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Elective List

Ders Dönemi: Güz
Course Code Course Name Course Type
ARCH 501 Architectural Studio\Workshop I Seçmeli
ARCH 502 Architectural Studio\Workshop II Seçmeli
ARCH 503 Term Project Seçmeli
ARCH 504 Research Methods in Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 512 Advanced Analysis of History & Theory of Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 513 Philosophies and Trends in Modern Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 514 Architectural Representation Seçmeli
ARCH 516 Design for Special Needs Seçmeli
ARCH 517 Transformation in Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 518 Conversions of Existing Buildings Seçmeli
ARCH 521 Discrimination in Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 522 Architectural Theories in 20th Century Seçmeli
ARCH 541 Urban Regeneration Seçmeli
ARCH 542 Post-Modern City in the Global Era Seçmeli
ARCH 543 Advanced Urban Design – Concepts & Analysis Seçmeli
ARCH 553 The Computer Integrated Building Process Seçmeli
ARCH 561 Building Performance Management Seçmeli
ARCH 562 Disaster and Shelter Research & Design Seçmeli
ARCH 566 Advanced Concepts in Structural Design Seçmeli
ARCH 573 Sustainability and Ecology Seçmeli
ARCH 575 Advanced Readings on History of Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 585 Special Topics in Future Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
ARCH 591 Architectural Conservation Concepts Seçmeli
ARCH 593 Vernacular Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 594 Ottoman Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 601 Architectural Studies I Seçmeli
ARCH 602 Architectural Studies II Seçmeli
ARCH 603 Advanced Research Methods Seçmeli
ARCH 611 Advanced Architectural Theories and Philosophy Seçmeli
ARCH 612 Advanced Conceptual Readings Seçmeli
ARCH 621 Advanced Architectural History Seçmeli
ARCH 622 Contemporary Architectural Approaches Seçmeli
ARCH 631 Architecture, Society and Culture Seçmeli
ARCH 632 Advanced Research In Architectural Education Seçmeli
ARCH 641 Advanced Urban Theory and Policies Seçmeli
ARCH 651 Psychological Context of Architecture Seçmeli
ARCH 690 PhD Seminar Seçmeli
ARCH 691 Independent Study for Qualifying Exam Seçmeli
ARCH 700 PhD Dissertation Seçmeli
BME 511 Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging Techniques Seçmeli
BME 512 Medical Imaging Reconstruction Seçmeli
BME 513 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging Seçmeli
BME 514 Computational Methods in Biomedical Engineering Seçmeli
BME 515 Biomedical Signals and Processing Seçmeli
BME 516 Medical Instrument Design Seçmeli
BME 517 Rehabilitation Engineering Seçmeli
BME 518 Medical Informatics Seçmeli
BME 530 Micro-Nano Biomaterials for Biomedical Engineering Seçmeli
BME 531 Advanced Biomaterials for Imaging and Radiology Seçmeli
BME 532 Advanced Laboratory Analysis Techniques and Devices Seçmeli
BME 533 Biomimetics Methods in Biomineralization Seçmeli
BME 534 Biosensors Seçmeli
BME 561 Statistical and Adaptive Digital Signal Processing Seçmeli
BME 565 Medical Acoustic and Speech Processing Seçmeli
BME 580 Advanced Topics in Biomedical Engineering Seçmeli
