçmeli
LAW 574 Appeal in Criminal Procedure Seçmeli
LAW 575 Conversion of the Type of Common Stock in Joint Stock Companies in the Light of International Devel. Seçmeli
LAW 576 Global Warming and Climate Protection Law Seçmeli
LAW 577 Constitutional Principles Of Right to Vote Seçmeli
LAW 578 Agency Contract and Quasi-Agency Relations Regulated Under the Turkish Code of Obligations Seçmeli
LAW 579 Collective Ownership Seçmeli
LAW 580 Organized Crimes Seçmeli
LAW 582 Trademark and Desing Law II Seçmeli
LAW 590 Scientific Research Medhods in Law Seçmeli
LAW 591 Ticaret Hukuku I Seçmeli
LAW 597 Seminar Seçmeli
LAW 598 Graduation Project Seçmeli
LAW 599 Thesis Seçmeli
LAW 612 Banking Law Seçmeli
LAW 629 Ceza Muhakemeleri Kanununda Genel İlkeler Seçmeli
LAW 632 Adliyeye Karşı Suçlar Seçmeli
LAW 633 Borçlar Hukukunda İfa Engelleri Seçmeli
LAW 634 Deniz Kazalarında Donatanın Sorumlulukları Seçmeli
LAW 640 Gemiler Üzerinde Mülkiyet Ve Rehin Hakları Seçmeli
LAW 642 Yeni B.K. Tasarısı Işığında Genel İşlem Şartları Seçmeli
LAW 653 Hekimin Cezai Sorumluluğu Seçmeli
LAW 655 Türk Hukukunda Ekonomik Suçlar Seçmeli
LAW 658 Yabancı Sermaye Yatırımları Ve Uluslararası Tahkim Seçmeli
LAW 663 Marıne Insurance / Reınsurance Seçmeli
LAW 664 European Unıon Law Instıtutıons Seçmeli
LAW 674 Uygulamadaki Taşınmaz Davaları Seçmeli
LAW 685 Kamu Güveni Aleyhine İşlenen Suçlar Sahtekarlık Suçları Seçmeli
LAW 697 Ceza Muhakemesi Hukukunda Koruma Tedbirleri Seçmeli
LAW 699 Thesıs Seçmeli
LAW 701 Internatıonal Cıvıl Lıtıgatıon Seçmeli
LAW 706 Internatıonal Arbıtratıon Law Seçmeli
LAW 727 Türk Hukukunda ve Uluslararası Hukukta İfade Özgürlüğü Seçmeli
LAW 728 Türk Hukukunda Ve Uluslararası Hukukta İnanç Özgürlüğü Seçmeli
LAW 744 Hükümet Ve Parti Sistemleri Seçmeli
LAW 745 Dağıtım Ağları (Franchıse, Tek Satıcılık Seçici Dağıtım Sözleşmeleri Seçmeli
LAW 749 Türk Ceza Hukukunda Önemli Davalar Seçmeli
LAW 759 Uluslararası Hukukta Soykırım, Etnik Temizlik Ve Saldırı Kavramı Seçmeli
LAW 766 Yeni Türk Ticaret Kanununda Sorumluluk Sigortaları Seçmeli
LAW 769 Anayasa Hukukunun Güncel Sorunları II Seçmeli
LAW 773 Demokrasi Teorisi Seçmeli
LAW 777 Hmk'Na Göre İspat Ve Deliller Seçmeli
LAW 778 Marka Ve Tasarım Hukuku Seçmeli
LAW 782 Energy Law Seçmeli
LAW 785 Vergi Hukukunun Güncel Problemleri Seçmeli
LAW 788 Kira Hukuku Seçmeli
LAW 790 Scientific Research Medhods in Law Seçmeli
LAW 791 European Competıtıon Polıcy Seçmeli
LAW 793 Borçların ve Borç İlişkilerinin Sona Ermesi Seçmeli
LAW 794 Türk Hukukunda Sigorta Aracıları Konusunda Yeni Gelişmeler Seçmeli
LAW 795 Navlun Sözleşmeleri Ve Deniz Ticaret Hukukunda Son Gelişmeler Seçmeli
LAW 796 Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi ve Adil Yargılanma Hakkı Seçmeli
LAW 797 Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesinde İfade Özgürlüğü Ve Masumiyet Karinesi Seçmeli
LAW 802 Uluslararası Hukuk ve Deniz Hukuku Sorunları Seçmeli
LAW 811 Ab Hukuku Ve Türkiye-Ab İlişkileri Seçmeli
LAW 815 Sorumluluk Sigortaları Seçmeli
LAW 897 Seminar Seçmeli
MAN 001 Almanca Hazırlık Kur 1 Seçmeli
MAN 002 Almanca Hazırlık Kur 2 Seçmeli
MAN 003 Almanca Hazırlık Kur 3 Seçmeli
MAN 004 Almanca Hazırlık Kur 4 Seçmeli
MAN 327 Strategıen Der Dıgıtalen Transformation Seçmeli
MAN 331 Konsumentenverhalten Seçmeli
MAN 519 International Financial Management Seçmeli
MAN 521 International Strategic Management Seçmeli
MAN 529 International Marketing Strategies Seçmeli
MAN 531 Scientific Research Techniques and Ethics Seçmeli
MAN 532 International Production Management Seçmeli
MAN 533 Strategic Cost Management Seçmeli
MAN 534 Interculturel Management in Multinational Companies Seçmeli
MAN 535 Foreign Trade Seçmeli
MAN 536 Digital Management in Businesses Seçmeli
MAN 537 Analyasis of Economic Indicators Seçmeli
MAN 597 Graduatıon Project Seçmeli
MAN 598 Seminar Seçmeli
MAN 599 Graduation Thesis Seçmeli
MATH 131 Calculus I Seçmeli
MATH 132 Calculus II Seçmeli
MATH 133 Basic Mathematics Seçmeli
MATH 134 Advanced Mathematics Seçmeli
MATH 183 Mathematical Logic Seçmeli
MATH 221 Linear Algebra Seçmeli
MATH 241 Differential Equations Seçmeli
MATH 281 Probability Seçmeli
MATH 344 Fourier Analysis Seçmeli
MATH 348 Mathematical Modelling Seçmeli
MATH 353 Real Anaysıs II Seçmeli
MATH 355 Convex Analysıs And Optımızatıon Seçmeli
MATH 365 Numerical Analysis Seçmeli
MATH 411 Geometries Seçmeli
MATH 413 Classical Lie Groups And Lie Algebras Seçmeli
MATH 416 Readings In Geometry Seçmeli
MATH 422 Galois Theory Seçmeli
MATH 423 Introduction to Representatıon Theory Seçmeli
MATH 424 Category Theory In Computation Seçmeli
MATH 425 Readings In Algebra Seçmeli
MATH 426 Ideals and Varieties Seçmeli
MATH 427 Computatıonal Algebra Seçmeli
MATH 441 Readings In Differential Equations Seçmeli
MATH 453 Readings In Analysis Seçmeli
MATH 454 Calculus of Variations Seçmeli
MATH 462 Mathematical Statistics Seçmeli
MATH 491 Senior Project and Seminar Seçmeli
MATH 510 Concepts Of Geometry For Mathematics Teachers Seçmeli
MATH 511 Differential Geometry Seçmeli
MATH 512 Riemannian Geometry Seçmeli
MATH 513 Topics in Geometry Seçmeli
MATH 521 Algebra I Seçmeli
MATH 522 Algebra II Seçmeli
MATH 523 Lie Groups and Lie Algebras Seçmeli
MATH 525 Algebraic Number Theory I Seçmeli
MATH 526 Algebraic Number Theory II Seçmeli
MATH 527 Introduction To The Theory Of Schemes I Seçmeli
MATH 528 Theory Of Schemes II Seçmeli
MATH 529 Topics In Algebra Seçmeli
MATH 530 Advanced Linear Algebra Seçmeli
MATH 531 Topology Seçmeli
MATH 532 Algebraic Topology Seçmeli
MATH 534 Introduction to Semigroup Theory Seçmeli
MATH 537 Probability and Statistics for Engineers Seçmeli
MATH 541 Ordinary Differential Equation Seçmeli
MATH 542 Partial Differential Equations I Seçmeli
MATH 543 Bondary-Value Problems and Special Functions Seçmeli
MATH 544 Topics in Applied Mathematics Seçmeli
MATH 547 Probability Theory Seçmeli
MATH 548 Theory of Statistics Seçmeli
MATH 551 Functional Analysis I Seçmeli
MATH 552 Functional Analysis II Seçmeli
MATH 553 Complex Analysis Seçmeli
MATH 554 Approximation Theory Seçmeli
MATH 555 Measure And Integration Theory Seçmeli
MATH 556 Topics In Analysis Seçmeli
MATH 557 Introduction to Topological Groups Seçmeli
MATH 580 Methods In Mathematical Reasoning Seçmeli
MATH 590 Seminar I Seçmeli
MATH 591 Research Report Seçmeli
MATH 599 Term Project Seçmeli
MATH 600 MSc Thesis Seçmeli
MATH 611 Introduction To Symplectic Geometry Seçmeli
MATH 612 Geometry of Diffeomorphism groups Seçmeli
MATH 613 Geometry of Manifolds of Maps Seçmeli
MATH 615 Introduction to Geometric Mechanics Seçmeli
MATH 625 Introduction to Vector Bundles and Characteristic Classes Seçmeli
MATH 628 Langlands Functoryalıty Principle I Seçmeli
MATH 629 Langlands Functoryalıty Principle II Seçmeli
MATH 630 Introduction to Arthur Trace Formula Seçmeli
MATH 641 Exterior Differantial Forms I Seçmeli
MATH 642 Exterior Differantial Forms II Seçmeli
MATH 643 Partial Differential Equations II Seçmeli
MATH 644 Geometric Theory of Differential Equations Seçmeli
MATH 645 Sobolav Spaces and Elliptic Operators Seçmeli
MATH 647 Boundary Value Problems for Complex Partial Differential Equations Seçmeli
MATH 650 Advanced Topics in Partial Differential Equations Seçmeli
MATH 652 Nonlinear Field Theories of Continious Media - II Seçmeli
MATH 661 Discontinuities in The Electromagnetic Fields Seçmeli
MATH 690 Seminar II Seçmeli
MATH 691 Independent Study for Qualifying Exam Seçmeli
MATH 700 PhD Dissertation Seçmeli
MBA 501 Quantitative Research Techniques Seçmeli
MBA 502 Modern Management Perspectives Seçmeli
MBA 503 Business Policy and Strategic Management Seçmeli
MBA 504 Organizational Behavior Seçmeli
MBA 505 Leadership Seçmeli
MBA 506 Corporate Governance Seçmeli
MBA 507 Entrepreneurship Seçmeli
MBA 508 Advanced Entrepreneurship Seçmeli
MBA 510 Financial Reporting Seçmeli
MBA 511 Cost Accounting Seçmeli
MBA 512 Managerial Accounting Seçmeli
MBA 513 Auditing Seçmeli
MBA 514 Turkish Financial Reporting Standards Seçmeli
MBA 515 Financial Reporting Standards Seçmeli
MBA 520 Financial Management Seçmeli
MBA 521 Corporate Finance Seçmeli
MBA 522 Financial Institutions and Markets Seçmeli
MBA 523 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Seçmeli
MBA 530 Marketing Management Seçmeli
MBA 531 Digital Marketing Seçmeli
MBA 532 Consumer Behavior Seçmeli
MBA 533 Brand Management Seçmeli
MBA 534 Services Marketing Seçmeli
MBA 535 International Marketing Management Seçmeli
MBA 540 Production and Operations Management Seçmeli
MBA 541 Project Management Seçmeli
MBA 550 Graduation Project Seçmeli
MBA 551 Graduation Thesis Seçmeli
MCM 502 Media Analysis Seçmeli
MCM 504 Case Studies in Communication Seçmeli
MCM 506 Communication Theories and Research Seçmeli
MCM 508 Communication Anthropology Seçmeli
MCM 509 New Media and Culture Seçmeli
MCM 512 Media and Collective Memory Seçmeli
MCM 513 Political Communication Campaigns Seçmeli
MCM 597 Graduation Project Seçmeli
MCM 599 Thesis Seçmeli
MDD 300 Pathology Seçmeli
MDD 310 Pharmacology Seçmeli
ME 458 Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineering Seçmeli
ME 503 Continuum Mechanics Seçmeli
ME 511 Renewable Energy Seçmeli
ME 512 Energy Policies and Laws Seçmeli
ME 513 Advanced Solar Energy Systems Seçmeli
ME 521 Advanced Thermodynamics Seçmeli
ME 522 Advanced Heat Transfer Seçmeli
ME 523 Biothermodynamics Seçmeli
ME 524 Convective Heat Transfer Seçmeli
ME 525 Radiation Heat Transfer Seçmeli
ME 526 Two-Phase Flow Heat Transfer Seçmeli
ME 528 Heat Exchanger Design Seçmeli
ME 529 Heat Pump and Refrigeration Systems Seçmeli
ME 531 Turbomachinery Seçmeli
ME 532 Advanced Fluid Dynamics Seçmeli
ME 533 Viscous Flow Theory Seçmeli
ME 534 Experimental Methods in Thermofluid Systems Seçmeli
ME 535 Advanced Gas Dynamics Seçmeli
ME 536 Advanced Turbine Design Seçmeli
ME 537 Technical Acoustics Seçmeli
ME 538 Flow Induced Vibration Seçmeli
ME 541 Advanced Mechanics of Solids Seçmeli
ME 542 Theory of Elasticity Seçmeli
ME 544 Theory of Plasticity Seçmeli
ME 545 Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery Seçmeli
ME 551 Advanced Dynamics Seçmeli
ME 553 Advanced Control Theory Seçmeli
ME 554 Robotics Seçmeli
ME 555 Digital Control Seçmeli
ME 556 Smart Materials and Structures Seçmeli
ME 561 Materials and Process Selection Seçmeli
ME 562 Advanced Mechanical Metallurgy Seçmeli
ME 571 Computational Methods in Engineering Analysis Seçmeli
ME 573 Design and Modeling of MEMS Seçmeli
ME 575 Computational Fluid Dynamics Seçmeli
ME 576 Computational Acoustics Seçmeli
ME 581 Computer-Aided Engineering Seçmeli
ME 583 Systems & Project Management Seçmeli
ME 584 Industrial Design for Production Seçmeli
ME 585 Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering Seçmeli
ME 592 Special Topics in Energy Seçmeli
ME 594 Special Topics in Solid Mechanics Seçmeli
ME 595 Special Topics in Mechatronics Seçmeli
ME 623 Conduction Heat Transfer Seçmeli
ME 624 Convection Heat Transfer Seçmeli
ME 632 Turbulent Flow Theory Seçmeli
ME 641 Variational Principles in Mechanics Seçmeli
ME 690 Ph.D Seminar Seçmeli
ME 691 Independent Study for Qualifying Exam Seçmeli
ME 700 PhD Dissertation Seçmeli
MED 102 Introduction to Clinical Practice I Seçmeli
MED 103 Anatomical Drawing Seçmeli
MED 104 Basic Medical Sciences I Seçmeli
MED 202 Introduction to Clinical Practice II Seçmeli
MED 303 Introduction to Clinical Practice III Seçmeli
MED 402 Child Health and Pediatrics Seçmeli
MED 403 Obstetrics and Gynecology Seçmeli
MED 404 General Surgery Seçmeli
MED 405 Cardiology Seçmeli
MED 406 Cardiovascular Surgery Seçmeli
MED 407 Clinic Ethics Seçmeli
MED 408 Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Seçmeli
MED 409 Public Health Seçmeli
MED 410 Thoracic Surgery Seçmeli
MED 412 Transition to Clinical Settings Seçmeli
MED 413 Emergency Medicine Seçmeli
MED 501 Orthopaedics and Traumatology Seçmeli
MED 502 Ophthalmology Seçmeli
MED 503 Dermatology Seçmeli
MED 504 Otorhinolaryngology Seçmeli
MED 505 Neurology Seçmeli
MED 506 Neurosurgery Seçmeli
MED 507 Urology Seçmeli
MED 508 Anaesthesiology and Reanimation Seçmeli
MED 509 Pediatric Surgery Seçmeli
MED 510 Psychiatry Seçmeli
MED 511 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Seçmeli
MED 513 Clinical Pharmacology Seçmeli
MED 514 Infectionus Diseases & Clinical Microbiology Seçmeli
MED 516 Nuclear Medicine Seçmeli
MED 517 Forensic Medicine Seçmeli
MED 518 Child Psychiatry Seçmeli
MED 519 Medical Genetics Seçmeli
MED 553 The Life Style Medicine Seçmeli
MED 554 Clinical Microbiology Seçmeli
MED 555 Clinical Immunology Seçmeli
MED 601 Child Health and Pediatrics Seçmeli
MED 602 General Surgery / Emergency MEdicine Seçmeli
MED 603 Internal Medicine Seçmeli
MED 604 Obstetrics and Gynecology Seçmeli
MED 607 Psychiatry Seçmeli
MED 608 Family Medicine Seçmeli
MED 609 Public Heathy Seçmeli
MED 614 Personal Trademark Development Seçmeli
MED 615 Innovation Management Seçmeli
MED 616 Medical Management and New Services Design Skills Seçmeli
MED 617 Personal Brand Management Skills Seçmeli
MED 618 R&D Pharmaceutical Industry Seçmeli
MED 619 EntrePreneurship and Story Telling Techniques for Business Purposes Seçmeli
MED 620 Art, Culture and Life Style Seçmeli
MED 621 Epidemiological Research and Evidence - Based Medicine Seçmeli
MED 650 Emergency Medicine Seçmeli
MED 651 Internal Medicine Seçmeli
MED 652 Child Health and Paediatrics Seçmeli
MED 653 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Seçmeli
MED 654 General Surgery Seçmeli
MED 655 Cardiology Seçmeli
MED 656 Cardiovascular Surgery Seçmeli
MED 657 Clinic Ethics Seçmeli
MED 658 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Seçmeli
MED 659 Public Health Seçmeli
MED 660 Thoracic Surgery Seçmeli
MED 661 Orthopaedics and Traumatology Seçmeli
MED 662 Ophthalmology Seçmeli
MED 663 Dermatology Seçmeli
MED 664 Otorhinolaryngology Seçmeli
MED 665 Neurology Seçmeli
MED 666 Neurosurgery Seçmeli
MED 667 Urology Seçmeli
MED 668 Anaesthesiology and Reanimation Seçmeli
MED 669 Paediatric Surgery Seçmeli
MED 670 Psychiatry Seçmeli
MED 671 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Seçmeli
MED 672 Radiation Oncology Seçmeli
MED 673 Clinical Pharmacology Seçmeli
MED 674 Infectious Diseases & Clinical Microbiology Seçmeli
MED 675 Radiology Seçmeli
MED 676 Nuclear Medicine Seçmeli
MED 677 Forensic Medicine Seçmeli
MED 678 Child Psychiatry Seçmeli
MED 679 Medical Genetics Seçmeli
MED 680 Medical Microbiology Seçmeli
MED 681 Pathology Seçmeli
MED 682 Medical Biochemistry Seçmeli
MES 600 Seminal Works in Media Studies Seçmeli
MES 601 Theories of Media and Culture Seçmeli
MES 626 Media Industry and Political Economy Approach Seçmeli
MES 642 Political Economy of Media Seçmeli
MES 661 Advanced Communication Research and Scientific Ethics Seçmeli
MES 680 Seminar Seçmeli
MES 699 Thesis Seçmeli
MOL 101 Introduction to Molecular Medicine Seçmeli
MOL 102 Advanced Medical Biology Seçmeli
MOL 103 Analytical Methods in Molecular Medicine Seçmeli
MOL 104 Basic Concepts in Biochemistry Seçmeli
MOL 105 Research in Molecular Medicine Seçmeli
MOL 106 Molecular Mechanism of Nutrition (Nutrigenomics) Seçmeli
MOL 107 Advanced Biochemistry Seçmeli
MOL 108 Laboratory Animal and Their Application in Research Seçmeli
MOL 109 Molecular Approach to Disease and Individual Treatment Seçmeli
MOL 110 Introduction to Bioinformatics and System Biology Seçmeli
MOL 111 Cell Culture Seçmeli
MOL 112 Molecular Medical Microbiology and Virology Seçmeli
MOL 113 Microarray Technology and Data Analysis Seçmeli
MOL 114 Scientific Research Techniques and Publication Ethics Seçmeli
MOL 115 From Research to Publication Seçmeli
MOL 116 Cell Cycle and Apoptosis Seçmeli
MOL 117 Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Defense and DNA Repair Mechanisms Seçmeli
MOL 118 Productivity and Creativity in Science Seçmeli
MOL 119 Placement in Molecular Medicine Laboratory Seçmeli
MOL 201 The Structure and Function of Macromolecules in Biological Systems Seçmeli
MOL 202 Cell Structure and Function Seçmeli
MOL 203 Research and Analysis Methods in Molecular Medicine Seçmeli
MOL 204 Molecular Medicine-A: Molecular Mechanisms in Diagnosis and Treatment approaches Seçmeli
MOL 205 Molecular Medicine-B: Molecular Mechanisms in Diagnostics and Treatment Seçmeli
MOL 206 Molecular Approach to Human Malformation Seçmeli
MOL 207 Structure and Function of Genes Seçmeli
MOL 210 Research Ethics Seçmeli
MOL 211 Biobanks Seçmeli
MOL 215 Molecular Embryology and Histology Seçmeli
MOL 216 Protein Analysis and Evaluation Seçmeli
MOL 218 Vascular Biology Seçmeli
MOL 220 Biological membrane structure and function Seçmeli
MOL 221 Neurobiology Seçmeli
MOL 222 Proteomics Seçmeli
MOL 223 Nervous System Disorders Seçmeli
MOL 225 Infection and Pathogenesis Seçmeli
MOL 226 Molecular Mechanism of Toxicology Seçmeli
MOL 227 Standardization and Quality Control in Medical Laboratories Seçmeli
MOL 505 Cell Sıgnal Transductıon Seçmeli
MOL 506 Basic Epigenetics Seçmeli
MOL 507 Molecular Approaches to Diseases Seçmeli
MOL 508 Basic Cytogenetics Seçmeli
MOL 599 Molecular Medicine MScThesis Seçmeli
MOL 609 Molecular Mechanisms of Neurological Diseases Seçmeli
MOL 610 Hormonal Signaling Pathways Seçmeli
MOL 611 Molecular Basis of Pharmacogenetic Diseases Seçmeli
MOL 612 Vascular Ageing Seçmeli
MOL 613 Molecular Approach To Diagnosis And Treatment Of Diseases Seçmeli
MOL 699 Molecular Medicine PhD Thesis Seçmeli
MPHYS 511 Metrology, Calibration, and Accreditation of Measurements Seçmeli
MPHYS 512 Medical Metrology Seçmeli
MPHYS 520 Internship in Hospital or Related Clinics Seçmeli
MPHYS 523 Diagnostic Radiology Physics Seçmeli
MPHYS 527 Radiation Biology and Radiation Protection Seçmeli
MPHYS 532 Nuclear Medicine Physics Seçmeli
MPHYS 535 Structure of Human Body Seçmeli
MPHYS 542 Radiotherapy Physics Seçmeli
MPHYS 543 Dosimetry Methods in Radiotherapy Seçmeli
MPHYS 544 Clinical Radiotherapy Planning and Advanced Seçmeli
MPHYS 590 Seminar Seçmeli
MPHYS 600 MSc dissertation Seçmeli
MSN 407 Metallic Materials and Alloys Seçmeli
MSN 420 Fundamentals of Biomaterials Seçmeli
MSN 430 Fiber Science and Nano-engineered Textiles Seçmeli
MSN 453 Glass Science and Technology Seçmeli
MSN 455 Smart Nanomaterials Seçmeli
MSN 462 Modelling and Simulation in Materials Processes Seçmeli
MSN 471 Casting Technologies Seçmeli
MSN 486 Functional Thin Films and Applications Seçmeli
MSN 487 Materials in Energy Applications Seçmeli
MSN 500 Fundamentals of Materials Science Seçmeli
MSN 501 Methods in Scientific Research Seçmeli
MSN 502 Fundamentals of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Seçmeli
MSN 504 Advanced Thermodynamics Seçmeli
MSN 510 Advanced Materials Characterization Techniques Seçmeli
MSN 516 Biomaterials and Bio-Compatibility Seçmeli
MSN 524 Surface Technologies and Functional Surfaces Seçmeli
MSN 530 Nanobiotechnology Seçmeli
MSN 532 Selected Topics in Materials Science and Nanotechnology Seçmeli
MSN 533 Nanomaterials for Energy Conversion and Storage Seçmeli
MSN 540 Advanced Polymer Science and Technology Seçmeli
MSN 560 Optical and Photonic Materials and Coatings Seçmeli
MSN 570 Nanotechnology and Its Impacts on Socio-Economic Structures Seçmeli
MSN 572 Environmental Nanotechnology Seçmeli
MSN 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
MSN 599 Term Project Seçmeli
MSN 600 MSc Thesis Seçmeli
MSN 610 R&D, Innovation and Technology Management Seçmeli
MSN 620 Sensor Technologies Seçmeli
MSN 650 Green Composites Seçmeli
MSN 660 Advanced Manufacturing Techniques in Materials Engineering Seçmeli
MSN 670 Basic Diagrams in Metallurgy Seçmeli
MSN 680 Advanced Ceramics Seçmeli
MSN 690 PhD Seminar Seçmeli
MSN 691 Independent Study for Qualifying Exam Seçmeli
MSN 700 PhD Dissertation Seçmeli
MTH 424 Generative Artificial Intelligence Models Seçmeli
MUH 501 Accounting Seçmeli
MUH 502 Cost Accounting Seçmeli
MUH 503 Managerial Accounting Seçmeli
MUH 504 Auditing Seçmeli
MUH 505 Auditing Applications Seçmeli
MUH 506 Turkish Financial Reporting Standards Seçmeli
MUH 507 Turkish Financial Reporting Standards Applications Seçmeli
MUH 510 Financial Management Seçmeli
MUH 511 Financial Statement Analysis Seçmeli
MUH 520 Basic Law Seçmeli
MUH 521 Tax Legislation Seçmeli
MUH 522 Taxes on Income Seçmeli
MUH 523 Taxes on Expenditure and Wealth Seçmeli
MUH 524 Capital Market Legislation Seçmeli
MUH 525 Revision Seçmeli
MUH 530 Corporate Governance Principles Seçmeli
MUH 558 Research Methodology & Ethics Seçmeli
MUH 560 Graduation Project Seçmeli
MYO 213 Quality Systems Seçmeli
ND 103 Nutritional epidemiology Seçmeli
ND 105 Food science and technology Seçmeli
ND 106 Food Service organizatıon and management Seçmeli
ND 107 Seminar Seçmeli
ND 108 Research Methods in Nutritional Studies Seçmeli
ND 109 Functional Foods Seçmeli
ND 110 Metabolism Seçmeli
ND 112 Nutrition Needs During The Life Cycle Seçmeli
ND 203 Advanced clinical nutrition Seçmeli
ND 205 Sports nutrition Seçmeli
ND 206 Nutrition and behaviour Seçmeli
ND 207 Community nutrition Seçmeli
ND 208 Advance biostatistics Seçmeli
ND 209 Counselling skills and strategies Seçmeli
ND 210 Selected topics in nutrition Seçmeli
ND 211 Food processing and the availability of the nutrients Seçmeli
ND 212 Food safety and hygiene Seçmeli
ND 213 Food legislation Seçmeli
ND 214 Selected topics in food science and technology Seçmeli
ND 215 Food mycology and mycotoxins Seçmeli
ND 216 Food pathogens Seçmeli
ND 301 Thesis Seçmeli
NHS 304 First Aid Seçmeli
NHS 402 Clinical Study Seçmeli
NUR 502 Identification and Classification Systems in Nursing Seçmeli
NUR 505 Basic Communication and Teaching Methods Seçmeli
NUR 506 Health policies Seçmeli
NUR 508 Seminar I Seçmeli
NUR 509 Seminar II Seçmeli
NUR 510 Fundamentals of Nursing Theoric Seçmeli
NUR 511 Medical Nursing Theoric Seçmeli
NUR 512 Surgical Nursing Theoric Seçmeli
NUR 513 Pediatric Nursing Theoric Seçmeli
NUR 514 Woman Health Nursing Theoric Seçmeli
NUR 515 Public Health Nursing Theoric Seçmeli
NUR 516 Mental Health Nursing Theoric Seçmeli
NUR 518 Conseptual Framework of Nursing Seçmeli
NUR 519 Management in Nursing Theoric Seçmeli
NUR 520 Education in Nursing Theoric Seçmeli
NUR 524 Pathophysiology I Seçmeli
NUR 525 Pathophysiology II Seçmeli
NUR 526 Fundamentals of Nursing Practice Seçmeli
NUR 527 Medical Nursing Practice Seçmeli
NUR 528 Surgical Nursing Practice Seçmeli
NUR 529 Pediatric Nursing Practice Seçmeli
NUR 530 Woman Health Nursing Practice Seçmeli
NUR 531 Public Health Nursing Practice Seçmeli
NUR 532 Public Health Nursing Practice Seçmeli
NUR 533 Disertation Study Seçmeli
NUR 534 Management in Nursing Practice Seçmeli
NUR 535 Education in Nursing Practice Seçmeli
NUR 536 Care Management in Chronical Disaeses Seçmeli
NUR 537 Evidence Based Nursing Seçmeli
NUR 538 Emergency and Crisis Management Seçmeli
NUR 539 Innovation in Nursing Seçmeli
NUR 540 Mental Health Nursing Practice Seçmeli
NUT 203 Demography and Health Seçmeli
NUT 419 Seminar I Seçmeli
NUT 420 Seminar II Seçmeli
NUT 421 Graduation Project I Seçmeli
NUT 422 Graduation Project II Seçmeli
NUT 424 Sports Nutrition Seçmeli
OMFS 501 Diagnosis and Treatment in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Seçmeli
OMFS 502 Basic Concepts in Dental İmplants Seçmeli
OMFS 503 Dentofacial Trauma Seçmeli
OMFS 504 Case Discussion I Seçmeli
OMFS 505 Literature Review I Seçmeli
OMFS 590 Seminars in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Seçmeli
OMFS 599 Thesis in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Seçmeli
OMFS 601 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Seçmeli
OMFS 602 Treatment Approach in Oral and Maxillofacial Area Seçmeli
OMFS 603 Maxillofacial Trauma Seçmeli
OMFS 604 Advanced Surgical Techniques in Dental Implants Seçmeli
OMFS 605 Oral and Maxillofacial Deformities Seçmeli
OMFS 606 Case Discussion II Seçmeli
OMFS 607 Literature Review II Seçmeli
OMFS 690 Seminars in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Seçmeli
OMFS 699 Thesis in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Seçmeli
PA 206 Contemporary Theories of Democracy Seçmeli
PA 307 Political Behaviour Seçmeli
PA 310 Social Movements Seçmeli
PA 406 Globalization and Governance Seçmeli
PA 413 Auditing in Public Administration Seçmeli
PA 414 Poltical Parties Seçmeli
PA 418 Political Communication Seçmeli
PA 419 Current Issues in Public Administration Seçmeli
PA 421 Computer Applications in Social Sciences Seçmeli
PA 422 Social and Political History Seçmeli
PA 424 Tax Management Seçmeli
PA 501 Globalization and Democracy Seçmeli
PA 502 Comparative Local Governments Seçmeli
PA 503 The Historical Development of Local Governments in Turkey Seçmeli
PA 504 Urban Sociology Seçmeli
PA 505 Decentralızatıon and Local Governance Seçmeli
PA 509 Environmental Policies and Local Governments Seçmeli
PA 597 Graduation Project Seçmeli
PA 599 Thesis Seçmeli
PAC 601 Advanced Solution Chemistry I Seçmeli
PAC 602 Advanced Solution Chemistry II Seçmeli
PAC 603 Research Techniques and Ethical Values Seçmeli
PAC 604 Laboratory Safety and Risk Management Seçmeli
PAC 605 Principles of Analysis Seçmeli
PAC 606 Separation Methods Seçmeli
PAC 607 Chromatographic Analysis Methods Seçmeli
PAC 608 Electroanalytical Techniques Seçmeli
PAC 609 Organic Electrochemistry Seçmeli
PAC 610 Capillary Electrophoresis: Theory and Applications Seçmeli
PAC 611 Bioanalytical Chemistry Seçmeli
PAC 612 Quality Management Systems in Analytical Laboratories Seçmeli
PAC 613 Chemical Analysis and Validation Seçmeli
PAC 614 Advanced Spectroscopy: Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy Seçmeli
PAC 615 Advanced Biochemistry Seçmeli
PAC 616 Spectroelectrochemistry Seçmeli
PAC 617 Chemical Kinetics Seçmeli
PAC 618 Structures and Analysis of Organic Molecules Seçmeli
PAC 619 Small Molecule Bioactivity Analysis Seçmeli
PAC 620 Biotechnological Drug Analysis I Seçmeli
PAC 621 Biotechnological Drug Analysis II Seçmeli
PAC 622 Mathematical Applications in Chemical Analysis Seçmeli
PAC 623 Biosensors Seçmeli
PAC 698 Graduation Project Seçmeli
PCG 357 Counseling Theories Seçmeli
PCG 360 Counseling Skills Seçmeli
PCG 363 Psychosocial Support Studies Seçmeli
PCG 365 Grief Counseling Seçmeli
PCG 367 Counseling with Patients and Caregivers Seçmeli
PCG 369 Family Counseling Practices Seçmeli
PCG 370 Psychological Resilience Seçmeli
PCG 371 Post-Modern Approaches in Psychological Counseling I Seçmeli
PCG 372 Post-Modern Approaches in Psychological Counseling II Seçmeli
PCG 374 Solution Focused Counseling in Schools Seçmeli
PCG 376 Child Law Seçmeli
PCG 377 Sexual Health and Education Seçmeli
PCG 380 Crisis Intervention Seçmeli
PCG 381 Posttraumatic Counseling Seçmeli
PCG 382 Current Issues in Psychological Counseling and Guidance Seçmeli
PCG 383 Psychological Counseling with Children Seçmeli
PCG 384 Psychological Counseling with Elderly People Seçmeli
PCG 470 Case Studies in Psychological Counseling Seçmeli
PCG 478 Evaluation of Children Drawings Seçmeli
PCG 479 School Violence Seçmeli
PCG 481 Supervision in Counseling Seçmeli
PCG 485 Assesments in Early Childhood Seçmeli
PCG 487 Organizational Psychological Counseling Seçmeli
PCG 488 Individual Counseling II Seçmeli
PCG 489 In-Class Guidance Activities Seçmeli
PCG 490 Bibliotherapy Seçmeli
PCG 491 Preventive Guidance Practices Seçmeli
PCG 492 Multicultural Psychological Counseling Seçmeli
PCG 493 Online Counseling Seçmeli
PCG 505U Principals and Techniques of Group Counseling Seçmeli
PCG 508 Seminar Seçmeli
PCG 510 Individual Recognition Techniques Seçmeli
PCG 511 Problems in Adolescence and Researches Including Adolescents Seçmeli
PCG 516 Guidance and Counseling in Schools Seçmeli
PCG 518 Guidance and Counseling in Different Populations Seçmeli
PCG 521 Recent Topics in Vocational and Career Counseling Seçmeli
PCG 525 Couple and Family Counseling Seçmeli
PCG 526 Trauma Informed Schools Seçmeli
PDF 301 Introduction to Education Seçmeli
PDF 304 Classroom Management Seçmeli
PDF 305 Instructional Principles and Methods Seçmeli
PDF 306 Educational Psychology Seçmeli
PDF 307 Measurement and Evaluation in Education Seçmeli
PDF 310 Using Technology in Education Seçmeli
PDF 311 Guidance and Special Education Seçmeli
PDF 312 Instructional Technologies Seçmeli
PFEL 302 Special Teaching Methods (Philosophy Teaching) Seçmeli
PFEL 402 Teaching Practice (Philosophy Teaching) Seçmeli
PFIZ 302 Special Teaching Methods (Physics Teaching) Seçmeli
PFIZ 402 Teaching Practice-1 (Physics Teaching) Seçmeli
PFIZ 403 Teaching Practice-2 (Physics Teaching) Seçmeli
PHAR 546 Preventive Health Seçmeli
PHAR 548 Pharmaceutical Analysis Seçmeli
PHE 630 Pharmacovigilance Management Seçmeli
PHE 660 Thesis Seçmeli
PHIL 123 Philosophical Concepts I Seçmeli
PHIL 128 Critical Thinking Seçmeli
PHIL 130 History Of Philosophy I Seçmeli
PHIL 140 History Of Philosophy II Seçmeli
PHIL 143 Philosophical Questions I Seçmeli
PHIL 144 Philosophical Questions II Seçmeli
PHIL 227 History Of Science in The Islamic World I Seçmeli
PHIL 309 Applied Ethics Seçmeli
PHIL 328 Philosophy in The Islamic World II Seçmeli
PHIL 341 Ethics in Health Sciences Seçmeli
PHIL 482 Philosophy Of Mind Seçmeli
PHIL 501 Ancient and Medieval Philosophy Seçmeli
PHIL 502 Modern Philosophy Seçmeli
PHIL 503 Theories Of Knowledge Seçmeli
PHIL 506 Problems in Ontology Seçmeli
PHIL 507 Theories of Ethics Seçmeli
PHIL 508 Current Issues in Applied Ethics Seçmeli
PHIL 509 Fundamental Theories In Philosophy Seçmeli
PHIL 510 Issues In Contemporary Philosophy Seçmeli
PHIL 511 Mathematical Logic Seçmeli
PHIL 513 Research Methods In Philosophy Seçmeli
PHIL 514 Major Philosophers Seçmeli
PHIL 515 Basic Perspectives in Political Philosophy Seçmeli
PHIL 516 Contemporary Theories in Politıcal Philosophy Seçmeli
PHIL 517 Major Problems in Philosophy Of Science Seçmeli
PHIL 518 Theories Of Science Seçmeli
PHIL 520 Theories in Aesthetics Seçmeli
PHIL 521 Interpretation in Philosophical Texts Seçmeli
PHIL 523 Philosophy Of Law Seçmeli
PHIL 524 Philosophical Foundations Of Human Rights Seçmeli
PHIL 525 Major Problems in Philosphy Of Language Seçmeli
PHIL 531 Philosophical Texts in Classical Languages Seçmeli
PHIL 536 Philosophical Texts in Modern Languages Seçmeli
PHIL 542 Perspectives In Philosophy Of History Seçmeli
PHIL 550 Problems in Philosophy of Art I Seçmeli
PHIL 597 Graduation Project Seçmeli
PHIL 598 Graduate Seminar Seçmeli
PHIL 599 Thesis Writing and Defence Seçmeli
PHIL 601 Ph.D Seminar Seçmeli
PHIL 602 Philosophical İnvestigations Seçmeli
PHIL 603 Post-structuralism and Deconstruction Seçmeli
PHIL 604 Phenomenology Seçmeli
PHIL 605 Advanced Problems in Philosophy Seçmeli
PHIL 606 Hermeneutics Seçmeli
PHIL 607 Advanced Problems in Early Modern Philosophy Seçmeli
PHIL 608 Problem of Power in Political Philosophy Seçmeli
PHIL 609 Questions in Ethics and Meta-Ethics Seçmeli
PHIL 611 Major Islamic Philosophers Seçmeli
PHIL 612 Discussions Of Incoherence in Islamic Thought Seçmeli
PHIL 613 Averroës and Latin Averroism Seçmeli
PHIL 614 Conceptions Of Time in Philosophy of History Seçmeli
PHIL 615 Law and Human Rights Seçmeli
PHIL 616 Philosophy of Nature Seçmeli
PHIL 617 Philosophical Foundations of Mathematics Seçmeli
PHIL 618 Mathematical Logic and Artificial Intelligence Seçmeli
PHIL 619 Problem Of Progress in History Seçmeli
PHIL 620 British Empiricisim Seçmeli
PHIL 621 Scepticism Seçmeli
PHIL 622 Empiricism and Rationalism Seçmeli
PHIL 623 Problems in Historical Knowledge Seçmeli
PHIL 624 Existentialism Seçmeli
PHIL 625 German Idealism Seçmeli
PHIL 626 The Frankfurt School Seçmeli
PHIL 627 Contemporary Philosophy and Psychoanalytic Theory Seçmeli
PHIL 628 Philosophical Questions in The Middle Ages Seçmeli
PHIL 629 Posıtıvısm Seçmeli
PHIL 631 Theory of Social Sciences Seçmeli
PHIL 632 Classical Philosophers Seçmeli
PHIL 633 Contemporary Philosophers Seçmeli
PHIL 634 Plato Seçmeli
PHIL 635 Aristotle and Contemporary Readings Seçmeli
PHIL 636 Vico Seçmeli
PHIL 637 Hume Seçmeli
PHIL 638 Kant Seçmeli
PHIL 639 Hegel Seçmeli
PHIL 640 Schopenhauer / Kierkegaard Seçmeli
PHIL 641 Marx Seçmeli
PHIL 642 Nietzsche Seçmeli
PHIL 643 Metaphysics in Kant Heidegger Seçmeli
PHIL 644 Wittgenstein Seçmeli
PHIL 645 Heidegger Seçmeli
PHIL 699 Ph.D Thesis Seçmeli
PHYS 101 Physics I Seçmeli
PHYS 102 Physics II Seçmeli
PHYS 105 History of Physics Seçmeli
PHYS 206 Mathematical Methods of Physics Seçmeli
PHYS 303 Introduction to Metrology Seçmeli
PHYS 309 Astrophysics Seçmeli
PHYS 310 Industrial Training Seçmeli
PHYS 320 Selected Topics in Physics Seçmeli
PHYS 322 Electromagnetism II Seçmeli
PHYS 324 Advanced Quantum Mechanics Seçmeli
PHYS 405 Computerized Data Analysis Seçmeli
PHYS 419 Fluid and Plasma Physics Seçmeli
PHYS 511 Electromagnetism I Seçmeli
PHYS 512 Electromagnetism II Seçmeli
PHYS 514 Research Methods Seçmeli
PHYS 521 Quantum Mechanics I Seçmeli
PHYS 522 Quantum Mechanics II Seçmeli
PHYS 523 Diagnostic Applications in Medical Physics Seçmeli
PHYS 531 Classical Mechanic Seçmeli
PHYS 535 Fundamentals of Nuclear Medicine Dosimetry Seçmeli
PHYS 536 Solid State Physics Seçmeli
PHYS 541 Thermodynamics Seçmeli
PHYS 542 Advanced Metrology Seçmeli
PHYS 544 Radiation Detection and Measurement Seçmeli
PHYS 547 Monte Carlo Modelling in Physics Seçmeli
PHYS 551 Applied Physics Seçmeli
PHYS 553 Selected Topics in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Medical Physics Seçmeli
PHYS 554 Advanced Optics (and LASER) Seçmeli
PHYS 556 Standarts & Traceability Seçmeli
PHYS 561 Mathematical Methods and Classical Mechanics Seçmeli
PHYS 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
PHYS 600 MSc Thesis Seçmeli
PHYS 611 Particles and Interactions Seçmeli
PHYS 612 Advanced Statistical Mechanics Seçmeli
PHYS 621 Electromagnetism & Plasma Physics Seçmeli
PHYS 632 Advanced Quantum Mechanics Seçmeli
PHYS 644 Nanophysics and Nanotechnology Seçmeli
PHYS 651 Nanotechnology and Materials Seçmeli
PHYS 654 Modern Theoretical Physics Seçmeli
PHYS 656 Photonics Seçmeli
PHYS 685 Critical Thinkings and Scientific Method Seçmeli
PHYS 690 Ph.D. Seminar Seçmeli
PHYS 691 Independent Study for Qualifying Exam Seçmeli
PHYS 700 PhD Dissertation Seçmeli
PING 302 Special Teaching Methods (English Teaching) Seçmeli
PING 402 Teaching Practice 1 (English Teaching) Seçmeli
PING 403 Teaching Practice 2 (English Teaching) Seçmeli
PLA 105 Painting Seçmeli
PLA 117 Life Drawing Seçmeli
PLA 141 Serigraphy Seçmeli
PLA 171 Media Art Seçmeli
PLA 241 Printmaking/ Serigraphy Seçmeli
PLA 321 Mythology, Folk, Myth And Seçmeli
PLA 352 Etching Seçmeli
PLA 422 Art Criticism and Interpretation II Seçmeli
PLA 431 Art Today and Creative Industries Seçmeli
PLAS 501 Painting I Seçmeli
PLAS 502 Paiting II Seçmeli
PLAS 503 Life Drawing and Composition I Seçmeli
PLAS 504 Life Drawing and Composition II Seçmeli
PLAS 511 Etching I Seçmeli
PLAS 512 Etching II Seçmeli
PLAS 513 Lythography I Seçmeli
PLAS 514 Lythography II Seçmeli
PLAS 515 Silk Screen I Seçmeli
PLAS 516 Silk Screen II Seçmeli
PLAS 517 Video Art I Seçmeli
PLAS 518 Video Art II Seçmeli
PLAS 521 Text Analysis I Seçmeli
PLAS 522 Text Analysis II Seçmeli
PLAS 523 Art Criticism Seçmeli
PLAS 524 Philosophy Of Art Seçmeli
PLAS 525 Disiplinlerarası Sanat I Seçmeli
PLAS 531 Pratical Structured Analysis Of Art Seçmeli
PLAS 534 Concerns Of Contemporary Art Seçmeli
PLAS 597 Graduation Project Seçmeli
PLAS 599 Thesis Seçmeli
PLAS 601 Painting I Seçmeli
PLAS 602 Painting II Seçmeli
PLAS 603 Life Drawing and Composition I Seçmeli
PLAS 604 Life Drawing and Composition II Seçmeli
PLAS 605 Artwork Analysis I Seçmeli
PLAS 606 Artwork Analysis II Seçmeli
PLAS 611 Etching I Seçmeli
PLAS 612 Etching II Seçmeli
PLAS 613 Lithography I Seçmeli
PLAS 614 Lithography II Seçmeli
PLAS 615 Art Theories I Seçmeli
PLAS 616 Art Theories II Seçmeli
PLAS 617 Prıntmakıng (Serıgraphy) I Seçmeli
PLAS 618 Screen Printing II Seçmeli
PLAS 698 Seminar Seçmeli
PLAS 699 Thesıs Seçmeli
PMAT 302 Special Teaching Methods (Mathematics Teaching) Seçmeli
PMAT 402 Teaching Practice 1 (Mathematics Teaching) Seçmeli
PMAT 403 Teaching Practice-2 (Mathematics Teaching) Seçmeli
PMC 600 Special Topics Seçmeli
PMC 601 Literature Research Techniques Seçmeli
PMC 602 Laboratory Safety Seçmeli
PMC 603 Pharmaceutical Biochemistry Seçmeli
PMC 604 Introduction to Molecular Modeling and Computer Aided Molecular Modeling Seçmeli
PMC 605 Seminar on Medicinal Chemistry Seçmeli
PMC 606 Organic Reactions, Mechanisms and Applications I Seçmeli
PMC 607 Bioanalytic Chemistry Seçmeli
PMC 608 Method Validation in Pharmaceutical Analysis Seçmeli
PMC 609 Biotransformation and Bioorganic Reactions in Drug Design Seçmeli
PMC 610 Physicochemical Parameters of Drugs and Applications Seçmeli
PMC 611 Drug Nomenclature Seçmeli
PMC 612 Basic Drug Desıgn Seçmeli
PMC 613 Solution Chemistry Seçmeli
PMC 614 Basic Instrumentation Seçmeli
PMC 615 Screening methods to identify bioactive small molecules Seçmeli
PMC 616 Biostatistics Seçmeli
PMC 617 Introduction to Pharmacology Seçmeli
PMC 618 Introduction to Pharmaceutical Chemistry Seçmeli
PMC 619 Organic Reactions, Mechanisms and Applications II Seçmeli
PMC 620 Separation Techniques Seçmeli
PMC 621 Drug Synthesis Methods Seçmeli
PMC 699 Project Seçmeli
PMC 700 Special Topics Seçmeli
PMC 701 Nomenclature of Heterocyclic Compounds Seçmeli
PMC 702 Drug Design Seçmeli
PMC 703 Advanced Technics in Pharmaceutical Analysis Seçmeli
PMC 704 Molecular Biology in Medicinal Chemistry Seçmeli
PMC 705 Enzymology in Drug Development Seçmeli
PMC 706 Proteomics Seçmeli
PMC 707 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology in Drug Synthesis Seçmeli
PMC 708 Experimental Methods in Pharmacology and Drug Screening Techniques Seçmeli
PMC 709 Drug Target and Evaluation Seçmeli
PMC 710 High Throughput Drug Discovery Seçmeli
PMC 711 Computer Aided Drug Design Seçmeli
PMC 712 Receptor Pharmacology and Cell Signaling Seçmeli
PMC 713 Literature Search and Ethics Seçmeli
PMC 714 Organic Electrochemistry Seçmeli
PMC 715 Pharmaceutical Chemistry Seminar Seçmeli
PMC 800 Preparation for Proficiency Exam Seçmeli
PMC 900 Special Topics in Medicinal Chemistry(Thesis Research) Seçmeli
POD 101 Introduction to Podacst Seçmeli
POLS 515 Theories of International Relations Seçmeli
POLS 517 History Of International Relations Seçmeli
POLS 518 Introduction To Political Science Seçmeli
POLS 520 Globalization and Regionalization İn World Politics Seçmeli
POLS 521 European Union and Turkey Seçmeli
POLS 522 Comparative Politics Seçmeli
POLS 524 Global Politics in Post-Cold War Era Seçmeli
POLS 525 International Organizations Seçmeli
POLS 526 Current Issues in World Politics Seçmeli
POLS 528 Processes of Identity Formation Seçmeli
POLS 529 Modern Geopolitics and Security Strategies Seçmeli
POLS 530 International Law and Organizations Seçmeli
POLS 531 Issues in Turkish Foreign Policy Seçmeli
POLS 532 Turkish Political Life Seçmeli
POLS 534 International Politics Seçmeli
POLS 536 Turkish Foreign Policy Seçmeli
POLS 547 Political Parties and Elections Seçmeli
POLS 548 European Values and Democratic Participation Seçmeli
POLS 552 Hıstory Of Polıtıcal Thought Seçmeli
POLS 555 Introduction to International Relations Seçmeli
POLS 556 Political Modernization in Turkey Seçmeli
POLS 557 History of the Modern Middle East Seçmeli
POLS 558 Current Issues of Politics in the Middle East Seçmeli
POLS 559 Theory, Identity and Beliefs in the Middle East Seçmeli
POLS 562 American Foreign Policy in the Middle East Seçmeli
POLS 597 Graduatıon Project Seçmeli
POLS 599 Thesis Seçmeli
POLS 612 Seminar on Political Theory Seçmeli
POLS 613 Seminar in Turkish Politics Seçmeli
POLS 614 Seminar on Foreign Policy Analysis Seçmeli
POLS 615 Seminar in Comparative Politics Seçmeli
POLS 616 Theories of International Relations Seçmeli
POLS 617 Seminar on Political History Seçmeli
POLS 618 Seminar on International Law Seçmeli
POLS 619 Seminar on Political Sociology Seçmeli
POLS 620 Seminar on International Politics Seçmeli
POLS 623 Qualitative Research Methods Seçmeli
POLS 624 Quantitative Methods and Statistics Seçmeli
POLS 627 Issues of Identity in a Global World Seçmeli
POLS 630 Political Psychology Seçmeli
POLS 635 Seminar on Social Structure and Religion in Turkey Seçmeli
POLS 637 Current Issues in World Politics Seçmeli
POLS 638 International Security in a Changing World Seçmeli
POLS 639 Public Opinion and Contemporary Political Issues Seçmeli
POLS 640 Modernization Theory and IR Seçmeli
POLS 647 Seminar on Political Parties and Elections Seçmeli
POLS 652 War and Peace in Modern Societies Seçmeli
POLS 653 Seminar on Politics and Society in India Seçmeli
POLS 655 Seminar on Turkish Political Thought Seçmeli
POLS 656 Seminar on Democracy: Theory and Practice Seçmeli
POLS 662 Seminar on US Foreign Policy Seçmeli
POLS 699 PhD Thesis Seçmeli
PREH 302 Special Teaching Methods (Guidance Teaching) Seçmeli
PREH 402 Teaching Practice (Guidance Teaching) Seçmeli
PRES 302 Special Teaching Methods (Art Teaching) Seçmeli
PRES 402 Teaching Practice – 1 (Art Teaching) Seçmeli
PRES 403 Teaching Practice – 2 (Art Teaching) Seçmeli
PRG 700 Special Topics in Pharmacognosy Seçmeli
PRG 701 Techniques for Acquiring Scientific Knowledge in Pharmacy Seçmeli
PRG 702 Microscopical and Morphological Analysis of Plant Drugs Seçmeli
PRG 703 Methods of Chemical and Chromatographic Analysis in Pharmacognosy Seçmeli
PRG 704 Seminars in Pharmacognosy Seçmeli
PRG 705 Basic Concepts in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Seçmeli
PRG 706 Basic Concepts in Ethnopharmacology Seçmeli
PRG 707 Ethnobotanical Research Techniques Seçmeli
PRG 708 Industrial Pharmacognosy Seçmeli
PRG 709 Spectroscopical Analysis Methods of Natural Compounds Seçmeli
PRG 710 Methods in Ethnopharmacology I Seçmeli
PRG 711 Methods in Ethnopharmacology II Seçmeli
PRG 712 Secondary Plant Metabolites I Seçmeli
PRG 713 Secondary Plant Metabolites II Seçmeli
PRG 716 İn Vitro bioactivity screening systems Seçmeli
PRG 717 Advanced Pharmacognosy Education Seçmeli
PRG 718 Advanced Pharmaceutical Botany Education Seçmeli
PRG 721 Medicinal Plant Cultivation Seçmeli
PRG 722 Phytopharmacy; General Concepts, Definitions, Regulations and Applications Seçmeli
PRG 723 Risk Management in Herbal Drugs Application Seçmeli