BME 585 Biometric methods in Biomedical Engineering Seçmeli
BME 586 Neuroimaging Seçmeli
BME 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
BME 599 Term Project Seçmeli
BME 600 MSc Thesis Seçmeli
BTEC 501 Basic Biotechnology Seçmeli
BTEC 502 Medical and Clinical Genetics Seçmeli
BTEC 503 Advanced Molecular Biology Seçmeli
BTEC 504 Pharmaceutical and Medical Biotechnology Seçmeli
BTEC 505 Microbiology Seçmeli
BTEC 506 Plant Biotechnology Seçmeli
BTEC 507 Advanced Biochemistry Seçmeli
BTEC 509 Pharmagenetics and Pharmagenomics Seçmeli
BTEC 510 Biotechnology Laboratory Projects Seçmeli
BTEC 511 Comparative Physiology Seçmeli
BTEC 512 Ecology Seçmeli
BTEC 513 Introduction to Bioinformatics Seçmeli
BTEC 514 Cancer Genetics Seçmeli
BTEC 515 Immunogenetics Seçmeli
BTEC 516 Introduction to Nanobiotechnology Seçmeli
BTEC 517 Immunobiology Seçmeli
BTEC 518 Food and Bioetchics Seçmeli
BTEC 519 Microbiological Aspects of Food Systems Seçmeli
BTEC 521 Gene Expression Seçmeli
BTEC 522 Special Topics in Biotechnology Seçmeli
BTEC 527 Bioreactors Seçmeli
BTEC 528 Processing of Bioactive Exrtact From Natural Materials Seçmeli
BTEC 532 Drug Delivery and Device Seçmeli
BTEC 533 Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering Seçmeli
BTEC 534 Transgenics and Gene Therapy Seçmeli
BTEC 535 Mammalian Tissue Engineering Seçmeli
BTEC 536 Stem Cell Biology Seçmeli
BTEC 537 Dosage in Proteins and Peptides Seçmeli
BTEC 538 Nutrigenomics Seçmeli
BTEC 539 Protein Chemistry Seçmeli
BTEC 550 Methods in Scientific Research Seçmeli
BTEC 555 Biostatistics Seçmeli
BTEC 556 Plant Microbe Interactions Seçmeli
BTEC 560 Scientific Research Methods in Genetic Engineering Seçmeli
BTEC 582 Selected Topics: Signal Transduction Pathways Seçmeli
BTEC 584 Selected Topics: Adult Neurogenesis Seçmeli
BTEC 585 Selected Topics: Microbial Metabolism Seçmeli
BTEC 586 Selected Topics: Applications of Biostatistics for Research Seçmeli
BTEC 587 Selected Topics: Encapsulation Technology and Applications Seçmeli
BTEC 601 Yeast and Bacterial Biotechnology Seçmeli
BTEC 602 Advanced Molecular Biology Techniques Seçmeli
BTEC 603 Analytical Biotechnology Seçmeli
BTEC 604 Current Topics in Biotechnology Seçmeli
BTEC 605 Drug Metabolism Seçmeli
BTEC 606 Transgenics and Gene Therapy Seçmeli
BTEC 607 Drug Discovery and Development Seçmeli
BTEC 608 Cell Communication and Signal Transduction Mechanisms Seçmeli
BTEC 609 Epigenetics Seçmeli
BTEC 610 Tissue Engineering Applications Seçmeli
BTEC 611 Advanced Stem Cell Technology Seçmeli
BTEC 612 Reproductive Genetics Seçmeli
BTEC 613 Developmental Biology Seçmeli
BTEC 615 Protein Purification and Analysis Seçmeli
BTEC 616 Advanced Topics in Enzyme Kinetics Seçmeli
BTEC 620 Advanced Biomaterials Seçmeli
BTEC 621 Molecular Toxicology Seçmeli
BTEC 622 Advanced Biothermodynamics Seçmeli
BTEC 623 Neuroscience Seçmeli
BTEC 624 Cytobiology-I Seçmeli
BTEC 626 Advanced Bioreactors Seçmeli
BTEC 629 Eukaryotic Gene Regulation Seçmeli
BTEC 630 Controlled Drug Delivery and Targeting Systems Seçmeli
BTEC 635 Eukaryotic Cell Biology Seçmeli
BTEC 638 Molecular Pharmacology Seçmeli
BTEC 639 Fermentation Biotechnology Seçmeli
BTEC 640 Nanomedicine Seçmeli
BTEC 641 Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry Seçmeli