PRG 724 Clinical Efficacy in Herbal Drugs Seçmeli
PRG 725 Monographic Information on Herbal Drugs Seçmeli
PRG 726 Herbal Medicinal Teas Seçmeli
PRG 727 Interactions with Pharmacotherapy and Natural Products Seçmeli
PRG 728 Bioavailability, Pharmacodynamic and Pharmakinetic Specifications of Natural Products Seçmeli
PRG 730 Complementary and Alternative Treatment Systems Seçmeli
PRP 322 Media Antropology Seçmeli
PRP 481 Special Topics in Public Relations Seçmeli
PRP 528 New Approaches In Pr Seçmeli
PRP 535 Corporate Communicatıon Seçmeli
PRP 597 Graduation Project Seçmeli
PRP 599 Thesıs Seçmeli
PSIR 201 History of Political Thought Seçmeli
PSIR 302 Contemporary Political Thought Seçmeli
PSIR 314 International Law II Seçmeli
PSIR 405 Religion and Politics Seçmeli
PSIR 408 War and Peace Studies Seçmeli
PSIR 411 Current Issues in International Relations Seçmeli
PSIR 414 Terrorism and Security Seçmeli
PSIR 420 Decision-Making and Legislative Procedures Seçmeli
PSIR 422 Comparative Practices of Democracy Seçmeli
PSIR 423 Public Opinion Analysis Seçmeli
PSIR 424 Political Psychology Seçmeli
PSIR 425 Gender and Politics Seçmeli
PSIR 427 İnternational Political Campaigning Seçmeli
PSIR 428 Movies and Politics Seçmeli
PSIR 429 International Migration and Politics Seçmeli
PSIR 433 European Union-Turkey Relations Seçmeli
PSIR 441 Turkish Political Thought Seçmeli
PSIR 444 Political Parties and Elections in Turkey Seçmeli
PSIR 450 Politics and Society in the USA Seçmeli
PSIR 453 Politics and Society in Latin America Seçmeli
PSIR 454 Politics and Society in the Middle East Seçmeli
PSIR 455 Politics and Society in the Balkans Seçmeli
PSIR 456 Politics and Society in Africa Seçmeli
PSIR 457 Politics and Society in Asia Seçmeli
PSIR 463 Turkish-Greek Relations Seçmeli
PSIR 464 US Foreign Policy Seçmeli
PSIR 475 Nations and Nationalisms Seçmeli
PSIR 490 Political Economy of International Relations Seçmeli
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology I Seçmeli
PSY 214 Computer Use In Social Sciences Seçmeli
PSY 221 Psychology of Learning Seçmeli
PSY 241 Social Psychology Seçmeli
PSY 341 Community Psychology Seçmeli
PSY 343 Cultural Psychology Seçmeli
PSY 346 Environmental Psychology Seçmeli
PSY 366 Forensic Psychology Seçmeli
PSY 367 Counseling Skills Seçmeli
PSY 443 Family Psychology Seçmeli
PSY 445 Family Violence Seçmeli
PSY 452 Applied Social Psychology Seçmeli
PSY 460 Theories of Psychotherapy Seçmeli
PSY 465 Psychological Trauma Seçmeli
PSY 471 Brain and Behaviour Seçmeli
PSY 481 Readings and Research in Learning Seçmeli
PSY 482 Selected Topics in Clinical Psychology Seçmeli
PSY 483 Readings and Research in Clinical Psychology Seçmeli
PSY 484 Selected Topics in Cognitive Psychology Seçmeli
PSY 485 Readings and Research in Cognitive Processes Seçmeli
PSY 487 Selected Topics in Organizational Psychology Seçmeli
PSY 490 Selected Topics in Experimental Psychology Seçmeli
PSY 492 Selected Topics in Psychology and Culture Seçmeli
PSY 493 Selected Topics in Human Development Seçmeli
PSY 494 Readings and Research in Human Development Seçmeli
PSY 495 Readings and Research in General Psychology I Seçmeli
PSY 499 Contemporary Issues in Psychology Seçmeli
PSY 531 Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Seçmeli
PSY 588 Seminar Seçmeli
PSY 589 Seminar II Seçmeli
PSY 685 Master's Thesis Seçmeli
PSY 686 Master's Thesis II Seçmeli
PSY 696 Psychological Assessment Supervision II Seçmeli
PTAR 302 Special Teaching Methods (History Teaching) Seçmeli
PTAR 402 Teaching Practice-1 (History Teaching) Seçmeli
PTAR 403 Teaching Practice-2 (History Teaching) Seçmeli
PTR 252 Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Disasters Seçmeli
PTR 255 Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Physiotherapy Seçmeli
PTR 257 Integrative Rehabilitation for Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Seçmeli
PTR 258 Biophysics Seçmeli
PTR 262 Sign Language Seçmeli
PTR 263 Assistive Technology and Rehabilitation Seçmeli
PTR 264 Job Coaching Training in People with Intellectual Disabilities Seçmeli
PTR 271 Summer Practium - 1 Seçmeli
PTR 272 Summer Practium - 2 Seçmeli
PTR 415 Preparatıon of Project Proposal Seçmeli
PTR 416 Project and Presentation Seçmeli
PTR 600 Thesis Seçmeli
PTR 610 Clinical Phytotherapy Seçmeli
PTR 618 Medicinal Plants Cultivation Seçmeli
PTR 619 Traditional Treatment Systems and Practices and Supplementary Seçmeli
PTR 620 Nutraceutics and Dietary Supplements Seçmeli
PTR 650 Graduation Project Seçmeli
PTR 690 Seminar Seçmeli
PTUR 302 Special Teaching Methods (Turkish Language and Literature Teaching) Seçmeli
PTUR 402 Teaching Practice (Turkish Language and Literature Teaching) Seçmeli
PTUR 403 Teaching Practice – 2 (Turkish Language and Literature Teaching) Seçmeli
PTX 601 Basic Concepts in Toxicology-I Seçmeli
PTX 602 Basic Concepts in Toxicology-II Seçmeli
PTX 603 Poisoning and Treatment-I Seçmeli
PTX 604 Poisoning and Treatment-II Seçmeli
PTX 605 Metal Toxicology I Seçmeli
PTX 606 Metal Toxicology-II Seçmeli
PTX 607 Advanced Analytical Methods in Toxicology Seçmeli
PTX 609 Pesticide Toxicology Seçmeli
PTX 610 Drug Interactions and Safe Use of Medicines Seçmeli
PTX 612 Risk Assessment in Toxicology Seçmeli
PTX 613 Forensic Toxicology Seçmeli
PTX 614 Free Radicals and Toxicological Importance Seçmeli
PTX 615 Toxicity Tests Seçmeli
PTX 617 Cosmetic Toxicology Seçmeli
PTX 618 Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance Seçmeli
PTX 619 In Silico Toxicology Seçmeli
PTX 620 New Approaches Methodology Seçmeli
PTX 650 Seminars in Pharmaceutical Toxicology Seçmeli
PTX 698 Project Work Seçmeli
PTX 699 Thesis Seçmeli
PTX 701 Toxic Responses of Target Organs-I Seçmeli
PTX 702 Toxic Responses of Target Organs-II Seçmeli
PTX 703 Extrahepatic Metabolism-I Seçmeli
PTX 704 Extrahepatic Metabolism-II Seçmeli
PTX 705 Immunotoxicology Seçmeli
PTX 706 Genetic Toxicology Seçmeli
PTX 707 Food Toxicology Seçmeli
PTX 710 Industrial Toxicology Seçmeli
PTX 900 Special Topics in Pharmaceutical Toxicology Seçmeli
RLL 001 Rusça Hazırlık Kur 1 Seçmeli
RLL 002 Rusça Hazırlık Kur 2 Seçmeli
RLL 003 Rusça Hazırlık Kur 3 Seçmeli
RLL 004 Rusça Hazırlık Kur 4 Seçmeli
RSCH 410 Scientific Research Methods Seçmeli
RTC 200 Film Criticism Seçmeli
RTC 305 Popular Literature and Media Seçmeli
RTC 312 Directing of Photography Seçmeli
RTC 372 Motion Design Practicum Seçmeli
RTC 380 Special Topics in Broadcasting Seçmeli
RTC 400 Avangard Cinema Seçmeli
RTC 410 Documentary Film Seçmeli
RTC 480 Special Topics in Cinema Seçmeli
RTC 500 Special Topics in Media Analysis Seçmeli
RTC 501 Communication Studies and Society Seçmeli
RTC 502 Theories of Culture Seçmeli
RTC 510 Creative Filmmaking Workshop Seçmeli
RTC 512 Video Art and Aesthetics of the Moving Image Seçmeli
RTC 514 Documentary Filmmaking Seçmeli
RTC 520 Analysis of Documentary Films Seçmeli
RTC 521 Cinema and Criticism Seçmeli
RTC 522 Film Theory Seçmeli
RTC 530 Film Criticism Seçmeli
RTC 531 Visual Culture Seçmeli
RTC 532 Televison Criticism Seçmeli
RTC 540 Sound and Music in Cinema Seçmeli
RTC 541 Media and Ethics Seçmeli
RTC 542 Media and Politics Seçmeli
RTC 550 Short Film Production Seçmeli
RTC 551 Directing in Cinema Seçmeli
RTC 552 Media Industry Seçmeli
RTC 561 Narration in Audio-Visual Media Seçmeli
RTC 570 Film Design and Production Seçmeli
RTC 571 Creative Writing for Television and Cinema Seçmeli
RTC 572 Editing Techniques and Theories Seçmeli
RTC 580 Special Topics in Cinema Seçmeli
RTC 590 Graduation Project Seçmeli
RTC 599 Thesis Seçmeli
SBA 591 Scientific Research Methods and Publication Ethics Seçmeli
SBA 592 Seminar Seçmeli
SBA 691 Independent Study For The PHD Qualifying Exam Seçmeli
SBA 692 Sanatta Yeterlik Semineri Seçmeli
SBE 701 Maksillofacial Anomaly Seçmeli
SBE 702 Head and Neck Functıonal Anatomy Seçmeli
SBE 703 Oral Mıcrobıology Seçmeli
SBE 704 Dental Pharmacology Seçmeli
SBE 705 Problem Based Learnıng Seçmeli
SBE 706 Scıentıfıc Research and Publıcatıon Methods Seçmeli
SBE 707 Basic Biostatistics Seçmeli
SBE 708 Advanced Biostatistics Seçmeli
SBE 709 Oral Histology-Embryology and Imaging Methods Seçmeli
SBE 710 Oral Pathology Seçmeli
SBE 711 Materials Science in Dentistry Seçmeli
SE 501 Sustainable Energy Seçmeli
SE 502 Energy, Environment and Sustainability Seçmeli
SE 511 Introduction to Thermal Systems and Their Exergy Analysis Seçmeli
SE 512 Application of Heat Transfer Principles to Energy and Environmental Sustainability Seçmeli
SE 513 Photovoltaic Solar Energy Systems Seçmeli
SE 514 Geothermal Energy Seçmeli
SE 521 Energy Markets and Trade Seçmeli
SE 522 Energy Management Seçmeli
SE 523 Frontiers in Sustainable Energy Utilization Seçmeli
SE 524 The Environmental Dimension Seçmeli
SE 525 Sustainable Energy Management Seçmeli
SE 532 Optimization Methods for Energy Systems Seçmeli
SE 534 Fundamentals of Nuclear Fission & Fusion Technology Seçmeli
SE 535 Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy Systems Seçmeli
SE 541 Urban Waste Management Seçmeli
SE 542 Hydropower Engineering Seçmeli
SE 543 Power Plant Technologies Seçmeli
SE 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
SE 599 Term Project Seçmeli
SE 600 MSc Thesis Seçmeli
SFS 500 Seminar Seçmeli
SFS 501 Sustainable Food Systems Seçmeli
SFS 502 Design for Sustainable Food Systems Seçmeli
SFS 503 Food Policy Seçmeli
SFS 504 Innovation for Sustainable Food Systems Seçmeli
SFS 510 Circular Food Economy Seçmeli
SFS 512 Food Product Development and Innovation Seçmeli
SFS 544 Sustainable Innovative Food Processing Technologies Seçmeli
SFS 562 Special Topics in Sustainable Food Systems Seçmeli
SFS 599 Term Project Seçmeli
SIS 501 Adaptive Reuse Project I Seçmeli
SIS 502 Adaptive Reuse Project II Seçmeli
SIS 505 Smart Buildings and Interiors Seçmeli
SIS 506 Sustainable Approaches in Furniture Design Seçmeli
SIS 515 Re-Use in Terms of Sustainability Seçmeli
SIS 516 Sustainable Interior Design Seçmeli
SIS 599 Term Project Seçmeli
SNR 699 Thesis Seçmeli
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology Seçmeli
SOC 233 Sociology of Music Seçmeli
SOC 251 Social Awareness Seçmeli
SOC 281 Sociology of Sports and Football Seçmeli
SOC 345 Social Thought in Movies Seçmeli
SOC 407 Social Structure of Turkey Seçmeli
SOC 420 International Migration Seçmeli
SOC 421 German School of Sociology Seçmeli
SOC 501 Classical Theories in Sociology Seçmeli
SOC 502 Modern Theories in Sociology Seçmeli
SOC 503 Qualitative Methods for Social Sciences Seçmeli
SOC 504 Quantitative Methods for Social Sciences Seçmeli
SOC 505 Political Ecology Seçmeli
SOC 506 Historical Sociology Seçmeli
SOC 507 Sociology of Everyday Life Seçmeli
SOC 508 Semiological Approaches In Social Sciences Seçmeli
SOC 509 Economic Sociology Seçmeli
SOC 511 Art, Aesthetics and Sociology Seçmeli
SOC 513 Political Dimensions of Sociology Seçmeli
SOC 514 Sociology of Health and İllness Seçmeli
SOC 515 Critical Readings in Sociology Seçmeli
SOC 516 City, Identity and Space from Modernism to Postmodernism Seçmeli
SOC 598 Seminar Seçmeli
SOC 599 Thesis Seçmeli
SPED 203 Adolescence and Sex Education Seçmeli
SPED 204 Supporting Transition to Adulthood Seçmeli
SPED 210 Social Emotional Learning Seçmeli
SPED 212 Innovative Practices Seçmeli
SPED 214 Teaching Social Adaptative Skills in Special Education Seçmeli
SPED 216 Differentiated Instruction Seçmeli
SPED 218 Teaching Motor Skills Seçmeli
SPED 223 Naturalistic Teaching Process and Implementation Seçmeli
SPED 228 Behavior Management in ASD Seçmeli
SPED 233 Applied Behavior Analysis Seçmeli
SPED 239 Turkish Sign Language Seçmeli
SPED 246 Braille Reading -Writing Seçmeli
SPED 301 Teaching High Functioning ASD Seçmeli
SPED 302 Creative Drama in Special Education Seçmeli
SPED 304 Functional Behavioral Assessment and Intervention Seçmeli
SPED 305 Mathematics Difficulty: Diagnosis and Intervention Seçmeli
SPED 307 Reading Difficulty: Diagnosis and Intervention Seçmeli
SPED 356 Arts in Special Education Seçmeli
SPED 359 Physical Education and Sports in Special Education Seçmeli
SPED 362 Teaching Turkish in Special Education Seçmeli
SPED 364 Play and Music in Special Education Seçmeli
SPED 443 Hearing and Visual Impairments Seçmeli
SPED 447 Physical Imperements and Multiple Disabilities Seçmeli
SPED 451 Individualized Education and Support Programs Seçmeli
SPED 452 Special Education Teaching Practicum II Seçmeli
SPOL 516 Advanced Data Visualization and Cartography in Social Sciences Seçmeli
SPOL 521 Problèmes Internatıonaux Contemporaınes Seçmeli
SPOL 523 Public Diplomacy in International Relations Seçmeli
SPOL 524 Migration Internationale Et La Question Des Réfugiées Seçmeli
SPOL 541 Techniques de Recherche en Sciences Sociales et Ethique de Publication Seçmeli
SPOL 543 International Political Sociology Seçmeli
SPOL 592 Géopolitique Seçmeli
SPOL 599 Memoıre Seçmeli
SPRI 001 Fransızca Hazırlık Kur 1 Seçmeli
SPRI 002 Fransızca Hazırlık Kur 2 Seçmeli
SPRI 003 Fransızca Hazırlık Kur 3 Seçmeli
SPRI 004 Fransızca Hazırlık Kur 4 Seçmeli
SPRI 400 Politique Etrangère de l'Union Européenne Seçmeli
SPRI 404 Relations Gréco - Turques Seçmeli
SPRI 406 Migration Internationale et Question de Réfugié Seçmeli
SPRI 411 Politique étrangère française et francophonie Seçmeli
SPRI 412 Diplomatie Publique Internationale Seçmeli
SPRI 414 Visualisation des données et cartographie en sciences sociales - 1 Seçmeli
SPRI 416 Visualisation des données et cartographie en sciences sociales - 2 Seçmeli
SPRI 418 Applications qualitative et quantitative dans les Sciences Sociales Seçmeli
SPRI 420 Comportements et Attitudes Politiques Seçmeli
SPRI 423 Structure Sociale de la Turquie Seçmeli
SPRI 424 Médias et Société Seçmeli
SPRI 427 Communication Politique Seçmeli
SPRI 432 Art et Politique Seçmeli
SPRI 458 Géostrategie et la Sécurité Internationale Seçmeli
SPT 218 Epidemiology of Sports Injuries and Preventive Measures Seçmeli
SPT 601 Sports Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation I Seçmeli
SPT 602 Test and Measurements in Sports Physioterapy Seçmeli
SPT 604 Seminar Seçmeli
SPT 605 Sports Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation II Seçmeli
SPT 606 Advanced Exercise Physiology Seçmeli
SPT 607 Orthopeadics in Spor Medicine Seçmeli
SPT 608 Test and Measurements in Sports Physiotherapy for Spesific Group Seçmeli
SPT 609 Functional Rehabilitation in Sports Seçmeli
SPT 610 Sports Biomechanics Seçmeli
SPT 611 Orthopeadic and Traumathological Approaches in Sports Injuries Seçmeli
SPT 612 Taping in Sports Physiotherapy Seçmeli
SPT 613 Orthotic Approach in Sports Physiotherapy Seçmeli
SPT 614 Sports for All Seçmeli
SPT 615 Exercise Trends in Sports Physiotherapy Seçmeli
SPT 616 Firs Aid in Sports Injures Seçmeli
SPT 617 Sports, Recreational Activities and Healthy Living Seçmeli
SPT 618 Epidemiology of Sports Injuries and Preventive Measures Seçmeli
SPT 619 Sports Management and Organization Seçmeli
SPT 620 Disability Sport Seçmeli
SPT 621 Adapted Physical Education and Activity (APE-APA) Seçmeli
SPT 622 Evidence Based Sports Physiotherapy in Sports Seçmeli
SPT 623 Manipulative Techniques in Sports Physiotherapy Seçmeli
SPT 690 Thesis Seçmeli
STAT 410 Statistics Seçmeli
STAT 411 Advanced Statistics Applications Seçmeli
SUST 301 Sustainable Development Seçmeli
SYN 501 Health Care Management Seçmeli
SYN 502 Health Care Economics Seçmeli
SYN 503 Human Resource Management in Health Care Organizations Seçmeli
SYN 504 HCM 504 Pharmacoeconomics Seçmeli
SYN 505 Ethics and Patient Rights Seçmeli
SYN 506 Contemporary Management and Organizationin in Health Care Seçmeli
SYN 507 Financial Management in Health Care Systems Seçmeli
SYN 508 Organizational Behavior in Health Care Seçmeli
SYN 519 Business Statistics Seçmeli
SYN 521 Health Care Insurance Management Seçmeli
SYN 522 Cost Management in Health Care Systems Seçmeli
SYN 531 Marketing in Health Care Seçmeli
SYN 532 The Patient-Provider Relationship Management Seçmeli
SYN 541 International Health Care Systems and Policy Management Seçmeli
SYN 542 Health Care Law Seçmeli
SYN 543 Health Care Technology and Information Systems Management Seçmeli
SYN 544 Public Health Care Systems and Policies Seçmeli
SYN 545 Supply Chain Management in Health Care Seçmeli
SYN 546 Quality Control and Accreditation in Health Care Seçmeli
SYN 596 Research Methodology Seçmeli
SYN 597 Health Care Management Seminar Seçmeli
SYN 598 Health Care Graduation Project Seçmeli
SYN 599 Thesis Seçmeli
TED 103 Technology Addiction Seçmeli
TEXT 403 Project Seçmeli
TEXT 498 Graduation Project Seçmeli
THTR 245 Singing Practice Seçmeli
THTR 310 Creative Drama Seçmeli
THTR 311 Critcism Seçmeli
THTR 317 Art and Politics Seçmeli
THTR 324 Audience and Stage Relation Seçmeli
THTR 325 Intellectuals in Plays Seçmeli
THTR 375 Acting for Camera Seçmeli
THTR 511 Experimental Theatre I Seçmeli
THTR 512 Experimental Theatre II Seçmeli
THTR 527 Dramatic Writing Seçmeli
THTR 571 Acting Practices I Seçmeli
THTR 572 Acting Practices II Seçmeli
THTR 581 Directing Seçmeli
THTR 591 Scientific Researching Techniques Seçmeli
THTR 592 Seminar Seçmeli
THTR 599 Thesis Seçmeli
TKL 201 Turkish Language I Seçmeli
TL 511 Management and Strategy Seçmeli
TL 512 New Trends in International Trade Seçmeli
TL 513 Supply Chain Management and Logistics Seçmeli
TL 515 International Economics and World Trade Seçmeli
TL 518 Logistics Planning and Modelling Techniques Seçmeli
TL 519 Operations Management Seçmeli
TL 521 Import Export Management Seçmeli
TL 522 Purchasing and Inventory Management Seçmeli
TL 523 Integrated Transportation Management Seçmeli
TL 529 Maritime Logistics Seçmeli
TL 533 International Trade Regulations Seçmeli
TL 534 Global Business Development Seçmeli
TL 540 Decision Techniques and Simulation Seçmeli
TL 571 Airline Management Seçmeli
TL 572 E-Commerce and Logistics Apllications Seçmeli
TL 597 Graduation Project Seçmeli
TL 598 Seminar Seçmeli
TL 599 Thesis Seçmeli
TL 611 Designing and Managing Supply Chain Seçmeli
TL 613 Advanced Research Methods Seçmeli
TL 614 Quantitative Decision Making Seçmeli
TL 615 Economic Geography Seçmeli
TL 616 Global Economies and Marketing Seçmeli
TL 617 Advanced Operations Management Seçmeli
TL 618 Transportation Planning Seçmeli
TL 623 Topics in International Trade Seçmeli
TL 625 Transportation Economics Seçmeli
TL 688 Seminar Seçmeli
TL 690 Thesis Seçmeli
TLL 120 History of Turkish Culture Seçmeli
TLL 214 Short Story And Novel In World Literature I Seçmeli
TLL 243 Persian Literary Texts Seçmeli
TLL 261 Literary Movements Seçmeli
TLL 262 World Literature For Children Seçmeli
TLL 277 Introduction to Discourse Analysis Seçmeli
TLL 352 Contemporary Literary Criticism Seçmeli
TLL 353 War And Literature Seçmeli
TLL 364 Theoretical Analysis In Divan Literature Seçmeli
TLL 399 Popular Culture and Literature Seçmeli
TLL 413 Turkish Literature And Mythology Seçmeli
TLL 456 Media Oriented Writing Seçmeli
TLL 466 Self’s Texts and Auto/Biography In Literature Seçmeli
TLL 483 Paleography (Ottoman Manuscripts) Seçmeli
TLL 497 Music In Turkish Literature Seçmeli
TLL 499 Short Story and Novel in World Literature II Seçmeli
TLP 601 Divan Literature: New Readings And Approaches Seçmeli
TLP 602 Mystic Literature Seçmeli
TLP 603 Literature- Space- Identity Seçmeli
TLP 605 Research Methods And Publishing Ethics In Literature Seçmeli
TLP 606 Mythology In Literature Seçmeli
TLP 607 Modern Story In Turkish And World Literature Seçmeli
TLP 608 Fantastic Literature Seçmeli
TLP 610 Psychoanalysis And Literature Seçmeli
TLP 611 Poetry: Poetics And Genre Seçmeli
TLP 612 Pioneers Of Turkish Literature Seçmeli
TLP 614 Gender Studies And Literature Seçmeli
TLP 615 Folklore and Turkish Literature Seçmeli
TLP 616 Language, Linguistics and Literature Seçmeli
TLP 617 Literatures of Old and Middle Turkish Periods Seçmeli
TLP 618 Ottoman Modernization And Literature Seçmeli
TLP 619 Special Topics in Literature Seçmeli
TLP 621 Contemporary Literary Criticism Seçmeli
TLP 640 Seminar Seçmeli
TLP 699 Thesis Seçmeli
TOK 101 Theory of Knowledge Seçmeli
TRA 208 British Civilization Seçmeli
TRA 409 Translation of Texts on Arts Seçmeli
UNIV 101 Üniversiteye Giriş: Yaşam Dersleri Seçmeli
UNIV 104 PrePlus Academy: Sosyal Matematik Plus Seçmeli
UNIV 105 PrePlus Academy: Fen Matematik Plus Seçmeli
VCD 210 Contemporary Art Concepts Seçmeli
VCD 277 2D Animation Seçmeli
VCD 370 Creative Brand Design Seçmeli
VCD 382 Sound Studio Seçmeli
VCD 402 Film and Animation Analysis Seçmeli
VCD 423 Art Sociology Seçmeli
VCD 528 Media Ethics Seçmeli
VCD 541 Images And Vısual Meanıng Seçmeli
VCD 544 Media Theories and Communication Seçmeli
VCD 545 History and Philosophy Of Desing Seçmeli
VCD 546 Digital Design Practices Seçmeli
VCD 547 Interdisciplinary Approaches in Design Seçmeli
VCD 549 Digital Media Planning and Management Seçmeli
VCD 553 Digital Media and Culture Seçmeli
VCD 554 Content Development For Media Seçmeli
VCD 558 Design Studio Seçmeli
VCD 562 Advertising Design and Semiology Seçmeli
VCD 563 Visiual Perception and Persasion Skills Seçmeli
VCD 564 Creative Industries Seçmeli
VCD 566 New Media Art Seçmeli