BTEC 642 Regenerative Biology and Biomedical Applications Seçmeli
BTEC 643 Gene Editing Technologies Seçmeli
BTEC 644 Plant Breeding Seçmeli
BTEC 666 Systems Biology Seçmeli
BTEC 667 Applied Biostatistics and Experimental Design Seçmeli
BTEC 690 PhD Seminar Seçmeli
BTEC 691 Independent Study for Qualifying Exam Seçmeli
BTEC 700 PhD Dissertation Seçmeli
CE 520 Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete Seçmeli
CE 521 Advanced Strength of Materials Seçmeli
CE 522 Structural Dynamics Seçmeli
CE 523 Numerical Methods Seçmeli
CE 524 Finite Element Method Seçmeli
CE 525 Plastic Design Of Steel Structures Seçmeli
CE 526 Design of Steel Concrete Composite Structures Seçmeli
CE 527 Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures Seçmeli
CE 528 Repair and Strengthening of Damaged Structures Seçmeli
CE 529 Prestressed and Reinforced Concrete Structures Seçmeli
CE 530 Tall Structures Seçmeli
CE 531 Matrix Methods in Stuructural Analysis Seçmeli
CE 532 Arrangement of Structural Framing Systems Seçmeli
CE 533 Seismic Assessment of Existing Masonry Structures Seçmeli
CE 540 Properties of Fresh and Hardened Concrete Seçmeli
CE 541 Advanced Materials of Construction Seçmeli
CE 542 Mechanical Behavior of Materials Seçmeli
CE 543 Admixtures for Concrete Seçmeli
CE 544 Natural Building Materials Seçmeli
CE 545 Mechanical Properties and Deformation of Concrete Seçmeli
CE 550 Advanced Soil Mechanics Seçmeli
CE 551 Experimental Soil Mechanics Seçmeli
CE 552 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Seçmeli
CE 553 Soil Improvement Seçmeli
CE 554 Designing with Geosynthetics Seçmeli
CE 560 Construction Process Planning and Management Seçmeli
CE 561 Scientific Writing Seçmeli
CE 562 Advanced Project Planning Seçmeli
CE 563 Quality Control and Quality Management in Constructions Seçmeli
CE 564 Sustainability Management and Legal Framework Seçmeli
CE 565 Sustainable Cities Seçmeli
CE 566 Biomass Energy for Sustainable Development Seçmeli
CE 570 Mechanics of Water Waves Seçmeli
CE 571 Wind Energy Seçmeli
CE 572 Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants Seçmeli
CE 580 Special Topics in Civil Engineering Seçmeli
CE 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
CE 600 MSc Thesis Seçmeli
CHBE 512 Modeling and Analysis of Chemical Engineering Systems Seçmeli
CHBE 514 Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics Seçmeli
CHBE 525 Advanced Instrumental Analysis Seçmeli
CHBE 531 Advanced Chemical Engineering I: Fluid Mechanics Seçmeli
CHBE 532 Advanced Chemical Engineering II: Heat Transfer Seçmeli
CHBE 533 Advanced Chemical Engineering III: Mass Transfer Seçmeli
CHBE 534 Transport Phenomena Seçmeli
CHBE 541 Advanced Chemical Process Control Seçmeli
CHBE 548 Statistical Analysis of Multivariate Data in Chemical Processes Seçmeli
CHBE 552 Pollution and Control Seçmeli
CHBE 554 Advanced Separation Processes Seçmeli
CHBE 555 Membrane Science and Membrane Separations Seçmeli
CHBE 561 Advanced Materials Seçmeli
CHBE 562 Advanced Chemical and Biological Reaction Engineering Seçmeli
CHBE 563 Materials Evaluation by Using Destructive and Nondestructive Testing Seçmeli
CHBE 565 Fundamentals of Colloid and Surface Chemistry Seçmeli