VCD 599 Thesıs Seçmeli
Ders Dönemi: Bahar
Course Code Course Name Course Type
ACM 105 Informatics Management Seçmeli
ACM 112 Introduction to Graphics Design Seçmeli
ACM 114 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Seçmeli
ACM 212 Advanced Database Applications Seçmeli
ACM 262 Introduction to Web Design Seçmeli
ACM 362 Networking II Seçmeli
ACM 364 Database Management Systems Seçmeli
ACM 366 E-Business Seçmeli
ACM 368 Web Programming Seçmeli
ACM 394 Internship Seçmeli
ACM 412 Network Programming Seçmeli
ACM 414 Virtualization and Introductory Cloud Computing Seçmeli
ACM 434 Enterprise Information Systems II Seçmeli
ACM 474 Information Systems Security Seçmeli
ACM 496 Seminars in MIS Seçmeli
ADV 104 Principles of Marketing Seçmeli
ADV 202 Consumer Insight Seçmeli
ADV 272 Advertising Design and Graphics II Seçmeli
ADV 274 Production Techniques in Advertising Seçmeli
ADV 302 Strategic Media Planning Seçmeli
ADV 312 Corporate Identity Design Seçmeli
ADV 352 Advertising Copywriting Seçmeli
ADV 372 Advanced Design in Advertising Seçmeli
ADV 381 Contemporary Issues in Advertising Seçmeli
ADV 410 The New Era in Digital Marketing with MMA Seçmeli
ADV 492 Graduation Project Seçmeli
AFN 242 Principles of Insurance Seçmeli
AFN 296 Internship Seçmeli
AFN 311 Corporate Finance Seçmeli
AFN 312 International Financial Management Seçmeli
AFN 314 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Seçmeli
AFN 316 Financial Markets and Institutions Seçmeli
AFN 318 Mergers & Acquisitions Seçmeli
AFN 405 Advanced Investment Analysis Seçmeli
AFN 406 Financial Calculus Seçmeli
AFN 407 Behavioral Finance Seçmeli
AFN 413 Financial Risk Analysis Seçmeli
AFN 416 Turkish Capital Markets Seçmeli
AFN 419 Marketing of Financial Services Seçmeli
AFN 496 Graduation Project Seçmeli
AGR 104 Environmental Pollution Seçmeli
AGR 106 Agricultural Economics Seçmeli
AGR 202 Agricultural Information Systems and Data Processing Seçmeli
AGR 204 Agricultural Import and Export Management Seçmeli
AGR 206 EU Agricultural Policy and Customs Union Seçmeli
AGR 208 Agriculture Models Seçmeli
AGR 218 Agricultural and Food Marketing Seçmeli
AGR 220 Agriculture, Food and Media Seçmeli
AGR 326 Sustainable Sourcing of Agricultural Raw Materials Seçmeli
AGR 380 Occupational Practice I Seçmeli
AGR 382 Occupational Practice II Seçmeli
AGR 402 Plant Nutrition Fertilization and Irrigation Seçmeli
AGR 492 Graduation Project Seçmeli
ANT 116 Scholarly Reading and Writing in Anthropology II Seçmeli
ANT 158 Introduction to Social Theory Seçmeli
ANT 160 Biological Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 220 Ethnography: Critics and Applications Seçmeli
ANT 228 Anthropological Theory II Seçmeli
ANT 260 Archaeology of Anatolia Seçmeli
ANT 275 Turkish Mythology and Folk Beliefs Seçmeli
ANT 276 Kinship and Social Organization Seçmeli
ANT 326 Turkish World History and Cultural Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 334 Ritual and Religion Seçmeli
ANT 346 Economics and Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 358 Research Technologies and Ethics Seçmeli
ANT 432 Politics and Culture Seçmeli
ANT 464 Medical Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 476 Forensic Archeology and Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 478 Visual Culture Studies Seçmeli
ANT 498 Writing Thesis Seçmeli
ARCH 105 Computer Aided Representation Techniques Seçmeli
ARCH 110 Construction 1 Seçmeli
ARCH 111 Design Studies Seçmeli
ARCH 112 Introduction to Theories of Architectural Design Seçmeli
ARCH 138 Architectural Presentation Skills Seçmeli
ARCH 208 History and Theory of Architecture II Seçmeli
ARCH 254 Architectural Design II Seçmeli
ARCH 290 Fundamentals of Building Physics Seçmeli
ARCH 300 Office Internship Seçmeli
ARCH 315 Introduction to Urban Design Seçmeli
ARCH 321 Architectural Conservation Seçmeli
ARCH 347 Construction Project Seçmeli
ARCH 354 Architectural Design IV Seçmeli
ARCH 362 The City Shaped Seçmeli
ARCH 437 Design/Build Seçmeli
ARCH 440 Late Ottoman Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 450 Sustainable Architecture in the Transforming World Seçmeli
ARCH 452 Environmental Informatics Seçmeli
ARCH 486 Project Management Seçmeli
ARCH 493 Architectural Design VI Seçmeli
ARE 122 Basic Principles of Real Estate Seçmeli
ARE 201 Zoning Law Seçmeli
ARE 212 Structure Cognisance Seçmeli
ARE 301 Facility Management Seçmeli
ARE 323 Real Estate Marketing and Management Seçmeli
ARE 352 Türkiye’de Kentsel Dönüşüm Uygulamaları Seçmeli
ARE 390 Internship I Seçmeli
ARE 402 Real Estate Contracts Seçmeli
ARE 432 Risk Measurement and Management in Real Estate Seçmeli
ARE 453 Local Government and Urbanization Seçmeli
ARE 490 Real Estate Investment and Management Graduation Project Seçmeli
ART 102 Arts and Cultural Management in Turkey Seçmeli
ART 104 Basics of Art Sociology Seçmeli
ART 112 History of Art II Seçmeli
ART 202 Aesthetics and Art Philosophy II Seçmeli
ART 204 Press and Public Relations in Arts and Cultural Management Seçmeli
ART 206 Performing Arts Management II Seçmeli
ART 208 Gallery Management Seçmeli
ART 210 Intellectual Property and Art Law Seçmeli
ART 302 Curatorial Studies Seçmeli
ART 304 Project Development and Management Seçmeli
ART 306 Arts Marketing Seçmeli
ART 308 Contemporary Arts Theories Seçmeli
ART 402 Creative Industries in Cultural Economy Seçmeli
ART 404 Organizational Behavior Seçmeli
ART 492 Graduation Project II Seçmeli
ATA 512 Ataturk's Renaissance Seçmeli
ATA 522 Political and Economic Ideologies Seçmeli
ATA 524 Globalisation,Concept of Threat and Security Strategies Seçmeli
ATA 532 Atatürk as a human being and as a leader with universal and national Seçmeli
ATA 542 Turkish Foreign Policy in Republic of Turkey Seçmeli
ATA 572 Ottoman II Seçmeli
ATA 588 Seminar Seçmeli
ATA 591 Graduation Project Seçmeli
ATD 312 Foreign Trade Finance Seçmeli
ATD 315 Cross-Cultural Issues in Business Seçmeli
ATD 316 Economic Geography Seçmeli
ATD 318 Asian Economies Seçmeli
ATD 324 Turkish Industry Seçmeli
ATD 326 International Business and Multinational Corporations Seçmeli
ATD 390 Internship Seçmeli
ATD 415 Retail Journey with Metro Turkey Seçmeli
ATD 428 The Appraisal of Real Estate Seçmeli
ATH 104 Management & Behavioural Sciences in Tourism Seçmeli
ATH 106 Travel Management and Tour Operations Seçmeli
ATH 210 Front Office Operations & Automation Systems Seçmeli
ATH 292 Internship Seçmeli
ATH 304 Destination Management Seçmeli
ATH 306 Sales Management in The Travel Industry Seçmeli
ATH 308 Performance Analysis & Reporting in Hospitality Industry Seçmeli
ATH 310 Introduction to Conference & Convention Planning Seçmeli
ATH 316 Strategic Airline Management Seçmeli
ATH 326 International Hospitality Management Seçmeli
ATH 413 Smart Technologies in Tourism Seçmeli
ATH 433 Excellence in Hospitality with VoyMaxx Seçmeli
ATH 492 Applied Vocational Training Seçmeli
ATR 102 Introduction to Supply Chain Management & Logistics II Seçmeli
ATR 202 Integrated Global Logistics Seçmeli
ATR 304 Contemporary Issues for International Logistics Seçmeli
ATR 308 Intelligent Supply Chain System Seçmeli
ATR 312 Transportation Management and Rules II Seçmeli
ATR 333 Business Development Seçmeli
ATR 352 Maritime Logistics II Seçmeli
ATR 442 Rail Transportation II Seçmeli
ATR 466 Procurement & Inventory Management Seçmeli
ATR 474 Customs & Customs Operations Seçmeli
ATR 482 Maritime & Port Operations Mgt II Seçmeli
ATR 492 Applied Vocational Training Seçmeli
AUT 102 Intermal Combustion Engines Technology Seçmeli
AUT 103 Fertigungstechnik und Werkstoffkunde Seçmeli
AUT 106 Machine Elements Seçmeli
AUT 110 Automotive Measurement Technic Seçmeli
AUT 112 Pattern ve Body Production Seçmeli
AUT 116 Computer Aided Manufacturing Seçmeli
AUT 118 Festkörper (Solid) Modellierung Seçmeli
AUT 121 Sensoren und Aktoren in KFZ Seçmeli
AUT 122 Energiespeichersysteme Seçmeli
AUT 202 Workplace Applications Seçmeli
AUT 204 İş Yeri Uygulamaları Projesi Seçmeli
BBA 102 Fundamentals of Management Seçmeli
BBA 202 Organizational Behavior Seçmeli
BBA 204 Principles of Entrepreneurship Seçmeli
BBA 210 Corporate Social Responsibility Seçmeli
BBA 245 Financial Accounting Seçmeli
BBA 345 Cost Accounting Seçmeli
BBA 361 Marketing Research Seçmeli
BBA 363 Brand Management Seçmeli
BBA 364 Marketing Management Seçmeli
BBA 402 Strategic Management Seçmeli
BBA 450 International Accounting Seçmeli
BBA 462 Sales Management Seçmeli
BBA 491 Internship Seçmeli
BME 214 Electrical Circuits in Biomedical Engineering Seçmeli
BME 222 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves in BME Seçmeli
BME 252 Biomechanics Seçmeli
BME 262 Biomaterials Seçmeli
BME 302 Biomedical Electronics II Seçmeli
BME 314 Biomedical Instrumentation Seçmeli
BME 324 Biomedical Sensors and Transducers Seçmeli
BME 492 Engineering Project Seçmeli
BTSM 502 Social Network Analysis and Data Mining Seçmeli
CE 162 Material Science Seçmeli
CE 232 Engineering Mechanics II: Dynamics Seçmeli
CE 236 Mechanics of Materials Seçmeli
CE 262 Surveying Seçmeli
CE 341 Soil Mechanics Seçmeli
CE 354 Hydraulics Seçmeli
CE 382 Reinforced Concrete Seçmeli
CE 403 Computing in Civil Engineering Seçmeli
CE 462 Construction Safety And Engineering Ethics Seçmeli
CE 463 Site Organization Seçmeli
CE 464 Contracts and Financing For Infrastructure Projects Seçmeli
CE 465 Construction Management in Practice Seçmeli
CE 471 Introduction to Seismic Performance Evaluation and Retrofit of Buildings Seçmeli
CE 472 Special Topics in Structural Analysis Seçmeli
CE 473 Traffic Engineering Seçmeli
CE 477 Concrete Technology Seçmeli
CE 482 Energy Management In Civil Engineering Seçmeli
CE 485 Deep Foundations Seçmeli
CE 488 Introduction to Earthquake Engineering Seçmeli
CE 492 Engineering Project Seçmeli
CE 498 Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Buildings Seçmeli
CET 205 Instructional Design Seçmeli
CET 212 Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming for Education Seçmeli
CET 214 Fundamentals of Computer Assisted Instruction Seçmeli
CET 215 Graphics and Visualization in Education Seçmeli
CET 308 Operating Systems Seçmeli
CET 310 Database Management Systems Seçmeli
CET 311 Multimedia Design and Development Seçmeli
CET 344 Special Teaching Methods in Computer Education II Seçmeli
CET 408 Practice Teaching in Computer Education Seçmeli
CET 414 Project Development in Computer Education Seçmeli
CHBE 102 Introduction to Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering Seçmeli
CHBE 204 Bioorganic Chemistry Seçmeli
CHBE 213 Physical Chemistry Lab Seçmeli
CHBE 214 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Seçmeli
CHBE 232 CHBE I: Fluid Mechanics Seçmeli
CHBE 302 Experimental CHBE II Seçmeli
CHBE 333 CHBE III : Mass Transfer Seçmeli
CHBE 351 Inorganic Technologies Seçmeli
CHBE 362 Reactor Design Seçmeli
CHBE 386 Mathematical Modeling in CHBE Seçmeli
CHBE 464 Chemical & Biochemical Process Design II Seçmeli
CHBE 477 Fuel Cells, Batteries and Corrosion Seçmeli
CHBE 492 Engineering Project Seçmeli
CHEM 112 General Chemistry II Seçmeli
CHEM 113 General Chemistry Laboratory Seçmeli
CHEM 215 Analytical Chemistry Seçmeli
CIS 112 Object Oriented Data Structures Seçmeli
CIS 114 Algorithms Seçmeli
COMM 102 Media History Seçmeli
COMM 106 Sustainability Communication Seçmeli
COMM 110 Announcing and Diction Seçmeli
COMM 120 Art History and Aesthetic Seçmeli
COMM 122 History of Thought Seçmeli
COMM 202 Media Analysis Seçmeli
COMM 220 Communication and Media Research Seçmeli
COMM 361 Strategic Communication Research and Campaign Management Seçmeli
COMM 400 Communication Practicum in Local Government Seçmeli
COMM 402 Alternative Media Seçmeli
COMM 442 Media Management Seçmeli
COMP 102 Software Development Processes Seçmeli
COMP 134 Applied Finite Mathematics Seçmeli
COMP 202 Design Patterns Seçmeli
COMP 203 Computer Networks Seçmeli
COMP 290 Internship I Seçmeli
COMP 390 Internship II Seçmeli
COMP 425 Software Testing and Quality Assurance Seçmeli
COMP 498 Graduation Project Seçmeli
CPLT 285 Selected Topics in European Literature Seçmeli
CPLT 288 Selected Topics in Modern Drama II Seçmeli
CPLT 386 Selected Topics in Mythology II Seçmeli
CPLT 392 Selected Topics in Comparative Literature II Seçmeli
CPLT 394 Selected Topics in Modern Literature II Seçmeli
CSE 114 Fundamentals Of Computer Programming Seçmeli
CSE 212 Software Development Methodologies Seçmeli
CSE 224 Introduction to Digital Systems Seçmeli
CSE 232 Systems Programming Seçmeli
CSE 315 Internet Technologies Seçmeli
CSE 331 Operating Systems Design Seçmeli
CSE 344 Software Engineering Seçmeli
CSE 348 Database Management Systems Seçmeli
CSE 354 Automata Theory & Formal Languages Seçmeli
CSE 426 Audio Processing and Recognition Seçmeli
CSE 447 Software Architecture Seçmeli
CSE 457 Compiler Design Seçmeli
CSE 472 Concurrent Programming Seçmeli
CSE 483 Computer Graphics Seçmeli
CSE 489 Human Computer Interaction Seçmeli
CSE 492 Engineering Project Seçmeli
CULA 102 Agricultural Production Seçmeli
CULA 114 Introduction to Culinary Science Seçmeli
CULA 142 Introduction to Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Seçmeli
CULA 204 Introduction to beverages Seçmeli
CULA 206 Food and Gastronomy Culture Seçmeli
CULA 222 Introduction to Pastry and Baking: Kitchen Practice 2 Seçmeli
CULA 302 Food and Beverage Marketing and Sales Seçmeli
CULA 308 Turkish Cuisine Seçmeli
CULA 322 Kitchen Practice-4 Seçmeli
CULA 424 Sustainable Gastronomy with TAGEM Seçmeli
CULA 458 World Cuisine Seçmeli
CULA 462 Food Politics and Regulations Seçmeli
CULA 492 Graduation Project Seçmeli
CUM 290 Internship I Seçmeli
CUM 302 Customs Legislations II Seçmeli
CUM 306 Computerized Customs Services Seçmeli
CUM 308 Customs Tariff and Tax II Seçmeli
CUM 310 Monitoring and Preveting of Smuggling II Seçmeli
CUM 390 Internship II Seçmeli
CYB 266 Computational Random Processes Seçmeli
CYB 304 Penetration Tests and Ethical Hacking Seçmeli
CYB 394 Internship in Cyber Security Seçmeli
CYB 498 Graduation Project Seçmeli
DENT 120 Art, Aesthetic and Design for Dentistry Students Seçmeli
DENT 121 Body Language and Presentation Techniques Seçmeli
DENT 122 Culinary and Gourmet Culture for Perspective Seçmeli
DENT 123 Gamification Techniques for Dentistry Students Seçmeli
DENT 216 Restorative Dentistry 1 Seçmeli
DENT 217 Endodontics 1 Seçmeli
DENT 399 Advanced Research Methodology I Seçmeli
DENT 400 History of Dentistry Seçmeli
DENT 444 Dental Trauma Seçmeli
DENT 500 Practice Management Seçmeli
DENT 519 Urgent Treatment and Pain Management in Dentistry Seçmeli
DENT 522 Multidisciplinary Case Discussion Seçmeli
DENT 591 Special Applications in Dentistry Seçmeli
DENTGT 410 Ophtalmology Seçmeli
DENTGT 420 Dermatology Seçmeli
DENTGT 431 Neurology Seçmeli
ECON 104 Statistical Softwares and Data Compiling Seçmeli
ECON 122 Principles of Macroeconomics Seçmeli
ECON 216 Tourism Economics Seçmeli
ECON 222 Macroeconomics Seçmeli
ECON 232 Mathematical Economics Seçmeli
ECON 291 Economics Seçmeli
ECON 302 History of Economic Thought Seçmeli
ECON 322 Economics of Growth Seçmeli
ECON 352 Econometrics Seçmeli
ECON 363 Sustainable Economic Development Seçmeli
ECON 367 International Political Economics Seçmeli
ECON 422 Turkish Economy Seçmeli
ECON 433 Labor Economics Seçmeli
ED 122 Philosophy of Education Seçmeli
ED 124 Instructional Technology Seçmeli
ED 244 Research Methods in Education Seçmeli
ED 353 Measurement and Evaluation in Education Seçmeli
ED 360 Ethics and Moral Issues in Education Seçmeli
ED 362 Classroom Management Seçmeli
EDEM 104 Fundamentals of Mathematics 2 Seçmeli
EDEM 205 Contemporary Trends in Teaching Mathematics Seçmeli
EDEM 208 Probability Seçmeli
EDEM 212 Elementary Mathematics Curricula Seçmeli
EDEM 230 Algorithm and Programming Seçmeli
EDEM 312 Teaching Algebra Seçmeli
EDEM 314 Teaching Probability and Statistics Seçmeli
EDEM 320 Connections in Mathematics Seçmeli
EDEM 346 Task-Based Mathematics Instruction Seçmeli
EDEM 402 Teaching Practice II Seçmeli
EDEM 412 Philosophy of Mathematics Seçmeli
EDEM 424 Modelling in Mathematics Seçmeli
EDEM 428 Teaching Methods in Elementary Mathematics II Seçmeli
EDEM 456 Material Development in Elementary Mathematics Seçmeli
EDEN 106 Academic Reading and Writing 2 Seçmeli
EDEN 108 Oral Communication Skills 2 Seçmeli
EDEN 202 Second Language Learning Seçmeli
EDEN 210 Teaching Methods in TEFL Seçmeli
EDEN 215 Linguistics 2 Seçmeli
EDEN 308 Materials Evaluation and Adaptation in TEFL Seçmeli
EDEN 318 TEFL: Listening and Speaking Seçmeli
EDEN 404 Teacher Research in TEFL Seçmeli
EDEN 405 Young Learners in TEFL Seçmeli
EDEN 412 Teaching Practice 2 Seçmeli
EDEN 428 Online Teaching Techniques in TEFL Seçmeli
EDEN 588 Academic Writing for Applied Linguists Seçmeli
EDEN 601 Bilingual Language Acquisition Seçmeli
EDGN 110 History of Turkish Culture Seçmeli
EDGN 201 Community Service in Practices Seçmeli
EDTR 341 Diction and The Art of Public Speaking Seçmeli
EE 212 Circuits and Systems Seçmeli
EE 226 Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Fields Seçmeli
EE 232 Introduction to Electronics Seçmeli
EE 242 Microprocessor Systems Seçmeli
EE 334 Digital Electronic Circuits Seçmeli
EE 354 Communication Systems Seçmeli
EE 372 Fundamentals of Power Systems Seçmeli
EE 384 Introduction to Control Systems Seçmeli
EE 434 Analog Integrated Circuit Design Seçmeli
EE 455 Radar Systems Seçmeli
EE 458 Wireless Communication Seçmeli
EE 469 Image Processing Seçmeli
EE 470 Deep Learning for Computer Vision Seçmeli
EE 475 High Voltage Technique Seçmeli
EE 481 Solar and Wind Energy Systems Seçmeli
EE 489 Digital Control Systems Seçmeli
EE 492 Engineering Project Seçmeli
ELIT 102 Survey of English Literature II Seçmeli
ELIT 106 Introduction to Western Literature II Seçmeli
ELIT 108 Literary Genres II Seçmeli
ELIT 121 Creative Writing Seçmeli
ELIT 204 Survey Of American Literature II Seçmeli
ELIT 212 Nineteenth Century British Novel Seçmeli
ELIT 217 Elizabethan & Jacobean Drama Seçmeli
ELIT 282 Selected Topics in Short Fiction II Seçmeli
ELIT 302 History Of Literary Criticism II Seçmeli
ELIT 316 The Age of Satire Seçmeli
ELIT 318 Romantic Poetry Seçmeli
ELIT 382 Selected Topics in Gothic Literature Seçmeli
ELIT 384 Selected Topics in the Novel II Seçmeli
ELIT 402 Contemporary Literary Theory II Seçmeli
ELIT 419 Twentieth Century British Literature Seçmeli
ELT 102 Grundlagen der digitalen Schaltungen Seçmeli
ELT 105 Elektronische Schaltkreise und Systeme Seçmeli
ELT 106 Rechnergestütztes Zeichnen von Schaltsystem I Seçmeli
ELT 108 Elektronische Messtechniken Sensoren und Aktoren Seçmeli
ELT 112 Digital Electronic Applications Seçmeli
ELT 202 Workplace Applications Seçmeli
ELT 204 Projektarbeit Seçmeli
ELT 213 Telekommunikation Seçmeli
ELT 216 Energie und Schaltung Automation Seçmeli
EPÖ 603 New Approaches in Instruction Seçmeli
EPÖ 607 Program Evaluation Approaches and Applications in Education Seçmeli
ES 222 Fundamentals of EEE Seçmeli
ES 252 Fundamentals of Biological Sciences Seçmeli
ETT 215 Digital Marketing Management Seçmeli
ETT 216 Applied Digital Marketing Seçmeli
ETT 315 Digital Advertising and Performance Managment Seçmeli
ETT 322 E-CRM with Salesforce Seçmeli
ETT 480 Seminars in Innovative Technologies in E-Commerce Seçmeli
ETT 498 Graduation Thesis Seçmeli
EYD 567 Leadership in Educational Organizations Seçmeli
FDE 204 Food Safety and Risk Analysis Seçmeli
FDE 214 Thermodynamics in Food Engineering Seçmeli
FDE 226 Food Analysis and Laboratory Seçmeli
FDE 254 Food Process Engineering I Seçmeli
FDE 315 Food Regulations Seçmeli
FDE 319 Food Biochemistry Seçmeli
FDE 344 Food Technology Seçmeli
FDE 345 Statistical Quality Control in Food Industry Seçmeli
FDE 346 Food Additives Seçmeli
FDE 347 Enzymes in Food Production Seçmeli
FDE 350 Kinetics of Food Reactions and Shelf Life Seçmeli
FDE 354 Novel Food Processing Technologies Seçmeli
FDE 384 Functional Foods Seçmeli
FDE 418 Digital Innovation in the Food System Seçmeli
FDE 421 Food Biotechnology Seçmeli
FDE 425 Innovation and Food Product Development Seçmeli
FDE 426 Food Proteins Seçmeli
FDE 437 Food Engineering Operations and Process Design Seçmeli
FDE 492 Engineering Project Seçmeli
FHS 122 Anatomy II Seçmeli
FHS 132 Physiology II Seçmeli
FHS 142 Medical Biology and Genetics Seçmeli
FHS 312 Biostatistics Seçmeli
FHS 404 Methods of Artcile Critics in Health Sciences Seçmeli
GBE 104 Introduction to Bioengineering Seçmeli
GBE 212 Classical and Molecular Genetics Seçmeli
GBE 216 Classical and Molecular Genetics Lab Seçmeli
GBE 302 Biochemistry II Seçmeli
GBE 326 Experimental GBE I: Principles Seçmeli
GBE 342 Techniques in Genetics Engineering II Seçmeli
GBE 404 Molecular Biology II Seçmeli
GBE 492 Engineering Project Seçmeli
GRA 104 History of Graphic Design Seçmeli
GRA 106 Advertising Photography Seçmeli
GRA 202 Creative Thinking Techniques Seçmeli
GRA 206 Graphic Printing / Producing Techniques Seçmeli
GRA 208 Web Design Seçmeli
GRA 210 Graphic Management Seçmeli
GRA 212 Semiotics Seçmeli
GRA 302 Graphic Design Project: Social Design Seçmeli
GRA 402 Graphic Design Project: Advertising Design II Seçmeli
GRA 408 Design Culture Seçmeli
HIST 102 Historical Documents in Ottoman Language Seçmeli
HIST 114 History of Pre-Islamic Turkish Culture Seçmeli
HIST 116 Method in History Seçmeli
HIST 118 History of Byzantine Empire Seçmeli
HIST 120 History of Seljuks Seçmeli
HIST 126 European History (476-1789) Seçmeli
HIST 202 State Organization and Institutions of Seljuks Seçmeli
HIST 210 Paleograph II Seçmeli
HIST 212 Ottoman History (1600-1792) Seçmeli
HIST 238 History of Central Asia From 12th to 16th Century Seçmeli
HIST 306 History of Ottoman Modernization Seçmeli
HIST 308 History of Europe (1789-1918) Seçmeli
HIST 314 History of Istanbul Seçmeli
HIST 316 History of Turkish States in India Seçmeli
HIST 338 History of Russia Seçmeli
HIST 348 History of the Ottoman Institutions Seçmeli
HIST 358 American History Seçmeli
HIST 404 History of Contemporary Turkish World Seçmeli
HIST 408 History of Middle East Seçmeli
HIST 410 Republican Turkish Foreign Policy Seçmeli
HIST 426 Women in the Turkish History Seçmeli
HIST 432 Introduction to Latin Language II Seçmeli
HIST 498 Research Technique in History Seçmeli
HRM 112 Human Resources Management in Organizations Seçmeli
HRM 211 Basics of Behaviorial Science Seçmeli
HRM 222 Meeting and Presentation Techniques Seçmeli
HRM 232 Recruitment Processes and Interview Techniques Seçmeli
HRM 290 Internship I Seçmeli
HRM 312 Social Psychology and Group Dynamics Seçmeli
HRM 322 Occupational Health and Safety Seçmeli
HRM 390 Staj II Seçmeli
HRM 434 Business Information Systems in the New Digital Age Seçmeli
HRM 492 Graduation Project Seçmeli
HTR 302 History of Turkish Revolution II Seçmeli
IBED 321 Professional Development and Study Skills Seçmeli
IBED 322 Inquiry-Based Learning (TOK) Seçmeli
IBED 421 Teaching and Assessment in English B Seçmeli
IBED 422 Teaching and Assessment in Mathematics Seçmeli
INDD 108 Principles of Basic Design II Seçmeli
INDD 124 Maquette and Prototyping Seçmeli
INDD 142 Presentation Techniques Seçmeli
INDD 162 Perspective for Industrial Designers Seçmeli
INDD 202 Project II Seçmeli
INDD 212 Ergonomics Seçmeli
INDD 232 History of Design Seçmeli
INDD 252 Cad For Industrial Designers Seçmeli
INDD 302 Project IV Seçmeli
INDD 312 Technic Pyhsics Seçmeli
INDD 362 Advanced 3d Design Modelling Seçmeli
INDD 398 Introduction to Ceramics Seçmeli
INDD 432 Advanced 3d Presantation Techniques & 3d Printing Seçmeli
INDD 444 Conceptual Automotive Design II Seçmeli
INDD 492 Project VI Seçmeli
INDD 497 Additive Manufacturing/3D Print for İnnovative Design Seçmeli
INDD 499 Summer Practice II Seçmeli
INP 102 Internet Technologien Seçmeli
INP 104 Programming Basics Seçmeli
INP 106 Netzwerktechnologien Seçmeli
INP 114 Server Management Seçmeli
INP 118 Digitaler Vertrieb und E-Commer Seçmeli
INP 120 Digitale Transformation in Unternehmen Seçmeli
INP 202 Workplace Applications Seçmeli
INP 204 İş Yeri Uygulamaları Projesi Seçmeli
INT 204 Practical Interpreting Studies Seçmeli
INT 304 Fundamental Skills in Simultaneous Interpreting Seçmeli
INT 492 Interpreting Project Seçmeli
INTD 108 Introduction To The Interior Design Seçmeli
INTD 162 Architectural Drawing II Seçmeli
INTD 172 Final Construction Seçmeli
INTD 182 Construction I Seçmeli
INTD 192 Interior Analysis Systems I Seçmeli
INTD 200 Summer Practice I Seçmeli
INTD 202 Project II Seçmeli
INTD 222 Furniture Construction Seçmeli
INTD 232 3D Modelling In Interior Architecture Seçmeli
INTD 254 Architectural Surveying Seçmeli
INTD 292 Building Performance Services & Lightening Seçmeli
INTD 293 Model Construction Methods Seçmeli
INTD 300 Summer Practice II Seçmeli
INTD 302 Project IV Seçmeli
INTD 355 Structure Seçmeli
INTD 374 Applıed Project I Seçmeli
INTD 402 Diploma Project Seçmeli
INTD 480 Landmarks of İstanbul Seçmeli
INTD 495 Project Management for Interior Design Seçmeli
INTE 520 E-Learning Design and Development Seçmeli
ISE 101 Introduction to Industrial Engineering Seçmeli
ISE 214 Computational Methods for Industrial Engineers Seçmeli
ISE 222 Operations Research I Seçmeli
ISE 256 Statistical Applications for Industrial Engineers Seçmeli
ISE 302 Systems Engineering Methods Seçmeli
ISE 316 Computer Applications for Industrial Engineers Seçmeli
ISE 344 Simulation Seçmeli
ISE 362 Supply Chain Management Seçmeli
ISE 402 System Design Seçmeli
ISE 412 Data Science for Industrial Engineers Seçmeli
ISE 432 Decision Analysis Seçmeli
ISE 492 Engineering Project (Senior Standing) Seçmeli
JRN 104 Sociology of News Seçmeli
JRN 122 Social and Cultural Movements Seçmeli
JRN 142 Interaction in the Digital World Seçmeli
JRN 152 Writing Types For Journalism Seçmeli
JRN 201 History of Press and Publishing Seçmeli
JRN 208 News Literacy Seçmeli
JRN 212 Press Photography Seçmeli
JRN 224 Journalism Workshops II Seçmeli
JRN 242 Internet Journalism Seçmeli
JRN 252 Specialization in Journalism Seçmeli
JRN 261 Basic Video Editing in Journalism Seçmeli
JRN 312 International Communication and News Agencies Seçmeli
JRN 321 Social Media and Journalism Seçmeli
JRN 336 Society and Memory Seçmeli
JRN 356 Online Content Management Seçmeli
JRN 411 Culture, Art and Journalism Seçmeli
JRN 482 Current Issues in Journalism Seçmeli
JRN 492 Project for Graduation Seçmeli
KYL 506 Organizational Agility and Resilience in Globalization Seçmeli
KYL 507 Institutional Development Standards Seçmeli
KYL 508 Enterprise Risk Management and Internal Audit Seçmeli
KYL 509 Predictive Quality Management Seçmeli
KYL 510 Sustainable Development Goals Seçmeli
LAND 122 Irrigation and Drainage Seçmeli
LAND 328 Rural Landscape Planning Seçmeli
LAUD 102 History and Theory of Landscape Architecture Seçmeli
LAUD 114 Broadleaf Plants Seçmeli
LAUD 116 Design Principles Seçmeli
LAUD 118 Digital Presentation Techniques Seçmeli
LAUD 200 Summer Practice I Seçmeli
LAUD 202 Design Studio II Seçmeli
LAUD 208 Landscape Construction and Materials Seçmeli
LAUD 216 Urban Landscape Planning and Design Seçmeli
LAUD 302 Design Studio IV Seçmeli
LAUD 306 Rural Landscape Planning and Design Seçmeli
LAUD 316 Lawn and Ground Cover Plants Seçmeli
LAUD 404 Professional Practices and Ethics Seçmeli
LAW 117 Turkish Constitutional Law Seçmeli
LAW 128 General Public Law Seçmeli
LAW 162 Introduction to US Law II Seçmeli
LAW 192 Law of Enterprise Seçmeli
LAW 212 International Law II Seçmeli
LAW 236 Common Law of Torts Seçmeli
LAW 284 Legal Drafting II Seçmeli
LAW 303 Introduction to Law I Seçmeli
LAW 306 International Trade Law Seçmeli
LAW 308 Le Français Juridique Seçmeli
LAW 316 Legislation on Logistics & Transportation II Seçmeli
LAW 327 World Trade Organization Seçmeli
LAW 332 Appeal Procedure and Arbitration Seçmeli
LAW 334 Cybercrimes Seçmeli
LAW 338 Practice of Information Technologies on the Criminal Procedure Law Seçmeli
LAW 343 Forest Law Seçmeli
LAW 344 Workplace Harrasment Law Seçmeli
LAW 345 Collective Labour Law Seçmeli
LAW 346 Sports Law Seçmeli
LAW 347 Electronic Commercial Law Seçmeli
LAW 356 Social Security Law Seçmeli
LAW 358 U.S. Company Law Seçmeli
LAW 370 Law and Arts Seçmeli
LAW 376 Air Law Seçmeli
LAW 379 Behaviour Sciences for Lawyers Seçmeli
LAW 380 Rights of Women in the light of National and International Law Seçmeli
LAW 381 Military Criminal Law Seçmeli
LAW 382 Conciliation and Mediation Seçmeli
LAW 388 Comperative Securities Regulations Seçmeli
LAW 392 Anti-Bribery&Corruption Law Seçmeli
LAW 393 Environmental Law Seçmeli
LAW 396 Energy Law Seçmeli
LAW 397 International Human Rights Law Seçmeli
LAW 398 Political Systems Seçmeli
LAW 402 Application of Private Law II Seçmeli
LAW 412 Criminal Procedure Law II Seçmeli
LAW 413 Commercial Criminal Law Seçmeli
LAW 424 Latin Seçmeli
LAW 426 Comperative Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law Seçmeli
LAW 434 International Business Transactions II Seçmeli
LAW 435 Law of Architects Seçmeli
LAW 437 Law Of Design&Trademark Seçmeli
LAW 438 Legal Remedies in Criminal Law Seçmeli
LAW 439 Turkish Criminal Sentence Execution Law Seçmeli
LAW 443 Stock Market Law Seçmeli
LAW 444 Law of Political Parties Seçmeli
LAW 445 Consumer Law Seçmeli
LAW 446 Artificial Intelligence and Robot Law Seçmeli
LAW 464 Moot Court Competition II Seçmeli
LAW 467 Intarnational Maritime Law Seçmeli
LAW 471 International Commercial Arbitration Seçmeli
LAW 473 Genocide, Ethnical Cleansing and Aggression in International Law Seçmeli
LAW 480 Right to a Fair Trial Under the European Convention of Human Rights Seçmeli
LAW 486 International Criminal Law Seçmeli
MAN 104 Wirtschaftsdeutsch II Seçmeli
MAN 117 Finanzbuchhaltung Seçmeli
MAN 120 Wirtschaftspsychologie Seçmeli
MAN 212 Internationales Management Seçmeli
MAN 218 Personalmanagement Seçmeli
MAN 226 Grundlagen der Mikroökonomie Seçmeli
MAN 325 Produktionswirtschaft Seçmeli
MAN 338 Interkulturelles Management Seçmeli
MAN 342 Budgetierungstechniken in Unternehmen Seçmeli
MAN 403 Wirtschaftsprüfung-Kooperation mit PwC Seçmeli
MAN 428 Abschlussarbeit Seçmeli
MAN 433 Controlling in MNU Seçmeli
MAN 434 Strategisches Management in MNU Seçmeli
MAN 435 Betriebssimulation Seçmeli
MAN 436 Enterprise Resource Planning Management Seçmeli
MAN 442 Digital Marketing und Social Media Seçmeli
MATH 102 Basic Algebraic Structures Seçmeli
MATH 154 Discrete Mathematics Seçmeli
MATH 156 Analysis II Seçmeli
MATH 158 Combinatorics Seçmeli
MATH 176 Statistic für WI Seçmeli
MATH 202 Mathematical Softwares II Seçmeli
MATH 212 Differential Geometry Seçmeli
MATH 232 Linear Algebra II Seçmeli
MATH 252 Real Analysis I Seçmeli
MATH 322 Abstract Algebra Seçmeli
MATH 343 Partial Differential Equations Seçmeli
MATH 362 Mathematical Probability Seçmeli
MATH 440 Introduction to Graph Theory Seçmeli
MATH 456 Functional Analysis Seçmeli
MDD 192 The Tissue Seçmeli
MDD 195 The Metabolism Seçmeli
MDD 196 Introduction to Research Methodology Seçmeli
MDD 293 Endocrine and Urogenital System Seçmeli
MDP 240 Immunology Seçmeli
ME 182 Engineering Graphics & Solid Modeling Seçmeli
ME 212 Thermodynamics II Seçmeli
ME 244 Dynamics Seçmeli
ME 246 Strength of Materials Seçmeli
ME 264 Material Science for Mechanical Engineers Seçmeli
ME 266 Solid Mechanics Laboratory Seçmeli
ME 324 Heat Transfer Seçmeli
ME 344 Machine Elements II Seçmeli
ME 352 System Dynamics and Control Seçmeli
ME 482 Design of Mechanical Systems Seçmeli
ME 492 Engineering Project Seçmeli
MEC 104 Messtechniken in der Mechatronik, Sensoren, Aktoren Seçmeli
MEC 105 Pneumatik und Hydraulik Seçmeli
MEC 202 Workplace Applications Seçmeli
MEC 204 İş Yeri Uygulamaları Projesi Seçmeli
MED 611 Medical Anthropology Seçmeli
MED 612 Creative Drama Seçmeli
MED 613 Medical Humanities Seçmeli
MED 622 Applications of Economics in Health Care Seçmeli
MED 623 Visual Presentation in Medicine Seçmeli
MED 624 Narrative Medicine Seçmeli
MED 627 Presentation of Medicine on Media Seçmeli
MED 628 Healthy Living Seçmeli
MED 629 Music and Medicine Seçmeli
MED 630 Health Law Seçmeli
MED 631 Creative Drama II Seçmeli
MED 632 Music Appreciation Seçmeli
MED 633 Communication with hearing impaired patients in Turkish Sign Language Seçmeli
MED 634 Cased Based Forensic Sciences Seçmeli
MED 635 Advanced Level Communication with Hearing Impaired Patients in Turkish Sign Language Seçmeli
MED 636 Art Project Seçmeli
MED 637 Artistic Photography and Composition Seçmeli
MOL 503 Biology of Cancer Seçmeli
MOL 504 Molecular Bıology Technıques Seçmeli
MOL 603 Cellular Sıgnal Transduction and Mechanism Seçmeli
MOL 604 Epigenetic Aproaches for Diseases Seçmeli
MOL 607 Molecular Basis of Diseases Seçmeli
MOL 608 Advanced Molecular Biology Techniques Seçmeli
MSN 102 Fundamentals of Materials Science Seçmeli
MSN 112 Statics and Strength of Materials Seçmeli
MSN 218 Fundamentals of Nano Science and Engineering Seçmeli
MSN 220 Materials Charactarization-I Seçmeli
MSN 230 Transport Phenomena Seçmeli
MSN 240 Phase Diagrams Seçmeli
MSN 304 Computational Materials Science Seçmeli
MSN 306 Composite Materials Seçmeli
MSN 316 Materials Laboratory Seçmeli
MSN 340 Ceramic Science and Technology Seçmeli
MSN 484 Surface Science and Engineering Seçmeli
MSN 492 Engineering Project Seçmeli
MTH 423 Computer Vısıon For Smart Vehıcles Seçmeli
MYO 113 Unternehmertum von KMU Seçmeli
MYO 116 Berufsdeutsch Seçmeli
NHS 102 Fundamentals of Nursing I Seçmeli
NHS 104 Community Awareness Seçmeli
NHS 202 Medical Nursing Seçmeli
NHS 204 Surgical Nursing Seçmeli
NHS 208 Education in Nursing Seçmeli
NHS 302 Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Seçmeli
NHS 305 Geriatric Nursing Seçmeli
NHS 307 Intensive Care Nursing Seçmeli
NHS 310 Emergency Care Nursing Seçmeli
NHS 351 Health Tourism and Nursing Seçmeli
NHS 353 Sexual Health Seçmeli
NHS 354 Home Care Nursing Seçmeli
NHS 355 Health Promotion Seçmeli
NHS 358 Health Policies Seçmeli
NHS 361 Oncology Nursing Seçmeli
NHS 362 Innovation in Nursing Seçmeli
NHS 363 Communication in Patient Care Seçmeli
NHS 410 Implementing Dissertation Study Seçmeli
NUT 110 Principles and Practices of Nutrition II Seçmeli
NUT 116 Food Chemistry and Analysis II Seçmeli
NUT 206 Nutritional Biochemistry II Seçmeli
NUT 208 Food Microbiology Seçmeli
NUT 214 Food Control and Legislation Seçmeli
NUT 252 Food Additives and Toxicity Seçmeli
NUT 304 Community Nutrition and Epidemiology Seçmeli
NUT 312 Nutrition and Dietetic Practices in Childhood Diseases Seçmeli
NUT 316 Food Service Systems II Seçmeli
NUT 318 Nutrition and Dietetic Practices in Adulthood Diseases II Seçmeli
NUT 350 Clinical Nutrition Practices in Pediatrics Seçmeli
NUT 351 Food and Drug Interactions Seçmeli
NUT 405 Nutrition in Special Issue Seçmeli
NUT 412 Analytical Approaches Seçmeli
NUT 418 Area Practice II Seçmeli
NUT 450 Nutraceutics and Food Supplements Seçmeli
NUT 452 Counselling Skills and Practices Seçmeli
PA 102 Turkish Administrative History Seçmeli
PA 108 Social Responsibility Projects Seçmeli
PA 204 Urbanization and Environmental Problems Seçmeli
PA 208 Regional Policy Seçmeli
PA 302 History of Turkish Democracy II Seçmeli
PA 304 Political Psychology Seçmeli
PA 306 Public Information Technology and E-Government Seçmeli
PA 402 Public Policy Analysis Seçmeli
PA 403 Turkey and the European Administrative Area Seçmeli
PCG 114 Individual Recognition Techniques and Non-Test Techniques Seçmeli
PCG 116 Neurophysiology Seçmeli
PCG 202 Life Periods and Adjustment Problems Seçmeli
PCG 234 Curriculum Development and Evaluation in Guidance and Counseling Seçmeli
PCG 350 Guidance and Counseling Practices in Schools II Seçmeli
PCG 352 Career Counseling Practices Seçmeli
PCG 358 Ethics and Law in Psychological Counseling and Guidance Seçmeli
PCG 466 Family and Couple Counseling Seçmeli
PCG 474 Trauma Counseling Seçmeli
PCG 476 Group Counseling Practices Seçmeli
PHAR 114 Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry 1 Seçmeli
PHAR 118 Communication Skills Seçmeli
PHAR 126 Public Health Seçmeli
PHAR 128 Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry 1 + Lab. Seçmeli
PHAR 142 Physiology Seçmeli
PHAR 152 Biostatistics Seçmeli
PHAR 156 Basic First Aid Seçmeli
PHAR 212 Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1 + Lab. 1 Seçmeli
PHAR 232 Pharmacology 1 Seçmeli
PHAR 234 Medicinal Plants+Lab Seçmeli
PHAR 298 Pharmacy Practices II Seçmeli
PHAR 308 Pharmaceutical Technology 2 + Lab. 2 Seçmeli
PHAR 312 Pharmaceutical Toxicology+ Lab. Seçmeli
PHAR 316 Pharmacology 3 Seçmeli
PHAR 318 Pharmaceutical Chemistry 3 Seçmeli
PHAR 322 Pharmacognosy 2 + Lab. 2 Seçmeli
PHAR 402 Clinical Pharmacy Practice 2 Seçmeli
PHAR 404 Clinical Pharmacy / Pharmaceutical Care 2 Seçmeli
PHAR 408 Literature Evaluation And Project Seçmeli
PHAR 412 Pharmacokinetics Seçmeli
PHAR 414 Biopharmaceutics Seçmeli
PHAR 416 Pharmacotherapy Seçmeli
PHAR 422 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Seçmeli
PHAR 436 Pharmaceutical History And Deontology Seçmeli
PHAR 438 Pharmacovigilance and Applications Seçmeli
PHAR 502 Graduation Project 2 Seçmeli
PHAR 510 Graduation Training Seçmeli
PHIL 106 Philosophical Texts II Seçmeli
PHIL 112 Logic I Seçmeli
PHIL 122 Ancient Philosophy II Seçmeli
PHIL 152 Ethics Seçmeli
PHIL 206 Philosophical Texts III Seçmeli
PHIL 218 Classical Greek And Latin Text Analyses II Seçmeli
PHIL 222 Philosophy in the 17th Century Seçmeli
PHIL 232 Epistemology Seçmeli
PHIL 242 Philosophy of Science Seçmeli
PHIL 312 Aesthetics Seçmeli
PHIL 314 Advanced Logic Seçmeli
PHIL 322 Philosophy in the 19th Century Seçmeli
PHIL 382 Philosophy Of Language I Seçmeli
PHIL 422 Contemporary Philosophy II Seçmeli
PHIL 452 Philosophy of Law and Human Rights Seçmeli
PHIL 472 Philosophical Problems in Art Seçmeli
PHYS 104 Physics III Seçmeli
PHYS 204 Classical Mechanics Seçmeli
PHYS 205 Introduction to Optics Seçmeli
PHYS 305 Advanced Optics Seçmeli
PHYS 311 Quantum Mechanics Seçmeli
PHYS 409 Medical Physics Seçmeli
PHYS 412 Condensed Matter Physics Seçmeli
PHYS 492 Final Year Project&Seminar Seçmeli
PLA 102 Life Drawing-II Seçmeli
PLA 112 Basic Design II Seçmeli
PLA 114 Painting I Seçmeli
PLA 122 Sculpture II Seçmeli
PLA 202 Life Drawing IV Seçmeli
PLA 204 History of Turkish Art Seçmeli
PLA 214 Painting III Seçmeli
PLA 302 Life Drawing VI Seçmeli
PLA 316 Contemporary Art Studio I Seçmeli
PLA 362 Analysis of Plastic Arts II Seçmeli
PLA 402 Life Drawing VIII Seçmeli
PLA 492 Graduation Project Seçmeli
PRP 104 Introduction to Public Relations Seçmeli
PRP 116 Consumer Behavior Seçmeli
PRP 206 Digital Communication Strategies Seçmeli
PRP 248 Integrated Marketing Communication Seçmeli
PRP 312 Global Communication Seçmeli
PRP 364 Crisis Management and Communication Seçmeli
PRP 372 Management of Strategies and Campaigns IN PR Seçmeli
PRP 382 Public Relations and Advertisement in Cinema Seçmeli
PRP 425 History of Public Relations Seçmeli
PRP 435 Media Planning for Public Relations Seçmeli
PRP 492 Social Responsibility Project For Graduation II Seçmeli
PSIR 102 Political Institutions Seçmeli
PSIR 112 History of International Relations II Seçmeli
PSIR 212 Theories of International Relations Seçmeli
PSIR 244 Turkish Political Life Seçmeli
PSIR 293 Social Responsibility and Political Ethics Seçmeli
PSIR 306 Politics and Society Seçmeli
PSIR 332 European Union Seçmeli
PSIR 361 Current Issues in Turkish Foreign Policy Seçmeli
PSIR 440 Computational Social Science Seçmeli
PSIR 480 Applied Research in Politica Sciences Seçmeli
PSIR 491 Internship Seçmeli
PSY 102 Introduction to Psychology II Seçmeli
PSY 160 Scholarly Reading and Writing Skills in Psychology II Seçmeli
PSY 224 Cognitive Psychology Seçmeli
PSY 232 Developmental Psychology Seçmeli
PSY 314 Experimental Psychology Seçmeli
PSY 328 Language Acquisition Seçmeli
PSY 362 Measurement in Psychology Seçmeli
PSY 402 Theoretical Perspectives in Psychology Seçmeli
PSY 447 Action Research in Psychology Seçmeli
PSY 454 Undergraduate Practicum Seçmeli
PSY 461 Clinical Psychology Seçmeli
PSY 462 Psychopathology Seçmeli
PSY 464 Health Psychology Seçmeli
PSY 466 Child Psychopathology Seçmeli
PSY 502 Advanced Research Methods II Seçmeli
PSY 567 Psychological Assessment II Seçmeli
PSY 573 Psychopharmacology Seçmeli
PSY 590 Psychoanalytic Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Seçmeli
PSY 591 Psychoanalytic Adult Psychotherapy Seçmeli
PSY 692 Group Supervision II Seçmeli
PSY 694 Individual Supervision II Seçmeli
PSY 699 Clinical Practicum II Seçmeli
PTR 104 Psychosocial Rehabilitation Seçmeli
PTR 106 Hydrotherapy Seçmeli
PTR 118 Introduction to Physiotherapy Occupation Seçmeli
PTR 122 Anatomy II Seçmeli
PTR 133 Physiology Seçmeli
PTR 204 Exercise Physiology Seçmeli
PTR 206 Manipulative Therapy II Seçmeli
PTR 208 Electrotherapy II Seçmeli
PTR 210 Principles of Therapeutc Movement Seçmeli
PTR 212 Functional Anatomy and Kinesiology II Seçmeli
PTR 214 Biomechanics Seçmeli
PTR 251 Exercise for Wellness Seçmeli
PTR 254 Lymphedema Therapy Seçmeli
PTR 256 Consulting in Health Services Seçmeli
PTR 260 Pediatric Pulmonary Rehabilitation Seçmeli
PTR 269 Palpatory Anatomy of Limbs and Trunk Seçmeli
PTR 270 Physical Therapy Approaches in Diabetes Mellitus Seçmeli
PTR 275 Special Exercise Applications in Orthopedic Rehabilitation Seçmeli
PTR 302 Neurophysiological Approaches in Physiotherapy 2 Seçmeli
PTR 309 Physiotherapy in sports Seçmeli
PTR 310 Occupational Therapy Seçmeli
PTR 312 Special Topics in Physical Therapy Seçmeli
PTR 314 Neurologic Rehabilitation Seçmeli
PTR 315 Orthosis and Prosthetics Rehabilitation Seçmeli
PTR 402 Clinical Practicum II Seçmeli
PTR 408 Physical Therapy and Public Health Seçmeli
PTR 413 Seminar Seçmeli
RLL 106 Russian Society and Culture Seçmeli
RLL 110 Russian Oral and Written Speech II Seçmeli
RLL 112 Lexicology II Seçmeli
RLL 122 Russian Written Expression Studies Seçmeli
RLL 152 Textual Analysis Seçmeli
RLL 202 Literary Theories Seçmeli
RLL 206 Morphology II Seçmeli
RLL 210 Bilateral Translation Seçmeli
RLL 212 Russian Thought Seçmeli
RLL 242 Comparative Literature Studies Seçmeli
RLL 304 19th Century Russian Literature II Seçmeli
RLL 306 History of Russia II Seçmeli
RLL 310 Media Translation Seçmeli
RLL 314 Syntax II Seçmeli
RLL 371 Slovak Language - I Seçmeli
RLL 372 Slovak II Seçmeli