CHBE 567 Nanomaterials: Characterization and Applications Seçmeli
CHBE 568 Surface Chemistry in Nanoscience Seçmeli
CHBE 569 Nondestructive Testing Seçmeli
CHBE 573 Advanced Biotechnology Seçmeli
CHBE 577 Principles of Electrochemical Engineering Seçmeli
CHBE 581 Advanced Polymer Chemistry Seçmeli
CHBE 582 Advanced Computational Techniques in Chbe Seçmeli
CHBE 583 X-ray Diffraction Seçmeli
CHBE 584 Special Topics in Chemical Engineering I:Chemical Technologies Seçmeli
CHBE 585 Special Topics in Chemical Engineering II:Green Engineering and Sustainability Seçmeli
CHBE 591 Climate Change and Sustainable Development Seçmeli
CHBE 691 Independent Study for Qualifying Exam Seçmeli
CHBE 700 PhD Dissertation Seçmeli
CIS 501 Scientific Research Methods and Publication Ethics Seçmeli
CIS 502 Software Development Fundamentals Seçmeli
CIS 503 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures Seçmeli
CIS 504 Algorithms Seçmeli
CIS 505 Web Programming Seçmeli
CIS 506 Programming Mobile Devices Seçmeli
CIS 507 3D Game Development Seçmeli
CIS 508 Artificial Intelligence Seçmeli
CIS 509 Management Information Systems Seçmeli
CIS 510 Information Graphics Seçmeli
CIS 511 Information Analysis and System Design Seçmeli
CIS 512 Database Management Systems Seçmeli
CIS 513 Concepts of Programming Languages Seçmeli
CIS 514 Penetration Tests and Ethical Hacking Seçmeli
CIS 515 Decision Support Systems Seçmeli
CIS 516 Informatics Regulations Seçmeli
CIS 517 Data Mining Seçmeli
CIS 518 Virtualization and Introductory Cloud Computing Seçmeli
CIS 519 Software Testing and Quality Assurance Seçmeli
CIS 520 Cryptology and Cyber Security Seçmeli
CIS 521 Digital Marketing Management Seçmeli
CIS 522 Foundation of Machine Learning and Its Applications Seçmeli
CIS 523 Expert Systems Seçmeli
CIS 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
CIS 599 Graduation Project Seçmeli
CIS 600 MSc Thesis Seçmeli
CSE 503 Advanced Computer Mathematics Seçmeli
CSE 505 Advanced Probability Theory for Discrete Systems Seçmeli
CSE 511 Theory of Algorithms Seçmeli
CSE 512 Evolutionary Algorithms Seçmeli
CSE 513 Object Oriented Programming Seçmeli
CSE 515 Advanced Object Oriented Programming Seçmeli
CSE 516 Object Oriented Design Seçmeli
CSE 519 Computational Geometry Seçmeli
CSE 524 Performance Evaluation of Computer System Seçmeli
CSE 526 Reconfigurable Computing Seçmeli
CSE 531 Computer Security Seçmeli
CSE 532 Distributed Systems Seçmeli
CSE 533 Advanced Computer Architectures Seçmeli
CSE 535 Operating Systems Seçmeli
CSE 536 Advanced Topics in Operating Systems Seçmeli
CSE 538 Real Time Systems Seçmeli
CSE 544 Advanced Topics in Software Engineering Seçmeli
CSE 547 Software Product Line Engineering Seçmeli
CSE 548 Database Management Systems Seçmeli
CSE 549 Software Architecture Seçmeli
CSE 552 Advanced Topics in Language Processors Seçmeli
CSE 553 Theory of Computation Seçmeli
CSE 554 Automata Theory and Formal Languages Seçmeli
CSE 557 Quantum Computing Seçmeli
CSE 562 Artificial Intelligence Seçmeli
CSE 564 Neural Networks Seçmeli
CSE 568 Robotics Seçmeli
CSE 569 Expert Systems & Fuzzy Logic Seçmeli
CSE 571 Data Communication & Computer Networks Seçmeli
CSE 572 New Generation Networks Seçmeli
CSE 574 Parallel Processing Seçmeli
CSE 575 Internet Technologies and Programming Seçmeli
CSE 576 Network Modelling and Analysis Seçmeli
CSE 577 Next Generation Telecommunication Technology Practice Seçmeli
CSE 578 Wireless Networks and Mobile Communication Systems Seçmeli
CSE 579 Embedded Multimedia Systems Seçmeli
CSE 581 Simulation Modeling and Analysis Seçmeli
CSE 583 Computer Graphics Seçmeli
CSE 584 Virtual Reality Seçmeli
CSE 585 Machine Learning Seçmeli
CSE 586 Algorithms and Operations Research Seçmeli
CSE 587 Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Seçmeli
CSE 588 Deep Learning Seçmeli
CSE 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
CSE 591 Special Topics Seçmeli
CSE 610 Advanced Topics in Algorithms and Computer Science Seçmeli
CSE 620 Advanced Topics in Systems Architecture Seçmeli
CSE 640 Advanced Topics in Embedded Systems Seçmeli
CSE 644 Advanced Topics in Information Systems Engineering Seçmeli
CSE 660 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence Seçmeli
CSE 670 Advanced Topics in Computer Networks and Communications Seçmeli
CSE 673 Advanced Topics in Mobile Systems and IoT Seçmeli
CSE 674 Advanced Topics in High Performance Computing Seçmeli
CSE 689 Advanced Topics in Human Computer Interaction Seçmeli
CSE 690 PhD Seminar Seçmeli
CSE 691 Independent Study for Qualifying Exam Seçmeli
CSE 700 PhD Dissertation Seçmeli
DATS 501 Fundamentals of Data Science Seçmeli
DATS 502 Research Methods in Data Science Seçmeli
DATS 504 Data Structures and Algorithms for Data Science Seçmeli
DATS 511 Applied Statistics and Data Analysis Seçmeli
DATS 521 Data Ethics and Humane Use of IT Seçmeli
DATS 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
DATS 591 Special Topics in Data Science Seçmeli
DATS 599 Term Project Seçmeli
DATS 600 MSc Thesis Seçmeli
EE 508 Random Process and Noise Seçmeli
EE 509 System Theory Seçmeli
EE 511 Advanced Logic Circuit Design Seçmeli
EE 513 Artifical Neural Networks Seçmeli
EE 514 Advanced Embedded System Design Seçmeli
EE 515 Sensors Seçmeli
EE 517 Glow Discharge Processing Seçmeli
EE 518 Sensitivity and Tolerance Analysis Seçmeli
EE 519 Active Network Synthesis Seçmeli
EE 521 Fourier Optics Seçmeli
EE 522 Advanced Antenna Theory Seçmeli
EE 523 Smart Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Systems Seçmeli
EE 526 Biomedical Electromagnetics Seçmeli
EE 527 Microwave Circuit and Systems Seçmeli
EE 528 Numerical Methods for Electromagnetic Problems Seçmeli
EE 529 Analytical Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory Seçmeli
EE 532 Digital IC (Integrated Circuit) Design Seçmeli
EE 533 RF Circuit Design Seçmeli
EE 535 MOS Device Physics and Technology Seçmeli
EE 536 Advanced VLSI System Design Seçmeli
EE 537 Advanced Mixed-Signal IC Design Seçmeli
EE 538 Noise in Electronic Devices and Systems Seçmeli
EE 539 Analog Integrated Circuit Design Seçmeli
EE 542 Quantum Electronics Seçmeli
EE 543 Solid State Electronic Devices Seçmeli
EE 544 Microelectronic Fabrication Seçmeli
EE 545 Semiconductor Processing Technologies Seçmeli
EE 555 Physical Layer Principles of Wireless Communications Seçmeli
EE 558 Digital Communication Theory Seçmeli
EE 559 Information Theory Seçmeli
EE 562 Advanced Image Processing Seçmeli