RLL 402 Stylistic II Seçmeli
RLL 404 Modern Russian Literature Seçmeli
RLL 410 Literary Translation Seçmeli
RLL 472 Business Russian Seçmeli
RSCH 412 Qualitative Research Methods Seçmeli
RTC 112 Video Production Seçmeli
RTC 212 Producing & Directing for TV Seçmeli
RTC 222 Narrative and Narration in Cinema Seçmeli
RTC 252 Scriptwriting Seçmeli
RTC 272 Post Production Seçmeli
RTC 301 Television Culture Seçmeli
RTC 302 Film Theory and Analysis Seçmeli
RTC 322 Sociology of Communication Seçmeli
RTC 332 Radio Programming Seçmeli
RTC 432 Digital Communication Technologies and Society Seçmeli
RTC 482 Media Seminars Seçmeli
RTC 492 Graduation Project II Seçmeli
SOC 105 Introduction to Social Sciences Seçmeli
SOC 106 Sociology of Family Seçmeli
SOC 124 Social History of 19th Century Intellectual Life Seçmeli
SOC 156 Social Problems in Turkey Seçmeli
SOC 204 Contemporary Sociological Theory Seçmeli
SOC 216 Sociology of Law Seçmeli
SOC 218 Social Attitudes and Behavior Seçmeli
SOC 322 Urban Sociology Seçmeli
SOC 323 Gender in Society Seçmeli
SOC 335 Political Sociology Seçmeli
SOC 371 Environmental Sociology Seçmeli
SOC 392 Field Study Seçmeli
SOC 409 Social Sciences Colloquium Seçmeli
SOC 412 Economy and Society Seçmeli
SOC 422 French School of Sociology Seçmeli
SOC 428 Sociology of Education Seçmeli
SOC 497 Project Development and Implementation in Public and Civil Society Seçmeli
SPED 140 Special Education Laws, Regulations and Ethics Seçmeli
SPED 152 Intellectual Disabilities Seçmeli
SPED 232 Curriculum Development and Instruction in Special Education Seçmeli
SPED 250 Learning Disabilities Seçmeli
SPED 252 Emotional Disturbance and Behavioral Disorders (ED/BD) Seçmeli
SPED 256 Mathematics Instruction Seçmeli
SPED 260 Speech and Language Impairments Seçmeli
SPED 348 Observation in Special Education Seçmeli
SPED 352 Family Counseling and Education in Special Education Seçmeli
SPED 353 Teaching Science and Social Studies in Special Education Seçmeli
SPED 450 Health Impairments and Accommodations Modifications Seçmeli
SPED 454 Gifted and Talented Seçmeli
SPRI 102 Introduction aux Relations Internationales Seçmeli
SPRI 106 Histoire du 20e siècle Seçmeli
SPRI 108 Conférence de Méthode des Relations Internationales II Seçmeli
SPRI 122 Histoire des Idées Politiques Seçmeli
SPRI 162 Théories de Sociologie Contemporaine Seçmeli
SPRI 208 Conférence de Méthode des Relations Internationales IV Seçmeli
SPRI 220 Systèmes Politiques Comparés Seçmeli
SPRI 260 Sociologie Politique Seçmeli
SPRI 302 Organisations Internationales Seçmeli
SPRI 304 Géopolitique du Monde Contemporain Seçmeli
SPRI 306 Théories de Relations Internationales Seçmeli
SPRI 474 Etudes Regionales Seçmeli
SPRI 492 Mémoire Seçmeli
TEXT 104 Color Analysis in Textile Seçmeli
TEXT 108 Basic Pattern Techniques Seçmeli
TEXT 178 Textile Materials Seçmeli
TEXT 206 Pattern Techniques In Womenswear Seçmeli
TEXT 212 Computer Aided Design II Seçmeli
TEXT 220 Mixed Media Textile Design Seçmeli
TEXT 222 Drawing from Model Seçmeli
TEXT 232 Print Techniques Seçmeli
TEXT 246 Print Design I Seçmeli
TEXT 256 3D Simulation in Fashion Design Seçmeli
TEXT 304 Computer Aided Design IV Seçmeli
TEXT 320 Styling in Fashion Design Seçmeli
TEXT 326 Jewellery Design Seçmeli
TEXT 334 Weave Design II Seçmeli
TEXT 338 History Of Fashion Seçmeli
TEXT 378 Approaches To Color in Fashion Design Seçmeli
TEXT 444 Fashion Photography Seçmeli
TEXT 466 Internship Seçmeli
TEXT 476 Sustainable Fashion Design a Cıicular Economy Seçmeli
THTR 102 History of World Theater II Seçmeli
THTR 112 Play Analysis II Seçmeli
THTR 142 Basic Respiration and Voice Training II Seçmeli
THTR 152 Movement II Seçmeli
THTR 162 Improvisation II Seçmeli
THTR 172 Acting II Seçmeli
THTR 212 Dramaturgy II Seçmeli
THTR 222 History of Turkish Theatre II Seçmeli
THTR 242 Basic Speech Training II Seçmeli
THTR 252 Movement IV Seçmeli
THTR 262 Improvisation IV Seçmeli
THTR 272 Acting IV Seçmeli
THTR 320 Dramaturgy in Practice II Seçmeli
THTR 328 Play Writing II Seçmeli
THTR 336 Theater Seminary II Seçmeli
THTR 338 Humour in Theather Seçmeli
THTR 362 Role II Seçmeli
THTR 372 Acting VI Seçmeli
THTR 378 Acting Seminar II Seçmeli
THTR 382 Play Making II Seçmeli
THTR 384 Directing And Dramaturgy II Seçmeli
THTR 462 Role IV Seçmeli
THTR 472 Acting VIII Seçmeli
THTR 482 Play Making IV Seçmeli
THTR 486 Project Seçmeli
TKL 202 Turkish Language II Seçmeli
TLL 124 Turkish Spoken In Turkey II Seçmeli
TLL 132 Introduction to Turkish Literature II Seçmeli
TLL 192 Ottoman Turkish I Seçmeli
TLL 220 Middle Turkish Texts (Karahanid, Khorezm, Kıpchak) Seçmeli
TLL 232 Modernization in Turkish Literature II (Servet-i Fünun) Seçmeli
TLL 288 Introduction to Classical Turkish Literature Seçmeli
TLL 294 Ottoman Turkish III Seçmeli
TLL 332 Classical Turkish Literature II Seçmeli
TLL 344 Turkish Lexicology Seçmeli
TLL 351 Literary Theory Seçmeli
TLL 362 Folk Literature II Seçmeli
TLL 382 Sufi Literature Seçmeli
TLL 428 Westernization And Turkish Poetry Seçmeli
TLL 442 Poetry in Contemporary Literature Seçmeli
TLL 478 Contemporary Turkish Novel II Seçmeli
TLL 492 Graduation Project Seçmeli
TRA 108 Introduction to Translation II Seçmeli
TRA 134 Translation-Oriented Textual Analysis Seçmeli
TRA 140 Culture and Translation Seçmeli
TRA 206 Turkish Diction Seçmeli
TRA 214 Translation of Texts on Science and Technology Seçmeli
TRA 240 Poetry Translation Seçmeli
TRA 302 Translation Criticism Seçmeli
TRA 307 Translation of Media and Communication Texts Seçmeli
TRA 309 Translation of Texts on Economics and Management Seçmeli
TRA 318 Legal Translation Seçmeli
TRA 400 Professional Standards and Ethics for Translators and Interpreters Seçmeli
TRA 402 Drama Translation Seçmeli
TRA 403 Computer-Aided Technical Translation Seçmeli
TRA 408 Game Localization Seçmeli
TRA 424 Rusça - Türkçe Çeviri II Seçmeli
TRA 427 German -Turkish Translation II Seçmeli
TRA 429 Spanish-Turkish Translation II Seçmeli
TRA 440 Intersemiotic Translation II Seçmeli
TRA 464 Translation Editing Seçmeli
TRA 480 Song Translation Seçmeli
VCD 172 Digital Design Seçmeli
VCD 258 Visual Storytelling Workshop Seçmeli
VCD 272 Motion Design in 3D Seçmeli
VCD 274 Motion Graphics Seçmeli
VCD 312 Digital Video Production Seçmeli
VCD 372 Game Design Development Seçmeli
VCD 378 Creative Thinking Seçmeli
VCD 384 Visual Communication Design Workshop Seçmeli
VCD 422 Digital Culture Seçmeli
VCD 436 Product Concept Development Seçmeli
VCD 492 Graduation Project Seçmeli

Ders Yılı: 2

Ders Dönemi: Bahar
Course Code Course Name Course Type
ACM 111 Introduction to Computer and Information Processing Seçmeli
ACM 211 Data Structures and Database Applications Seçmeli
ACM 213 Information Analysis and System Design Seçmeli
ACM 311 Visual Programming I Seçmeli
ACM 331 Concepts of Programming Languages Seçmeli
ACM 361 Networking I Seçmeli
ACM 365 Advanced Web Design Seçmeli
ACM 369 Operating Systems I Seçmeli
ACM 373 Scripting Languages Seçmeli
ACM 411 Ethical and Human Side of IT Seçmeli
ACM 413 Object Oriented Software Development Seçmeli
ACM 421 Project Management Seçmeli
ACM 431 Programming Mobile Devices Seçmeli
ACM 437 Internet of Things Seçmeli
ACM 462 Decision Support Systems Seçmeli
ACM 465 Artificial Intelligence Seçmeli
ACM 472 3-D Design and Game Programming Seçmeli
ACM 475 Informatics Regulations Seçmeli
ADV 101 Introduction to Advertising Seçmeli
ADV 173 The Grammar of Advertising Seçmeli
ADV 241 Integrated Advertising and Marketing Communications Seçmeli
ADV 271 Advertising Design and Graphics I Seçmeli
ADV 273 Digital Advertising Seçmeli
ADV 311 Advertising Practicum Seçmeli
ADV 313 Artificial Intelligence in Advertising Seçmeli
ADV 321 Semiotics of Advertising Seçmeli
ADV 333 Consumer Engagement Seçmeli
ADV 334 Account Management in Advertising Seçmeli
ADV 335 Advertising Theories Seçmeli
AFN 214 Principles of Finance Seçmeli
AFN 218 Corporate Governance and Ethics Seçmeli
AFN 321 Theory of International Trade and Finance Seçmeli
AFN 415 Technical and Fundamental Analysis in Equity Markets Seçmeli
AFN 417 Derivatives Markets Seçmeli
AFN 418 International Corporate Finance Seçmeli
AGR 101 Numerical Methods Seçmeli
AGR 103 Principles of Economics Seçmeli
AGR 105 Ecology Seçmeli
AGR 107 Principles Of Soil Science Seçmeli
AGR 111 Agricultural Communication Seçmeli
AGR 201 Commodity Markets Analysis Seçmeli
AGR 203 Agricultural Statistics and Evaluation Seçmeli
AGR 209 City Farming Seçmeli
AGR 217 Soil Microbiology Seçmeli
AGR 303 International Trade Seçmeli
AGR 305 Agricultural Law Seçmeli
AGR 307 Agricultural Small Family Business Seçmeli
AGR 309 Agricultural Tourism (Agritourism) Seçmeli
AGR 390 Summer Practice I Seçmeli
AGR 403 Agricultural Pricing Seçmeli
AGR 405 Land Management, Improvement and Waste Management Seçmeli
AGR 407 Plant Protection and Biological Fighting Seçmeli
AGR 409 Blockchain in Agriculture Seçmeli
AGR 411 International Economics Policy Seçmeli
AGR 490 Summer Practice II Seçmeli
AI 401 Artificial Intelligence for Interdisciplinary Studies Seçmeli
ANT 101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 103 History of Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 115 Scholarly Reading and Writing in Anthropology I Seçmeli
ANT 157 Culture and Archaeology Seçmeli
ANT 227 Anthropological Theory I Seçmeli
ANT 229 World Cultural Heritage Seçmeli
ANT 255 History of War and Violence Seçmeli
ANT 317 Anthropological Studies in Rural Areas Seçmeli
ANT 319 Ethnography and the History of Anthropology Turkey Seçmeli
ANT 349 Different Faces of Urban Poverty Seçmeli
ANT 367 Digital Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 383 Gender and Culture Seçmeli
ANT 419 Ecology and Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 459 Current Debates in Anthropology Seçmeli
ANT 463 Project Design in Social Sciences Seçmeli
ARCH 103 Information Technology for Architects Seçmeli
ARCH 109 Introduction to Architectural Design and Ethics Seçmeli
ARCH 113 Building Materials Seçmeli
ARCH 200 Construction Site Internship Seçmeli
ARCH 207 History and Theory of Architecture I Seçmeli
ARCH 210 Construction 2 Seçmeli
ARCH 253 Architectural Design I Seçmeli
ARCH 261 Building Statics Seçmeli
ARCH 267 Traditional Wooden Architecture in Anatolia Seçmeli
ARCH 301 Planning and Execution Concepts Seçmeli
ARCH 312 Architectural Psychology Seçmeli
ARCH 320 Theories of Contemporary World Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 330 Land Survey in Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 335 Parametric Design Approaches in Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 345 Architectural Structural Design Seçmeli
ARCH 353 Architectural Design III Seçmeli
ARCH 373 Wood Construction Systems in Contemporary Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 390 Building Services Systems and Fire Safety Seçmeli
ARCH 391 Seminars on Architectural Practice Seçmeli
ARCH 411 Contemporary Approach in Sustainable and Ecological Building Seçmeli
ARCH 415 Urban Culture & Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 416 Turkish Architecture in Republican Era Seçmeli
ARCH 435 Architectural Utopias Seçmeli
ARCH 436 Tectonic Matters Seçmeli
ARCH 453 Architectural Design V Seçmeli
ARCH 455 Computational Approaches in Architectural Design Seçmeli
ARE 211 Material Cognisance Seçmeli
ARE 302 Real Estate Economics Seçmeli
ARE 311 Construction Planning and Operation Seçmeli
ARE 321 Real Estate Valuation Seçmeli
ARE 421 International Real Estate Markets Seçmeli
ARE 431 Real Estate Financing and Investment Seçmeli
ART 101 Introduction to Arts and Cultural Management Seçmeli
ART 103 Arts and Cultural Theories Seçmeli
ART 105 Basic Strategies in Arts and Culture Seçmeli
ART 111 History of Art I Seçmeli
ART 201 Aesthetics and Art Philosophy I Seçmeli
ART 203 Modern and Contemporary Art in Turkey Seçmeli
ART 205 Performing Arts Management I Seçmeli
ART 207 Museology Seçmeli
ART 301 Art and Culture Writing Seçmeli
ART 303 Collections Development Seçmeli
ART 305 Production and Marketing in the Music Industry Seçmeli
ART 401 Funding and Sponsorship for the Art and Cultural Projects Seçmeli
ART 403 Cultural Policies Seçmeli
ART 491 Graduation Project I Seçmeli
ATA 501 Social and Political History Seçmeli
ATA 511 Nutuk (Atatürk's Speech) and It's Tenets (Basic Lessons to Learn) Seçmeli
ATA 521 Research Techniques Seçmeli
ATA 523 History of Contemporary Turk and Middle East Seçmeli
ATA 531 Turkish Modernization History Seçmeli
ATA 541 History of National Struggle War Seçmeli
ATA 571 Ottoman I Seçmeli
ATD 243 International Trade Seçmeli
ATD 255 European Economies Seçmeli
ATD 321 Seminar in Marketing Seçmeli
ATD 413 Turkish Foreign Trade Regime and Customs Regulations Seçmeli
ATD 457 The Turkish Tax System Seçmeli
ATD 473 Global Trade and Investment Seçmeli
ATD 480 Graduation Project Seçmeli
ATH 101 Introduction to Tourism Industry Seçmeli
ATH 103 Tourism Geography Seçmeli
ATH 203 Hospitality Operations Management Seçmeli
ATH 209 Food&Beverage Management Seçmeli
ATH 211 Interpersonal Communication for Tourism Seçmeli
ATH 222 Sustainable Tourism Management Seçmeli
ATH 301 Tourism Law, Regulations and Taxation Seçmeli
ATH 325 Services Marketing Seçmeli
ATH 341 Rooms Division Management Seçmeli
ATH 401 Revenue Management Seçmeli
ATH 411 Airport Management Seçmeli
ATH 415 Resort Management Seçmeli
ATH 417 Entrepreneurship for Tourism Seçmeli
ATH 421 Contemporary Topics in Tourism Seçmeli
ATR 101 Introduction To Supply Chain Management & Logistics I Seçmeli
ATR 203 Logistics and Marketing Management Seçmeli
ATR 211 Purchasing, Warehousing & Distribution Seçmeli
ATR 292 Internship Seçmeli
ATR 307 Supply Chain Knowledge Systems Seçmeli
ATR 311 Transportation Management and Rules I Seçmeli
ATR 314 Cargo Management Seçmeli
ATR 351 Maritime Logistics I Seçmeli
ATR 401 Operations Management Seçmeli
ATR 415 Warehouse Management Seçmeli
ATR 434 Transportation Economics Seçmeli
ATR 441 Rail Transportation I Seçmeli
ATR 467 Logistics & Distribution Mgt Seçmeli
ATR 471 Logistics Modeling & Optimization Techniques (OR) Seçmeli
ATR 475 Logistics & Transportation of Special Materials Seçmeli
ATR 480 Maritime & Port Operations Mgt I Seçmeli
ATR 481 Intermodal Transportation Seçmeli
AUT 101 KFZ Technologien Seçmeli
AUT 105 Rechnergestütztes Technisches Zeichnen Seçmeli
AUT 114 Taşıt Mekatroniği Seçmeli
AUT 201 Electrical and Hybrid Vehiches Seçmeli
AUT 203 Fahrzeugdiagnostik Seçmeli
AUT 205 Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation Seçmeli
AUT 216 Analyse von KFZ-Steuerungssystemen Seçmeli
BBA 101 Introduction to Business Seçmeli
BBA 201 Organization Theory and Design Seçmeli
BBA 206 Human Resource Management Seçmeli
BBA 244 Principles of Financial Accounting Seçmeli
BBA 261 Marketing Principles Seçmeli
BBA 303 Leadership Seçmeli
BBA 341 Managerial Accounting Seçmeli
BBA 344 Auditing Seçmeli
BBA 362 Consumer Behavior Seçmeli
BBA 366 Centennial Brand Management Seçmeli
BBA 389 Digital Transformation Seçmeli
BBA 403 TİDE Internal Audit Seminars Seçmeli
BBA 486 Innovation Management Seçmeli
BME 102 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering Seçmeli
BME 211 Biological and Medical Physics Seçmeli
BME 213 Biology in Biomedical Engineering Seçmeli
BME 301 Biomedical Electronics I Seçmeli
BME 313 Human Physiology Seçmeli
BME 332 Noise Reduction Techniques in Biomedical Engineering Seçmeli
BME 351 Modelling and Control of Biomedical Systems Seçmeli
BME 372 Modern Drug Transport Systems Seçmeli
BME 400 Summer Practice Seçmeli
BME 412 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging Seçmeli
BME 413 Biomedical and Dental Graft Materials Seçmeli
BME 414 Orthopedic Cement For Hard Tissue Repair Seçmeli
BME 421 Medical Imaging Seçmeli
BME 423 Biometry For Analytical Reasoning And Modeling Seçmeli
BME 441 Microprocessors & Microcontrollers in BME Seçmeli
BME 442 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Seçmeli
BME 444 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Seçmeli
BME 452 Pain Management Technics Seçmeli
BME 462 Medical Robotics                                                                           Seçmeli
BME 482 Laser-Tissue Interaction Seçmeli
BME 483 Photomedicine Seçmeli
CE 101 Introduction to Civil Engineering Seçmeli
CE 161 Computer Aided Technical Drawing Seçmeli
CE 221 Construction Materials Seçmeli
CE 231 Engineering Mechanics I: Statics Seçmeli
CE 300 Summer Practice I Seçmeli
CE 351 Fluid Mechanics Seçmeli
CE 361 Transportation Systems and Design Seçmeli
CE 362 Fundamentals of Environmental Management Systems Seçmeli
CE 363 Earth Sciences Seçmeli
CE 364 Geographic Information Systems Seçmeli
CE 372 Construction Management Seçmeli
CE 381 Structural Analysis Seçmeli
CE 400 Summer Practice II Seçmeli
CE 422 Durability of Concrete Structures Seçmeli
CE 441 Foundation Engineering Seçmeli
CE 447 Introduction to Environmental Geotechnics Seçmeli
CE 466 Circular Building Design Seçmeli
CE 470 Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Seçmeli
CE 474 Soil Works and Retaining Structures Seçmeli
CE 479 Prestressed Concrete Seçmeli
CE 487 Urban Water Systems Seçmeli
CE 489 Steel Structures Seçmeli
CE 491 Design Of Reinforced Concrete Structures Seçmeli
CE 493 Design of Structural Steel Members Seçmeli
CE 496 Sustainable Construction Seçmeli
CET 110 Basic Computer Applications Seçmeli
CET 201 Instructional Materials in Education Seçmeli
CET 207 Computer Hardware Seçmeli
CET 211 Introduction to Algorithms and Programming Seçmeli
CET 313 Computer Networks and Communication Seçmeli
CET 325 Principles of Distance Education Seçmeli
CET 343 Special Teaching Methods in Computer Education I Seçmeli
CET 406 School Experience in Computer Education Seçmeli
CET 472 Design and Development of Educational Software Seçmeli
CET 487 Authoring Tools in E-Learning Seçmeli
CHBE 203 Organic Chemistry Seçmeli
CHBE 211 Physical Chemistry I Seçmeli
CHBE 215 Material and Energy Balances Seçmeli
CHBE 301 Experimental CHBE I Seçmeli
CHBE 311 Computer Applications in CHBE Seçmeli
CHBE 331 CHBE II : Heat Transfer Seçmeli
CHBE 352 Organic Technologies Seçmeli
CHBE 357 Process Safety and Risk Analysis Seçmeli
CHBE 361 Materials in Chemical & Biological Applications Seçmeli
CHBE 368 Thermophysical Properties of Fluids Seçmeli
CHBE 373 Introduction to Biochemical Engineering Seçmeli
CHBE 378 Elements of Sustainable Chemical Engineering Seçmeli
CHBE 381 Chemistry and Engineering of Polymers Seçmeli
CHBE 400 Summer Practice Seçmeli
CHBE 401 Experimental CHBE III Seçmeli
CHBE 415 Instrumental Analysis Seçmeli
CHBE 431 World Energy Resources and Energy Politics Seçmeli
CHBE 433 Separation Processes Seçmeli
CHBE 441 Process Dynamics & Control Seçmeli
CHBE 443 Chemical and Bioprocesses Seçmeli
CHBE 452 Pollution Control and Prevention Seçmeli
CHBE 456 Heterogeneous Catalysis Seçmeli
CHBE 457 Phase Equilibria Seçmeli
CHBE 458 Process Optimization Seçmeli
CHBE 463 Chemical & Biochemical Process Design I Seçmeli
CHBE 466 Ceramic Engineering Seçmeli
CHBE 467 Composite Materials Seçmeli
CHBE 468 Surface Chemistry in Nanoscience Seçmeli
CHBE 475 Bio-Reactors Seçmeli
CHEM 101 General Chemistry Seçmeli
CHEM 111 General Chemistry I Seçmeli
CHEM 205 Introduction to Organic Chemistry and Biomacromolecules Seçmeli
CIS 101 Introduction to Informatics Seçmeli
CIS 111 Software Development Fundamentals Seçmeli
COD 101 Coding Seçmeli
COMM 101 Introduction to Communication Seçmeli
COMM 111 Presentation Skills Seçmeli
COMM 121 The Fundamentals of Political Science Seçmeli
COMM 171 Introduction to Communication Design Seçmeli
COMM 199 Seminar in Academic Writing Skills Seçmeli
COMM 201 Communication Theories Seçmeli
COMM 204 Algorithms, Society and Communication Seçmeli
COMM 211 Photography Seçmeli
COMM 251 Story Telling Seçmeli
COMM 264 Qualitative Methods in Communication Seçmeli
COMM 300 Internship Seçmeli
COMM 331 Brand Management and Positioning Seçmeli
COMM 401 Cultural Studies Seçmeli
COMM 431 Political Communication Seçmeli
COMM 433 Political Communication Campaigns Seçmeli
COMP 101 Basic Information Technologies Seçmeli
COMP 301 Software Architecture and Tools Seçmeli
COMP 303 Advance Python Programming Seçmeli
CPLT 281 Selected Topics in Literature and Film Studies Seçmeli
CPLT 287 Selected Topics in Modern Drama I Seçmeli
CPLT 313 Comparative Woman's Literature Seçmeli
CPLT 385 Selected Topics in Mythology I Seçmeli
CPLT 391 Selected Topics in Comparative Literature I Seçmeli
CPLT 393 Selected Topics in Modern Literature I Seçmeli
CSE 101 Computer Engineering Concepts and Algorithms Seçmeli
CSE 211 Data Structures Seçmeli
CSE 221 Principles of Logic Design Seçmeli
CSE 311 Analysis Of Algorithms Seçmeli
CSE 323 Computer Organization Seçmeli
CSE 326 Embedded Systems Programming Seçmeli
CSE 336 Operating Systems Practice Seçmeli
CSE 341 File Organization Seçmeli
CSE 351 Programming Languages Seçmeli
CSE 400 Summer Practice Seçmeli
CSE 425 Digital System Design Seçmeli
CSE 427 Computer Architecture Seçmeli
CSE 439 Computer Security Seçmeli
CSE 462 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Seçmeli