EE 563 Detection and Estimation Theory Seçmeli
EE 564 Multiresolution Signal Processing Seçmeli
EE 565 Digital Speech Processing Seçmeli
EE 566 Pattern Recognition Seçmeli
EE 568 Advanced Digital Signal Processing Seçmeli
EE 569 Advanced Deep Learning for Computer Vision Seçmeli
EE 571 Power System Operation and Control Seçmeli
EE 573 Flexible Control of Distribution Systems Seçmeli
EE 574 Advanced Power Electronics Seçmeli
EE 578 Dynamics of Electrical Machines Seçmeli
EE 581 Design of Control Systems Seçmeli
EE 583 Fuzzy Logic Modeling and Control Seçmeli
EE 584 Advanced Robotic Sytems Seçmeli
EE 585 Control of Robotic Systems Seçmeli
EE 586 Advanced Digital Control Systems Seçmeli
EE 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
EE 600 MSc Thesis Seçmeli
EE 618 Sensitivity and Tolerance Analysis Seçmeli
EE 619 Advanced Methods in Logic Circuits Seçmeli
EE 621 Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Systems Seçmeli
EE 622 Electromagnetic Compability Seçmeli
EE 624 Numerical Methods in Electrical Engineering Seçmeli
EE 628 Computational Electromagnetics Seçmeli
EE 641 RF Microelectronics Seçmeli
EE 649 Special Topics in Electronics Seçmeli
EE 659 Special Topics in Communication Systems Seçmeli
EE 661 Medical Image Processing Seçmeli
EE 662 Computer Vision Seçmeli
EE 664 Random Signal Processing Seçmeli
EE 669 Advanced Methods for Signal Processing Seçmeli
EE 672 Selected Topics in Power Electronics Seçmeli
EE 678 Special Topics in Electric Power and Energy Systems Seçmeli
EE 689 Advanced Topics on Control Systems Seçmeli
EE 690 Ph.D Seminar Seçmeli
EE 691 Independent Study for Qualifying Exam Seçmeli
EE 695 Selected Topics in Radio Frequency Systems I Seçmeli
EE 696 Special Topics in RF Systems Seçmeli
EE 700 PhD Dissertation Seçmeli
ESYE 501 Research Methodology Seçmeli
ESYE 505 Systems Engıneerıng Methodology Seçmeli
ESYE 511 Frameworks, Processes and Application Seçmeli
ESYE 522 Operations Research Seçmeli
ESYE 535 Total Quality Management Seçmeli
ESYE 538 Systems Simulation Seçmeli
ESYE 540 Stochastic Processes Seçmeli
ESYE 541 Engineering Experimental Design Seçmeli
ESYE 547 Forecasting Seçmeli
ESYE 549 Logistics Systems Planning and Design Seçmeli
ESYE 550 Fuzzy Set Theory and Applıcatıons Seçmeli
ESYE 552 Modern Control Engıneerıng Seçmeli
ESYE 553 Multivariate Analysis Seçmeli
ESYE 554 Risk Analysis Seçmeli
ESYE 556 Optimal Control Seçmeli
ESYE 557 Special Topics in Control Theory Seçmeli
ESYE 560 Advanced Methods in OR Seçmeli
ESYE 562 Multicriteria Decision Making Seçmeli
ESYE 564 Supply Chain Managament Seçmeli
ESYE 565 Modeling and Decision Making for Industrial Systems Seçmeli
ESYE 573 Quantitative Methods in Finance Seçmeli
ESYE 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
ESYE 600 MSc Thesis Seçmeli
ESYE 603 Quantitative Methods For Systems Engineering I Seçmeli
ESYE 604 Quantitative Methods For Systems Engineering II Seçmeli
ESYE 605 OR Applications in Healthcare Seçmeli
ESYE 611 Mathematical Programing Seçmeli
ESYE 621 Combinatorial Optimization Seçmeli
ESYE 643 Topics In Engineering Decisions Seçmeli
ESYE 647 Statistical Inference Seçmeli
ESYE 648 Time Series Analysis And Forecasting Seçmeli
ESYE 654 Industrial Automation Systems Seçmeli