CSE 471 Data Communications & Computer Networks Seçmeli
CSE 476 Mobile Application Development Seçmeli
CSE 484 Introduction to Virtual Reality Seçmeli
CSE 487 Image Processing Seçmeli
CULA 113 Introduction to Culinary Science Lab Seçmeli
CULA 131 Food Hygiene and Sanitation Seçmeli
CULA 203 Foods and Their Specifications Seçmeli
CULA 205 Food History Seçmeli
CULA 211 Food and Beverage Management Seçmeli
CULA 221 Kitchen Practice-1 Seçmeli
CULA 265 Summer Practice I Seçmeli
CULA 319 Turkish Culinary Techniques Seçmeli
CULA 321 Kitchen Practice-3 Seçmeli
CULA 332 Summer Practice II Seçmeli
CULA 407 Food and Beverage Cost Control Seçmeli
CULA 441 Food Sytems Seçmeli
CULA 491 Turkish Local Cuisines Seçmeli
CUM 301 Customs Legislations I Seçmeli
CUM 303 Foreign Trade and Customs Regime Seçmeli
CUM 307 Customs Tariff and Tax I Seçmeli
CUM 309 Monitoring and Preveting of Smuggling I Seçmeli
CYB 111 Introduction to Cyber Security Seçmeli
CYB 303 Cryptology and Cyber Security Seçmeli
CYB 370 Operating Systems Security Seçmeli
CYB 422 Advanced Computer Organization and Assembly Language Seçmeli
DENT 353 Behavioral Management Seçmeli
DENT 401 Leadership Seçmeli
DENT 423 Dental Technology Seçmeli
DENT 424 Dental Photography Seçmeli
DENT 454 Preventive Dentistry for Special Needs Seçmeli
DENT 541 Gerodontology Seçmeli
DENTGT 430 Phsychiatry Seçmeli
DENTGT 440 Ear - Nose - Throat Seçmeli
DENTGT 450 Internal Diseases Seçmeli
DENTGT 501 Forensic Dentistry Seçmeli
DENTGT 560 General Surgery Seçmeli
DENTL 502 Legal Issues in Dentistry Seçmeli
ECON 111 Principles of Microeconomics Seçmeli
ECON 211 Microeconomics Seçmeli
ECON 321 Monetary Economics Seçmeli
ECON 351 Principles of Econometrics Seçmeli
ECON 365 Money & Capital Markets Seçmeli
ECON 401 Graduation Project Seçmeli
ECON 477 Enviromental Economics Seçmeli
ECON 481 Internship Seçmeli
ED 101 Introduction to Educational Sciences Seçmeli
ED 113 Educational Sociology Seçmeli
ED 221 Educational Psychology Seçmeli
ED 251 Turkish Education System and School Management Seçmeli
ED 340 Instructional Principles and Methods Seçmeli
EDEM 103 Fundamentals of Mathematics 1 Seçmeli
EDEM 111 History of Mathematics Seçmeli
EDEM 211 Approaches in Learning and Teaching Mathematics Seçmeli
EDEM 240 Geometry for Teachers Seçmeli
EDEM 311 Teaching Numbers Seçmeli
EDEM 313 Teaching Geometry and Measurement Seçmeli
EDEM 325 Development of Thinking Skills Seçmeli
EDEM 401 Teaching Practice 1 Seçmeli
EDEM 421 Problem Solving in Mathematics Seçmeli
EDEM 427 Teaching Methods in Elementary Mathematics I Seçmeli
EDEN 105 Academic Reading and Writing I Seçmeli
EDEN 107 Oral Communication Skills 1 Seçmeli
EDEN 117 Listening and Pronunciation 1 Seçmeli
EDEN 201 Applied Linguistics Seçmeli
EDEN 204 Structure of Modern English Seçmeli
EDEN 214 Linguistics 1 Seçmeli
EDEN 317 TEFL: Grammar Seçmeli
EDEN 319 TEFL: Reading and Writing Seçmeli
EDEN 407 Use of Literary Texts in TEFL 1 Seçmeli
EDEN 410 Teaching Practice 1 Seçmeli
EDEN 423 Language Assessment in TEFL Seçmeli
EDEN 427 Technology use for materials development in TEFL Seçmeli
EDEN 504 Theories of Second Language Acquisition Seçmeli
EDEN 504U Theories of Second Language Acquisition Seçmeli
EDEN 509U Dil Becerilerinin Öğretimine Yaklaşımlar Seçmeli
EDEN 523U Classroom Based Research Seçmeli
EDEN 568 Graduate Seminar Seçmeli
EDGN 103 Information Technology Seçmeli
EDGN 515 Action Research Seçmeli
EDGN 515U Action Research Seçmeli
EDGN 604 Advanced Quantitative Research Methods and Techniques in Education Seçmeli
EDTR 351 Teaching Literary Theory Seçmeli
EE 102 Introduction to Electrical and Electronics Engineering Seçmeli
EE 211 Electrical Circuits Seçmeli
EE 241 Digital Circuits Seçmeli
EE 323 Electromagnetic Waves and Transmission Lines Seçmeli
EE 333 Analog Electronic Circuits Seçmeli
EE 361 Introduction to Digital Signal Processing Seçmeli
EE 371 Electromechanical Energy Conversion Seçmeli
EE 400 Summer Practice Seçmeli
EE 421 Antennas and Propagation Seçmeli
EE 429 Biomedical Electromagnetics Seçmeli
EE 432 Industrial Electronics Seçmeli
EE 433 Physical Design of Integrated Circuits Seçmeli
EE 439 High Frequency Electronics Seçmeli
EE 456 Introduction to Coding and Information Theory Seçmeli
EE 468 Digital Signal Processing Seçmeli
EE 473 Power Electronics Seçmeli
EE 477 Electrical Distribution Systems Seçmeli
EE 479 Electric Machines Seçmeli
EE 487 Robotics Seçmeli
EE 491 Introduction to Engineering Project Seçmeli
ELIT 101 Survey of English Literature I Seçmeli
ELIT 105 Introduction to Western Literature I Seçmeli
ELIT 115 Selected Topics in Children’s Literature Seçmeli
ELIT 116 Introduction to Mythology Seçmeli
ELIT 203 Survey of American Literature Seçmeli
ELIT 205 Introduction to Western Literature III Seçmeli
ELIT 211 Eighteenth Century British Novel Seçmeli
ELIT 281 Selected Topics in Short Fiction I Seçmeli
ELIT 301 History Of Literary Criticism I Seçmeli
ELIT 303 Shakespeare in His Age Seçmeli
ELIT 314 Renaissance to Restoration English Poetry Seçmeli
ELIT 343 Translation of Literary Text Seçmeli
ELIT 383 Selected Topics in the Novel I Seçmeli
ELIT 401 Contemporary Literary Theory I Seçmeli
ELIT 411 Victorian Poetry I Seçmeli
ELT 101 Circuit Analysis and Measurement Seçmeli
ELT 103 Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik und Elektronik Seçmeli
ELT 116 Anwendungen für Erneuerbare Energien Seçmeli
ELT 201 Analyse und Entwurf Elektronischer Systeme Seçmeli
ELT 205 Transmission Lines, Wave Guides, Antennas Seçmeli
ELT 206 Leistungselektronik Seçmeli
ELT 208 Elektrische Maschinen und Kontrolleinheiten Seçmeli
ELT 209 Intelligente Stadt Technologien der Zukunft“ mit Siemens Seçmeli
ELT 210 Programmierbare Logische Steuerungen Seçmeli
ELT 211 Rechnergestütztes Zeichnen von Schaltungen II Seçmeli
ELT 214 Schaltsysteme an Energieanlagen Schutz und Kommunikation Anwendungen Seçmeli
ELT 217 Niederspannung Schaltsysteme Schaltung Schutz und Kommunikation Anwendungen Seçmeli
EPÖ 510 Curriculum and Practices Seçmeli
EPÖ 510U Curriculum and Practices Seçmeli
EPÖ 511 Active Learning Seçmeli
EPÖ 511U Active Learning Seçmeli
EPÖ 601 Curriculum Design and Models Seçmeli
ES 161 Engineering Drawing Seçmeli
ES 176 Research and Technical Writing Seçmeli
ES 224 Signals and Systems Seçmeli
ES 301 Engineering Management Seçmeli
ETT 111 Introduction to E-Commerce Seçmeli
ETT 115 Introduction to Digital Marketing Seçmeli
ETT 211 E-SCM Seçmeli
ETT 290 Internship I Seçmeli
ETT 311 Informatics Regulations and New Applications Seçmeli
ETT 312 E-Sales Management Seçmeli
ETT 325 Customer Analytics and Data Mining Seçmeli
ETT 390 Internship II Seçmeli
ETT 412 Project Management in E-Commerce Seçmeli
ETT 415 Digital Warehousing Systems Seçmeli
ETT 422 Web Content Management & Social Media Marketing Seçmeli
ETT 425 SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Seçmeli
EUI 510 European Union Politics and Policies Seçmeli
EYD 504U Educational Administration Seçmeli
EYD 575 Devolopment and Implementation of Educational Programs Seçmeli
FA 102 Architectural Basic Design Seçmeli
FA 106 Drawing Techniques Seçmeli
FDE 101 Introduction to Food Engineering Seçmeli
FDE 201 Food Chemistry Seçmeli
FDE 203 Introductory Microbiology for Food Engineers Seçmeli
FDE 205 Fundamentals of Scientific Research Seçmeli
FDE 206 Food Microbiology Seçmeli
FDE 320 Food Packaging Technology Seçmeli
FDE 353 Food Process Engineering II Seçmeli
FDE 400 Summer Practice Seçmeli
FDE 415 Food Quality Control Systems Seçmeli
FDE 417 Sustainability Strategies and Assessment in the Food Sector Seçmeli
FDE 431 Mathematical Modeling in Food Engineering Seçmeli
FDE 435 Food Product Development and Design Seçmeli
FDE 441 Process Control Seçmeli
FDE 444 Instrumental Methods in Food Analysis Seçmeli
FHS 103 Health Psychology and Interpersonal Relationship Seçmeli
FHS 121 Anatomy I Seçmeli
FHS 131 Physiology I Seçmeli
FHS 212 Critical Thinking Seçmeli
GBE 111 Biology Seçmeli
GBE 113 Fundamental Biology Seçmeli
GBE 203 Microbiology Seçmeli
GBE 205 Cell Biology Seçmeli
GBE 222 Biometrics: Numerical and Statistical Methods for Bioengineering Applications Seçmeli
GBE 301 Biochemistry I Seçmeli
GBE 312 Immunology Seçmeli
GBE 324 Neurobiology Seçmeli
GBE 341 Techniques in Genetic Engineering I Seçmeli
GBE 356 Plant Genetics Seçmeli
GBE 357 Human Genetics Seçmeli
GBE 361 Biotransport Phenomena I Seçmeli
GBE 373 Plant Tissue Culture Engineering Seçmeli
GBE 376 Forensic Technologies Seçmeli
GBE 400 Summer Practice Seçmeli
GBE 403 Molecular Biology I Seçmeli
GBE 405 Protein Chemistry Seçmeli
GBE 414 Cancer Biology Seçmeli
GBE 415 Experimental GBE II: Design & Implementation Seçmeli
GBE 424 Quality Management and Sustainability in Biotechnology Seçmeli
GBE 431 Stem Cell Biology Seçmeli
GBE 432 Cell and Tissue Culture Seçmeli
GBE 433 Biomaterials Seçmeli
GBE 434 Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology Seçmeli
GBE 435 Gene Therapy Seçmeli
GBE 442 Genomics and Proteomics Seçmeli
GBE 444 Introduction to Bioinformatics Seçmeli
GBE 451 Techniques in Bioprocess Engineering Seçmeli
GBE 472 Trends in Tissue Engineering Seçmeli
GBE 482 Special Topics: Trends in Bioanalytical Techniques Seçmeli
GRA 101 Vector Graphic (Adobe Illustrator) Seçmeli
GRA 102 Image Editing Techniques (Adobe Photoshop) Seçmeli
GRA 103 Basic Photography for Design Seçmeli
GRA 108 Creative Graphic Techniques Seçmeli
GRA 201 Desktop Publishing Graphics (Adobe In Design) Seçmeli
GRA 203 Typography I Seçmeli
GRA 204 Typography II Seçmeli
GRA 205 Graphic Design Basics Seçmeli
GRA 207 Illustration I Seçmeli
GRA 214 Information Graphics Seçmeli
GRA 301 Graphic Design Project: Brand Identity Design Seçmeli
GRA 303 Graphic Design Project:Packaging Design Seçmeli
GRA 304 Graphic Design Project: Publication Graphics Seçmeli
GRA 305 Digital Illustration Seçmeli
GRA 307 Experimental Typography Seçmeli
GRA 308 Graphical User Interface Design Seçmeli
GRA 309 Exhibition Design Seçmeli
GRA 310 Multimedia Seçmeli
GRA 311 Graphic Animation Seçmeli
GRA 312 Packaging Design II Seçmeli
GRA 401 Graphic Design Project: Advertising Design I Seçmeli
GRA 405 Advertising Analysis Seçmeli
GRA 406 Portfolio Design Seçmeli
GRA 407 Fictional Photography Seçmeli
GRA 409 Graphic Design Project: Conceptual Graphic Design I Seçmeli
GRA 410 Graphic Design Project: Conceptual Graphic Design II Seçmeli
HIST 101 Introduction to Ottoman Turkish Language Seçmeli
HIST 113 History of Pre-Islamic Turkish Seçmeli
HIST 115 History of the First Turkish Islamic States Seçmeli
HIST 117 Classical Mediterranean Civilizations Seçmeli
HIST 119 History of Middle East ( 6 - 13.Centuries) Seçmeli
HIST 201 Period of Turkish Seljuks and Principalities Seçmeli
HIST 205 Ottoman History (1299-1600) Seçmeli
HIST 209 Paleograph I Seçmeli
HIST 237 Eastern Europe Turkic History Seçmeli
HIST 315 History of Central Asia From 16th to 20th Century Seçmeli
HIST 325 History Philoshopy and Historiography Seçmeli
HIST 327 History of Balkan Seçmeli
HIST 335 Ottoman History(1792-1922) Seçmeli
HIST 383 Geographical Discoveries and History of Colonialism Seçmeli
HIST 401 Socio-Economic History of Ottoman Empire Seçmeli
HIST 403 History of Turkish in Iran (Century of 16 and 20) Seçmeli
HIST 405 Turkish Epics and Legends Seçmeli
HIST 409 History of the Republic of Turkey Seçmeli
HIST 431 Introduction to Latin Language I Seçmeli
HIST 433 Turkey - Turkish Republics Relations Seçmeli
HIST 435 History of The Far East Seçmeli
HIST 481 History of World in the 20 Century Seçmeli
HIST 483 History of Diplomacy in Ottoman Empire Seçmeli
HRM 113 In-house Marketing in Human Resources Management Seçmeli
HRM 212 Corporate Social Responsibility Seçmeli
HRM 311 Modern Management Tecniques Seçmeli
HRM 321 Career Management Seçmeli
HRM 331 Business and Social Security Law Seçmeli
HRM 411 Conditions of Globalization and Intercultural Communication Seçmeli
HRM 413 Organizational Design for HR Seçmeli
HRM 421 Employee Evaluation and Compensation Systems Seçmeli
HRM 431 Training and Development in Enterprises Seçmeli
HRM 433 Orientation of Human Resources to the New Digital Age Seçmeli
HUM 103 Humanities Seçmeli
IBED 311 Curriculum in International Context Seçmeli
IBED 312 Teaching, Learning and Assessment in IB Seçmeli
IBED 411 Curriculum Studies in English B Seçmeli
IBED 412 Curriculum Studies in Mathematics Seçmeli
INDD 100 Principles of Basic Design I Seçmeli
INDD 101 Clay Modelling Seçmeli
INDD 105 Life Drawing and Sketching Techniques I Seçmeli
INDD 121 Introduction to Design Seçmeli
INDD 128 Life Drawing and Sketching Techniques II Seçmeli
INDD 200 Reverse Design Seçmeli
INDD 201 Project I Seçmeli
INDD 231 Materials & Methods of Production Seçmeli
INDD 251 Creativity Techniques Seçmeli
INDD 281 Structure Seçmeli
INDD 301 Project III Seçmeli
INDD 321 Design Theories Seçmeli
INDD 333 Sustaintability in Design Seçmeli
INDD 361 3D Modelling Techniques Seçmeli
INDD 371 History Of Furniture Seçmeli
INDD 381 Yatch Design Seçmeli
INDD 391 Cultural Approaches In Design Seçmeli
INDD 400 Summer Practice I Seçmeli
INDD 412 Marketing Seçmeli
INDD 431 Computer Aided Animations Seçmeli
INDD 441 Conceptual Automotive Design I Seçmeli
INDD 443 Design Management Seçmeli
INDD 452 Organization of Space Seçmeli
INDD 471 Law Of Industrial Design & Trademark Seçmeli
INDD 472 Portfolio Design Seçmeli
INDD 477 Introduction to Solidworks Seçmeli
INDD 491 Trend Analysis & Brand Seçmeli
INP 101 Projekt Anwendungen mit MS-Office Programms Seçmeli
INP 103 Computerbegriffe und Algorithmen Seçmeli
INP 113 Informations- und Computersicherheit Seçmeli
INP 119 Programmierung mit JavaScript Seçmeli
INP 201 Web Programming Seçmeli
INP 203 Netzwerksicherheit Seçmeli
INP 207 Mobile Programming Seçmeli
INP 210 SoftwareEntwicklungs-methoden Seçmeli
INP 217 Digitaler Vertrieb und E-Marketing Seçmeli
INT 203 Introduction to Interpreting Seçmeli
INT 303 Consecutive Interpreting Seçmeli
INT 401 Community Interpreting Seçmeli
INT 403 Simultaneous Interpreting I Seçmeli
INT 405 Special Topics in Interpreting Seçmeli
INT 417 Legal Interpreting Seçmeli
INT 497 Simultaneous Interpreting II Seçmeli
INTD 113 Fundamentals of Interior Architecture Seçmeli
INTD 151 Material for Interiors Seçmeli
INTD 171 Drawing And Presentation Techniques Seçmeli
INTD 201 Project I Seçmeli
INTD 227 Constructıon II Seçmeli
INTD 231 Computer Aided Design Seçmeli
INTD 244 Information Tecnologies for Interior Architects Seçmeli
INTD 263 Corporate Identity Seçmeli
INTD 264 Sketching Techniques Seçmeli
INTD 291 Interior Analysis Systems II Seçmeli
INTD 301 Project III Seçmeli
INTD 325 Furnıture Desıgn Seçmeli
INTD 343 History of Furniture Seçmeli
INTD 357 Architecture And Design History Seçmeli
INTD 370 Art And Mythology Seçmeli
INTD 401 Project V Seçmeli
INTD 417 Building Management Seçmeli
INTD 447 Stand Design Seçmeli
INTD 451 Design Princples in Historic Buildings Seçmeli
INTD 475 Applied Project II Seçmeli
INTD 498 İnterior Space Styling Seçmeli
INTE 501 Instructional Technologies and Design Seçmeli
ISE 311 Information Technologies Seçmeli
ISE 323 Operations Research II Seçmeli
ISE 331 Finance for Engineers Seçmeli
ISE 361 Production Systems Design Seçmeli
ISE 365 Productivity Analysis Seçmeli
ISE 367 Scheduling Seçmeli
ISE 368 Ergonomics Seçmeli
ISE 400 Summer Practice Seçmeli
ISE 401 System Dynamics and Modeling Seçmeli
ISE 417 Computational Intelligence Seçmeli
ISE 424 Operations Research Applications in Healthcare Seçmeli
ISE 425 Introduction to Nonlinear Programming Seçmeli
ISE 426 Logistics Systems Seçmeli
ISE 427 Mathematical Modeling Seçmeli
ISE 429 Pricing and Revenue Management Seçmeli
ISE 435 Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Seçmeli
ISE 437 Project Management Seçmeli
ISE 451 Statistical Quality Control Seçmeli
ISE 455 Design of Experiments Seçmeli
ISE 456 Introduction to Risk Analysis Seçmeli
ISE 457 Forecasting Techniques Seçmeli
ISE 464 Computer Aided Production Systems Seçmeli
ISE 491 Introduction to Engineering Project Seçmeli
JRN 101 Basic Journalism Seçmeli
JRN 151 News Gathering and Writing Techniques Seçmeli
JRN 213 News Editing Seçmeli
JRN 222 History of Turkish Politics Seçmeli
JRN 223 Journalism Workshops I Seçmeli
JRN 271 Layout Graphic Design for Journalism Seçmeli
JRN 291 Social Issues and Media Seçmeli
JRN 311 Communication Practicum for Journalism Seçmeli
JRN 322 Digital Media Literacy Seçmeli
JRN 354 Practice for Journalism Seçmeli
JRN 401 Alternative Journalism Seçmeli
JRN 432 Projects for Social Awareness Seçmeli
JRN 445 Press Economy and Management Seçmeli
JRN 481 Seminars for Journalism Seçmeli
KYL 501 Research Methods and Ethics Seçmeli
KYL 502 Digital Transformation-Technological Innovation and Business Processes in Businesses Seçmeli
KYL 503 Agility and Innovation in a Digitalizing World Seçmeli
KYL 504 EFQM Strategic Management Model Seçmeli
KYL 505 Customer and Supply Chain Governance on the Quality Axis Seçmeli
LAND 113 Plant Material I Seçmeli
LAND 117 Landscape Engineering Seçmeli
LAND 319 Urban Landscape Planning Seçmeli
LAND 417 Techniques of Landscape Maintenance Seçmeli
LAUD 101 Landscape Engineering Seçmeli
LAUD 111 Conifer Plants Seçmeli
LAUD 113 Computer Aided Design Seçmeli
LAUD 201 Design Studio I Seçmeli
LAUD 211 Natural Systems and Design Seçmeli
LAUD 223 Planting Design Seçmeli
LAUD 300 Summer Practice II Seçmeli
LAUD 301 Design Studio III Seçmeli
LAUD 305 Urban and Ecology Seçmeli
LAUD 309 Techniques of Landscape Construction Seçmeli
LAUD 315 Sustainable Urban Design and Landscape Architecture Seçmeli
LAUD 401 Design Studio V Seçmeli
LAUD 423 Analysis of Urban Environment Seçmeli
LAUD 425 Urban Conservation and Regeneration Seçmeli
LAW 113 Constitutional Law Seçmeli
LAW 121 Civil Law I Seçmeli
LAW 123 Introduction to Law Seçmeli
LAW 131 Legal Terminology I Seçmeli
LAW 143 Legal History I Seçmeli
LAW 161 Introduction to US Law I Seçmeli
LAW 211 International Law I Seçmeli
LAW 233 Administrative Law Seçmeli
LAW 235 Common Law of Contracts Seçmeli
LAW 283 Legal Drafting I Seçmeli
LAW 305 Communication Law and Copyrights Seçmeli
LAW 315 Legislation on Logistics & Transportation I Seçmeli
LAW 329 Reflections of Information Technologies on Banking and Finance Law Seçmeli
LAW 336 Data Protection Law Seçmeli
LAW 337 Right to be Forgotten in Digital Age Seçmeli
LAW 339 Social Media in Information Technology Law Seçmeli
LAW 340 Commercial Legislation Relating to Information Technology Law and Relevant Practice Seçmeli
LAW 363 EU Law Seçmeli
LAW 403 Law of Inheritance Seçmeli
LAW 421 Intellectual Property Law Seçmeli
LAW 433 International Business Transactions I Seçmeli
LAW 451 Enforcement Law Seçmeli
LAW 463 Moot Court Competition I Seçmeli
LAW 571 Practice of the New Turkish Criminal Code in the Last Ten Years Seçmeli
MAN 111 Wirtschaftsdeutsch I Seçmeli
MAN 115 Allgemeine BWL Seçmeli
MAN 119 Computeranwendungen in den Unternehmen Seçmeli
MAN 209 Kommunikations- und Präsentationstechniken Seçmeli
MAN 215 Management und Organisationstheorie Seçmeli
MAN 221 Kostenrechung Seçmeli
MAN 227 Grundlagen der Makroökonomie Seçmeli
MAN 229 Entrepreneurship Seçmeli
MAN 303 Wissenschaftliche Forschungsmethoden Seçmeli
MAN 307 Unternehmensfinanzierung Seçmeli
MAN 313 Internationales Projektmanagement Seçmeli
MAN 319 Bilanzanalyse Seçmeli
MAN 323 Grundlagen Marketing Seçmeli
MAN 328 Internationales Finanzmanagement Seçmeli
MAN 332 Internationales Marketing Seçmeli
MAN 334 Supply Chain Management und Logistik Seçmeli
MAN 346 Digitales Leadership Seçmeli
MAN 349 Markenführung Seçmeli
MAN 427 Excel Anwendungen in Unternehmen Seçmeli
MAN 429 Praktikum Seçmeli
MAN 440 Management in Familienunternehmen Seçmeli
MATH 101 Introductıon to Set Theory and Logic Seçmeli
MATH 111 Analytical Geometry Seçmeli
MATH 135 Descrıptıve Geometry and Analysıs Seçmeli
MATH 155 Analysis I Seçmeli
MATH 160 Introductory Calculus Seçmeli
MATH 175 Mathematic für BWL Seçmeli
MATH 201 Mathematical Softwares I Seçmeli
MATH 231 Linear Algebra I Seçmeli
MATH 245 Ordinary Differential Equations Seçmeli
MATH 255 Calculus III Seçmeli
MATH 321 Introduction to Group Theory Seçmeli
MATH 325 Elementary Number Theory Seçmeli
MATH 357 Complex Analysis Seçmeli
MATH 439 Metric and Topological Spaces Seçmeli
MDD 190 Introduction to Basic Medical Sciences Seçmeli
MDD 191 The Cell Seçmeli
MDD 290 Cardiovascular and Respiratory System Seçmeli
MDD 291 Infectious Diseases and Immunity Seçmeli
MDD 292 Gastrointestinal System and Metobolism Seçmeli
MDD 294 Nervous System Seçmeli
MDD 295 Research Methodology I Seçmeli
MDD 303 Oral Biology Seçmeli
MDP 120 Anatomy Seçmeli
MDP 220 Pharmaceutical Microbiology Seçmeli
ME 101 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Seçmeli
ME 211 Thermodynamics I Seçmeli
ME 241 Statics Seçmeli
ME 331 Fluid Mechanics Seçmeli
ME 333 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Seçmeli
ME 343 Machine Elements I Seçmeli
ME 363 Manufacturing Processes Seçmeli
ME 371 Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering Seçmeli
ME 400 Summer Practice Seçmeli
ME 403 Instrumentation and Experiment Design Seçmeli
ME 411 Introduction to Renewable Energy Seçmeli
ME 422 Internal Combustion Engines Seçmeli
ME 423 Fundamentals of HVAC Systems Seçmeli
ME 424 Design of HVAC Systems Seçmeli
ME 425 Refrigeration Systems Seçmeli
ME 426 Heat Exchangers Seçmeli
ME 427 Thermal System Design Seçmeli
ME 428 Heat Engines Seçmeli
ME 431 Introduction to Turbomachinery Seçmeli
ME 432 Aerodynamics Seçmeli
ME 436 Applied Fluid Mechanics Seçmeli
ME 438 Engineering Acoustics Seçmeli
ME 439 Gas Dynamics Seçmeli
ME 444 Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics Seçmeli
ME 445 Mechanical Vibrations Seçmeli
ME 446 Mechanics of Composite Materials Seçmeli
ME 449 Applied Solid Mechanics Seçmeli
ME 451 Digital Control of Mechanical Systems Seçmeli
ME 452 Mechanisms and Applications Seçmeli
ME 453 Introduction to Mobile Robotics Seçmeli
ME 455 Vehicle Dynamics Seçmeli
ME 456 Mechatronics Seçmeli
ME 457 Control Systems Design Seçmeli
ME 459 Robot Mechanics Seçmeli
ME 462 Introduction to MEMS Seçmeli
ME 468 Plasticity and Metal Forming Seçmeli
ME 469 Nondestructive Testing Seçmeli
ME 477 Finite Element Method Seçmeli
ME 478 Optimization Techniques Seçmeli
ME 483 Flight Mechanics Seçmeli
ME 484 Automotive Engineering Seçmeli
ME 485 Theory and Engineering of Music Seçmeli
ME 490 Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering Seçmeli
MEC 101 Basics of Mechatronics Seçmeli
MEC 103 Rechnergestützte technische Zeichnung Seçmeli
MEC 201 Machine Elements and Mechanisms Seçmeli
MEC 207 CNC-Maschinen und Kontrolsysteme Seçmeli
MEC 209 Industrial Automatisation Seçmeli
MEC 210 Robotik-Anwendungen Seçmeli
MEC 211 Hilfsmaschinen und -einrichtungen Seçmeli
MEC 212 Wartung und vorbeugende Instandhaltung Seçmeli
MED 203 Basic Medical Sciences II Seçmeli
MED 302 Introduction to Clinical Sciences III Seçmeli
MED 411 Internal Medicine Seçmeli
MED 450 Approacment of Multisystem Diseases Seçmeli
MED 451 Disaster Medicine Seçmeli
MED 452 Exercise Physiology Seçmeli
MED 453 Medical Education Seçmeli
MED 515 Radiology Seçmeli
MED 550 Radiation Oncology Seçmeli
MED 551 İntensive Care Seçmeli
MED 552 Surgial Anatomy Seçmeli
MOL 501 Cell Biology Seçmeli
MOL 502 Structure and Function of The Gene Seçmeli
MOL 590 Seminar Seçmeli
MOL 601 Advanced Cell Biology Seçmeli
MOL 602 Structure and Regulation of The Gene Seçmeli
MOL 605 Molecular Basıs of Cancer Bıology Seçmeli
MOL 606 Cytogenetics Seçmeli
MOL 690 Seminar Seçmeli
MSN 101 Introduction to Materials Science and Nanotechnology Engineering Seçmeli
MSN 205 Materials Physics Seçmeli
MSN 213 Materials Thermodynamics Seçmeli
MSN 223 Mechanical Behaviours of Materials Seçmeli
MSN 301 Principles of Primary Metal Production Seçmeli
MSN 305 Polymer Science and Technology Seçmeli
MSN 307 Experimental Techniques in Nanoscience Seçmeli
MSN 321 Materials Characterization-II Seçmeli
MSN 400 Summer Practice Seçmeli
MSN 403 Design Principles and Materials Selection in Engineering Applications Seçmeli
MSN 405 Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Seçmeli
MSN 409 Manufacturing Techniques of Metallic Materials Seçmeli
MSN 477 Corrosion and Protection at Nanoscale Seçmeli
MSN 491 Introduction to Engineering Project Seçmeli
MYO 101 Basic Matemathics (German) Seçmeli
MYO 103 Grundlagen der Physik Seçmeli
NHS 101 Introduction to Nursing Seçmeli
NHS 201 Fundamentals of Nursing II Seçmeli
NHS 206 Biochemistry Seçmeli
NHS 301 Pediatric Nursing Seçmeli
NHS 303 Women Health Nursing Seçmeli
NHS 306 Ethics in Nursing Seçmeli
NHS 311 Nursing Summer Practice I Seçmeli
NHS 352 Occupational Health Nursing Seçmeli
NHS 356 Forensic Nursing Seçmeli
NHS 359 Infection Control Nursing Seçmeli
NHS 360 Perioperative Nursing Seçmeli
NHS 364 Nursing Informatics Seçmeli
NHS 401 Public Health Nursing Seçmeli
NHS 403 Leadership and Management in Nursing Seçmeli
NHS 409 Planning Dissertation Study Seçmeli
NHS 411 Nursing Summer Practice II Seçmeli
NUT 109 Principles and Practices of Nutrition I Seçmeli
NUT 111 Nutrition Education and Counselling Seçmeli
NUT 113 Basic Chemistry Seçmeli
NUT 115 Food Chemistry and Analysis I Seçmeli
NUT 117 Occupational Orientation and Ethics Seçmeli
NUT 205 Nutritional Biochemistry I Seçmeli
NUT 250 Microbiota and Health Seçmeli
NUT 251 Functional Foods Seçmeli
NUT 253 Nutrition and Ecology Seçmeli
NUT 254 Green Eating Seçmeli
NUT 301 Mother and Child Nutrition Seçmeli
NUT 303 Assessment of Nutritional Status of Community Seçmeli
NUT 315 Food Service Systems I Seçmeli
NUT 317 Nutrition and Dietetic Practices in Adulthood Diseases I Seçmeli
NUT 403 Management Seçmeli
NUT 411 Elective Area Practices Seçmeli
NUT 417 Area Practice I Seçmeli
NUT 454 Nutrition Approaches in Eating Behavior Disorders Seçmeli
PA 101 Introduction to Public Administration Seçmeli
PA 205 Turkish Public Administration Seçmeli
PA 301 History of Turkish Democracy I Seçmeli
PA 303 Local Government Seçmeli
PA 308 Internship Seçmeli
PA 311 Theories of the State Seçmeli
PA 313 Civil Society and Participation Seçmeli
PA 401 Public Personnel Management Seçmeli
PA 405 Comparative Public Administration Seçmeli
PA 409 Global Environmental Politics Seçmeli
PA 423 Organizational Behaviour in Public Administration Seçmeli
PCG 101 Introduction to Psychological Counseling and Guidance Seçmeli
PCG 221 Psychological Counseling in Schools Seçmeli
PCG 347 Career Counseling Seçmeli
PCG 349 Guidance and Counseling Practices in Schools I Seçmeli
PCG 353 Psychological Tests Seçmeli
PCG 366 Group Counseling Seçmeli
PCG 477 Individual Counseling I Seçmeli
PCG 501 Contemporary Counseling Theories Seçmeli
PCG 501U Contemporary Counseling Theories Seçmeli
PCG 503 Principles and Techniques of Counseling Seçmeli
PCG 503U Principles and Techniques of Counseling Seçmeli
PCG 505 Principals and Techniques of Group Counseling Seçmeli
PCG 518U Guidance and Counseling in Different Populations Seçmeli
PCG 551 Personality Theories Seçmeli
PCG 551U Personality Theories Seçmeli
PHAR 101 Introduction to Pharmacy Seçmeli
PHAR 103 Molecular Biology and Genetics Seçmeli
PHAR 105 General Chemistry Seçmeli
PHAR 121 Physics for Health Sciences Seçmeli
PHAR 151 Nutrition and Health Seçmeli
PHAR 213 Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry 2 + Lab. Seçmeli
PHAR 229 Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry 2 Seçmeli
PHAR 233 Pathophysiology Seçmeli
PHAR 235 Biochemistry + Lab. Seçmeli
PHAR 295 Community Pharmacy Training 1 Seçmeli
PHAR 297 Pharmacy Practices I Seçmeli
PHAR 303 Pharmaceutical Technology 1 + Lab. 1 Seçmeli
PHAR 311 Pharmaceutical Chemıstry 2 + Lab. 2 Seçmeli
PHAR 321 Pharmacognosy 1+Lab. 1 Seçmeli
PHAR 331 Pharmacology 2 Seçmeli
PHAR 391 Community Pharmacy Training 2 Seçmeli
PHAR 401 Clinical Pharmacy Application 1 Seçmeli
PHAR 403 Clinical Pharmacy / Pharmaceutical Care 1 Seçmeli
PHAR 413 Clinical Toxicology Seçmeli
PHAR 415 Pharmacy Management Seçmeli
PHAR 425 Phytotherapy And Applications Seçmeli
PHAR 427 Cosmetology+ Lab. Seçmeli
PHAR 429 Drug Quality Management Seçmeli
PHAR 431 Clinical Biochemistry Seçmeli
PHAR 491 Optional Training Seçmeli
PHAR 501 Graduation Project 1 Seçmeli
PHAR 521 Pharmaceutical Regulations Seçmeli
PHAR 523 New Drug Delivery Systems Seçmeli
PHAR 525 Pharmacoeconomy and Pharmacoepidemiology Seçmeli
PHAR 551 Resolving Ethical Cases In Health Care Seçmeli
PHAR 554 Computer Aided Drug Design Seçmeli
PHAR 555 Systems In Traditional And Alternative Medicine Seçmeli
PHAR 556 Pharmaceutics Care And Patient Education Seçmeli
PHAR 557 Radiopharmaceuticals Seçmeli
PHAR 558 Social Pharmacoanthropology Seçmeli
PHAR 559 Cosmetics Manufacturing Seçmeli
PHAR 560 Quality Management Systems In Pharmaceutical Industry Seçmeli
PHAR 561 Pharmacoeconomics And Drug Policy Seçmeli
PHAR 562 Drug Information Seçmeli
PHAR 563 Clinical Trials For Drug Research Seçmeli
PHAR 565 Pharmaceutical Calculations Seçmeli
PHAR 566 Natural Cosmetics and Dermocosmetics Seçmeli
PHAR 567 Food Toxicology Seçmeli
PHAR 568 Bioistatistics Applications Seçmeli
PHAR 569 Industrial Manufacturing And Tools Seçmeli
PHAR 570 Basic Principles Of Community/Hospital Pharmacy Management Seçmeli
PHAR 571 Neutraceutics And Food Supplements Seçmeli
PHAR 572 Industrial Applications In Phytotherapy Seçmeli
PHAR 574 Rational Drug Usage Seçmeli
PHAR 575 Herb-Drug Interactions Seçmeli
PHAR 576 Career Planning in the Pharmaceutical Field Seçmeli
PHAR 578 Pharmaceutical Industry with BAYER (PIWB) Seçmeli
PHAR 579 Agricultural And Veterinary Drugs Seçmeli
PHAR 580 Health Economics Seçmeli
PHAR 581 Life Coaching In Pharmacy Seçmeli
PHAR 582 Pharmacogenomics Seçmeli
PHAR 583 Safety Tests Of Cosmetic Products And Cosmetic Components Seçmeli
PHAR 584 Clinical Pharmacy Applications In Community Pharmacy Seçmeli
PHAR 585 Palliative Pharmaceutical Care Seçmeli
PHAR 586 Pharmacy Management&Customer Relationship Management Seçmeli
PHAR 588 Drug Marketing Seçmeli
PHAR 589 Bioavailability And Bioequivalence Studies Seçmeli
PHAR 591 Advanced Pharmacotheraphy Seçmeli
PHAR 592 Drug Metabolism Seçmeli
PHAR 593 Drug-Drug Interactions Seçmeli
PHAR 594 Medical Devices Seçmeli
PHAR 599 Graduation Training Seçmeli
PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy Seçmeli
PHIL 105 Philosophical Texts I Seçmeli
PHIL 121 Ancient Philosophy I Seçmeli
PHIL 213 Logic II Seçmeli
PHIL 217 Classsical Greek And Latin Text Analyses I Seçmeli
PHIL 221 Philosophy in The Middle Ages and Renaissance Seçmeli
PHIL 241 Ontology Seçmeli
PHIL 305 Philosophical Texts IV Seçmeli
PHIL 321 Philosophy in the 18th Century Seçmeli
PHIL 327 Philosophy in the Islamic World I Seçmeli
PHIL 329 Philosophical Developments in Turkey Seçmeli
PHIL 421 Contemporary Philosophy I Seçmeli
PHIL 431 Philosophy of Hİstory Seçmeli
PHIL 451 Politıcal Philosophy Seçmeli
PHIL 499 Graduation Thesis Seçmeli
PHYS 203 Statistical Physics Seçmeli
PHYS 317 Electromagnetısm Seçmeli
PHYS 319 Modern Physıcs Seçmeli
PHYS 401 Metrology and Calibration Laboratory Seçmeli
PHYS 402 ISO Standards&Accreditation Seçmeli
PHYS 418 Nuclear Physıcs Seçmeli
PLA 101 Life Drawing I Seçmeli
PLA 111 Basic Design I Seçmeli
PLA 121 Sculpture I Seçmeli
PLA 201 Life Drawing-III Seçmeli
PLA 213 Painting II Seçmeli
PLA 301 Life Drawing V Seçmeli
PLA 313 Painting IV Seçmeli
PLA 351 Printmaking/ Etching I Seçmeli
PLA 361 Analysis of Plastic Arts I Seçmeli
PLA 401 Life Drawing VII Seçmeli
PLA 415 Contemporary Art Studio II Seçmeli
PLA 421 Art Criticism and Interpretation I Seçmeli
PLA 452 Printmaking/ Lithography Seçmeli
PLAS 691 Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Seçmeli
PRP 107 Communication, Society and Politics Seçmeli
PRP 207 Practices and Case Studies in Public Relations Seçmeli
PRP 213 Design and Layout in Public Relations Seçmeli
PRP 221 Social Influence and Interpersonal Communication Seçmeli
PRP 251 Management and Organization Seçmeli
PRP 303 Reputation Management Seçmeli
PRP 307 Writing Techniques in Public Relations Seçmeli
PRP 311 Public Relations Practicum Seçmeli
PRP 335 Event Management Seçmeli
PRP 337 Public Relations and Politics Seçmeli
PRP 412 Advanced Studies in PR Seçmeli
PRP 423 Critical Approaches to Public Relations Seçmeli
PRP 437 Artificial Intelligence in Public Relations Seçmeli
PRP 491 Social Responsibility Project For Graduation I Seçmeli
PSIR 101 Introduction to Political Science Seçmeli
PSIR 111 History of International Relations I Seçmeli
PSIR 211 Introduction to International Relations Seçmeli
PSIR 221 Comparative Political Systems Seçmeli
PSIR 251 Analytical Reading and Wrinting in Social Sciences Seçmeli
PSIR 311 Central Issues in International Politics Seçmeli
PSIR 313 International Law I Seçmeli
PSIR 331 International Organizations Seçmeli
PSIR 360 Turkish Foreign Policy Seçmeli
PSIR 390 Social Communication Seçmeli
PSIR 434 Europen Union and Democracy Seçmeli
PSIR 460 Foreign Policy Analysis Seçmeli
PSY 159 Scholarly Reading and Writing Skills in Psychology I Seçmeli
PSY 203 Molecular Biology and Genetics for Psychology Seçmeli
PSY 220 Psychology for Health Sciences Seçmeli
PSY 331 Psychology of Adolescence Seçmeli
PSY 351 Psychology of Personality Seçmeli
PSY 371 Physiological Psychology Seçmeli
PSY 463 Organizational Psychology Seçmeli
PSY 501 Advanced Research Methods I Seçmeli
PSY 504 Clinical Psychology Practice Standarts and Ethics Seçmeli
PSY 560 Child Psychological Development and Psychopathologies in Psychoanalytic Theory Seçmeli
PSY 561 Adolescent Psychopathology in Psychoanalytic Theory Seçmeli
PSY 563 Adult Psychopathology in Psychoanalytic Theory Seçmeli
PSY 566 Psychological Assessment I Seçmeli
PSY 592 Schema Therapy Seçmeli
PSY 691 Group Supervision I Seçmeli
PSY 693 Individual Supervision I Seçmeli
PSY 695 Psychological Assessment Supervision I Seçmeli
PSY 698 Clinical Practicum I Seçmeli
PTR 101 Heat-Light Seçmeli
PTR 103 Normal Motor Development Seçmeli
PTR 201 Testing and Evaluation in Physical Therapy Seçmeli
PTR 203 Manipulative Therapy I Seçmeli
PTR 209 Functional Anatomy and Kinesiology I Seçmeli
PTR 211 Neuroanatomy Seçmeli
PTR 221 Neurology and Neurosurgery Seçmeli
PTR 223 İnternal Medicine, Rheumatology and Radiology Seçmeli
PTR 225 Orthopedics and Traumatology Seçmeli
PTR 250 Disability and Community Seçmeli
PTR 253 Physiotherapy in Esports Seçmeli
PTR 259 Interpersonal Communication in Health Instution Seçmeli
PTR 265 Floortime Approaches in Physiotherapy Seçmeli
PTR 266 Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Geriatrics Seçmeli
PTR 267 Hand Rehabilitation Seçmeli
PTR 268 Physiotherapy in Women Health Seçmeli
PTR 273 Academic Paper Writing and Literature Review Seçmeli
PTR 301 Neurophysiological Approaches in Physiotherapy 1 Seçmeli
PTR 303 Cardıopulmonary Rehabilitation Seçmeli
PTR 311 Pediatric Rehabilitation Seçmeli
PTR 313 Orthopedic Rehabilitation Seçmeli
PTR 401 Clinical Practicum I Seçmeli
PTR 403 Clinical Problem Solving Seçmeli
RLL 101 Practice Russian Language Seçmeli
RLL 103 Introduction to Linguistics Seçmeli
RLL 109 Russian Oral and Written Speech I Seçmeli
RLL 111 Lexicology I Seçmeli
RLL 121 Russian Oral Expression Studies Seçmeli
RLL 201 Intercultural Dialogue Seçmeli
RLL 203 Introduction to Translation Seçmeli
RLL 205 Morphology I Seçmeli
RLL 209 17th 18th Century Russian Literature Seçmeli
RLL 232 Russian Verbs of Motion Seçmeli
RLL 253 Applied Text Analysis Seçmeli
RLL 305 History of Russia I Seçmeli
RLL 309 19th Century Russian Literature I Seçmeli
RLL 313 Syntax I Seçmeli
RLL 321 Translation Applications and Ethics Seçmeli
RLL 341 Russian Verbs with Prefixes Seçmeli
RLL 401 Stylistic I Seçmeli
RLL 403 20th Century Russian Literature Seçmeli
RLL 405 Language for Special Purposes Seçmeli
RLL 407 Russian Art History (Cinematography) Seçmeli
RSCH 411 Quantitative Research Methods Seçmeli
RTC 111 Basics of Cinema and TV Techniques Seçmeli
RTC 221 History of Cinema Seçmeli
RTC 271 Editing Seçmeli
RTC 300 Contemporary World Cinema Seçmeli
RTC 311 Film Practicum Seçmeli
RTC 320 History of Turkish Cinema Seçmeli
RTC 321 Film Art and Industry Seçmeli
RTC 351 Writing for Broadcasting Seçmeli
RTC 371 Short Film Production Seçmeli
RTC 421 Contemporary Approaches to Cinema Seçmeli
RTC 491 Graduation Project I Seçmeli
SOC 115 Academic Reading and Writing in the Social Sciences Seçmeli
SOC 203 Classical Sociological Theory Seçmeli
SOC 227 Sociology of Youth Seçmeli
SOC 305 Sociology In Turkey Seçmeli
SOC 320 Rural Sociology Seçmeli
SOC 330 Sociology of Religion Seçmeli
SOC 340 Social Movements and Revolutions Seçmeli
SOC 350 Social Stratification Seçmeli
SOC 411 Modernization,Globalization and Turkey Seçmeli
SOC 413 Sociology of Crime and Deviance Seçmeli
SOC 423 Sociology of Organizations Seçmeli
SOC 425 Sociology of Health Seçmeli
SOC 457 Identity Seçmeli
SPED 141 Introduction to Special Education Seçmeli
SPED 221 Assessment In Special Education Seçmeli
SPED 230 Instructional Methods in Special Education Seçmeli
SPED 241 Autism Spectrum Disorders Seçmeli
SPED 249 Literacy Instrucation Seçmeli
SPED 303 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Seçmeli
SPED 325 Individualized Education, Support and Transition Programs Seçmeli
SPED 341 Early Intervention Practices Seçmeli
SPED 345 Inclusive Education Seçmeli
SPED 445 Special Education Teaching Practicum I Seçmeli
SPED 449 Material Design and Assistive Technologies In Special Education Seçmeli
SPED 493 Special Education and Inclusion Seçmeli
SPOL 527 Theories of International Relations Seçmeli
SPRI 101 Histoire de la diplomatie Seçmeli
SPRI 107 Conférence de Méthode des Relations Internationales I Seçmeli
SPRI 121 Introduction à la Science Politique Seçmeli
SPRI 161 Introduction à la Sociologie Seçmeli
SPRI 207 Conférence de Méthode des Relations Internationales III Seçmeli
SPRI 221 Vie Politique Turque Seçmeli
SPRI 233 Economie Seçmeli
SPRI 301 Politique Extérieure de la Turquie Seçmeli
SPRI 323 Politique Internationale Seçmeli
SPRI 341 Droit International Public Seçmeli
SPRI 421 Méthodologie de Recherche en Sciences Sociales Seçmeli
SPRI 471 Economie Politique Internationale Seçmeli
SPRI 494 Stage Seçmeli
TEXT 101 Drawing Techniques in Textile Seçmeli
TEXT 107 Sewing Techniques Seçmeli
TEXT 145 Design and Perception Seçmeli
TEXT 203 Analytical Approaches In Fashion Design Seçmeli
TEXT 205 Pattern Techniques In Menswear Seçmeli
TEXT 211 Computer Aided Design I Seçmeli
TEXT 217 Technical Drawing In Fashion Design Seçmeli
TEXT 223 Structure In Woven Fabrics Seçmeli
TEXT 233 Weave Design I Seçmeli
TEXT 243 Structure In Knitted Fabrics Seçmeli
TEXT 255 Design Principles and Applications Seçmeli
TEXT 275 Illustration And Coloring Techniques In Fashion Seçmeli
TEXT 303 Computer Aided Design III Seçmeli
TEXT 309 Concept Preparation and Presentation in Fashion Design Seçmeli
TEXT 319 Experimental Pattern Techniques Seçmeli
TEXT 343 Print Design II Seçmeli
TEXT 355 Gender In Contemporary Menswear Seçmeli
TEXT 377 Feminist Approaches in Fashion Design Seçmeli
TEXT 423 Marketing in Fashion Seçmeli
TEXT 435 Costume Design Seçmeli
TEXT 445 Editing In Fashion Seçmeli
THTR 101 History of World Theatre I Seçmeli
THTR 111 Play Analysis I Seçmeli
THTR 141 Basic Respiration and Voice Training I Seçmeli
THTR 151 Movement I Seçmeli
THTR 161 Improvisation I Seçmeli
THTR 171 Acting I Seçmeli
THTR 211 Dramaturgy I Seçmeli
THTR 221 History of Turkish Theatre I Seçmeli
THTR 241 Basic Speech Training I Seçmeli
THTR 251 Movement III Seçmeli
THTR 261 Improvisation III Seçmeli
THTR 271 Acting III Seçmeli
THTR 319 Dramaturgy in Practice I Seçmeli
THTR 327 Play Writing I Seçmeli
THTR 335 Theater Seminary I Seçmeli
THTR 337 Documentary Theater Seçmeli
THTR 361 Role I Seçmeli
THTR 371 Acting V Seçmeli
THTR 377 Acting Seminar I Seçmeli
THTR 381 Play Making I Seçmeli
THTR 383 Directing And Dramaturgy I Seçmeli
THTR 461 Role III Seçmeli
THTR 471 Acting VII Seçmeli
THTR 481 Play Making III Seçmeli
TLL 111 Literary Genres And Methods Of Narration Seçmeli
TLL 123 Turkish Spoken In Turkey I Seçmeli
TLL 125 Turkish Spoken In Turkey III Seçmeli
TLL 131 Intro. To Turkish Literature I Seçmeli
TLL 161 Linguistics and Turkish I Seçmeli
TLL 203 The Literature Of Contemporary Turkish Republics Seçmeli
TLL 204 Eastern Turkish and Its Literatures Seçmeli
TLL 219 Old Turkish Texts (Kokturk And Uıghur-Scripts) Seçmeli
TLL 231 Modernization in Turkish Literature I (Tanzimat) Seçmeli
TLL 293 Ottoman Turkish II Seçmeli
TLL 311 Old Anatolian Turkish Seçmeli
TLL 331 Classical Turkish Literature I Seçmeli
TLL 361 Folk Literature I Seçmeli
TLL 431 Short Story in Contemporary Turkish Literature Seçmeli
TLL 441 Literature Of Fecr-i Ati Period Seçmeli
TLL 477 Contemporary Turkish Novel I Seçmeli
TRA 101 Turkish for Translators Seçmeli
TRA 107 Introduction to Translation I Seçmeli
TRA 109 Public Speaking Seçmeli
TRA 133 Lexis for Translators Seçmeli
TRA 207 Translation of Texts on Political Sciences Seçmeli
TRA 211 Translation of Social Sciences Texts Seçmeli
TRA 242 Health Sciences Translation Seçmeli
TRA 281 Introduction to Turkish Language of Signs Seçmeli
TRA 301 Translation Theory Seçmeli
TRA 310 Internship Seçmeli
TRA 315 Literary Translation Seçmeli
TRA 401 Special Topics in Translation Seçmeli
TRA 404 Approaches to Translation History Seçmeli
TRA 411 Subtitling and Dubbing Seçmeli
TRA 422 Russian-Turkish Translation I Seçmeli
TRA 423 German-Turkish Translation I Seçmeli
TRA 425 Spanish-Turkish Translation I Seçmeli
TRA 439 Intersemiotic Translation I Seçmeli
TRA 485 EU Documents and Regulation Translation Workshop Seçmeli
TRA 493 Translation Project Seçmeli
VCD 111 Basic Drawing Seçmeli
VCD 171 Design Fundamentals Seçmeli
VCD 271 Modeling in Virtual Environments Seçmeli
VCD 273 Digital Design and Illustration Seçmeli
VCD 311 Introduction to Digital Video Seçmeli
VCD 321 Cultural Icons in Design Seçmeli
VCD 371 Introduction to Game Design Seçmeli
VCD 373 Spatial Desing Rendering Seçmeli
VCD 379 Interactive Design Seçmeli
VCD 400 Interdisciplinary Communication Design Practices Seçmeli
VCD 421 Semiotic Approaches to Design Seçmeli
VCD 471 Interactive Design Studio Seçmeli
VCD 474 Game Design Workshop Seçmeli