ESYE 690 PhD Seminar Seçmeli
ESYE 691 Independent Study for Qualifying Exam Seçmeli
ESYE 697 Topics In Industrial Engineering Seçmeli
ESYE 700 PhD Dissertation Seçmeli
KENT 501 Urban Design Studio/Workshop Seçmeli
KENT 502 Evolution of Public Open Spaces Seçmeli
KENT 503 City, Identity and Space from Modernism to Postmodernism Seçmeli
KENT 504 Globalisation and Regeneration of City Centres Seçmeli
KENT 505 Sustainable Urban Open Spaces Seçmeli
KENT 506 Urban Open Space Quality Seçmeli
KENT 507 Design with Nature Seçmeli
KENT 508 Ecological Sustainability and Restoration Seçmeli
KENT 509 Cultural Landscape and Conservation Approaches Seçmeli
KENT 510 Recreation Areas Planning Seçmeli
KENT 511 Urban Furniture in Spatial Design Seçmeli
KENT 512 Inclusive Urban Design Seçmeli
KENT 513 Contemporary Approaches to Landscape Architecture Seçmeli
KENT 514 Climate-sensitive Urban Design Approaches Seçmeli
KENT 515 Geographic Information Systems Seçmeli
KENT 516 Landscape Engineering Details Seçmeli
KENT 517 Planting Critics in Landscape Practice Seçmeli
KENT 518 Arboretum and Botanical Gardens Seçmeli
KENT 519 Urban Design Guides Seçmeli
KENT 520 Environmental Psychology Seçmeli
KENT 521 City Master Plan Concepts and Applications Seçmeli
KENT 522 Right to the City’ from a Social/Sociological Perspective Seçmeli
KENT 523 Urban Regeneration Seçmeli
KENT 524 Urban Image and Placemaking Seçmeli
KENT 525 Sustainability and Urban Resilience Seçmeli
KENT 526 Real Estate Appraisal Seçmeli
KENT 527 Environmental Policies and Local Governments Seçmeli
KENT 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
KENT 599 Term Project Seçmeli
LAUD 501 Urban Design Studio Seçmeli
LAUD 502 Evolution of Public Open Spaces Seçmeli
LAUD 503 City, Identity and Space from Modernism to Postmodernism Seçmeli
LAUD 504 Globalisation and Renegeneration of City Centres Seçmeli
LAUD 505 Sustainable Urban Open Spaces Seçmeli
LAUD 506 Urban Open Space Quality Seçmeli
LAUD 507 Design with Nature Seçmeli
LAUD 508 Ecological Sustainability and Restoration Seçmeli
LAUD 509 Cultural Landscape and Conservation Approaches Seçmeli
LAUD 510 Recreation Areas Planning Seçmeli
LAUD 511 Urban Furniture in Spatial Design Seçmeli
LAUD 512 Inclusive Urban Design Seçmeli
LAUD 513 Contemporary Approaches to Landscape Architecture Seçmeli
LAUD 514 Climate-sensitive Urban Design Approaches Seçmeli
LAUD 515 Geographic Information Systems Seçmeli
LAUD 516 Landscape Engineering Details Seçmeli
LAUD 517 Planting Critics in Landscape Practice Seçmeli
LAUD 518 Arboretum and Botanical Gardens Seçmeli
LAUD 519 Urban Design Guides Seçmeli
LAUD 520 Environmental Psychology Seçmeli
LAUD 521 City Master Plan Concepts and Applications Seçmeli
LAUD 522 ‘Right to the City’ from a Social/Sociological Perspective Seçmeli
LAUD 523 Urban Regeneration Seçmeli
LAUD 524 Urban Image and Placemaking Seçmeli
LAUD 525 Sustainability and Urban Resilience Seçmeli
LAUD 526 Real Estate Appraisal Seçmeli
LAUD 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
LAUD 600 MSc Thesis Seçmeli
MATH 510 Concepts Of Geometry For Mathematics Teachers Seçmeli
MATH 511 Differential Geometry Seçmeli
MATH 512 Riemannian Geometry Seçmeli
MATH 513 Topics in Geometry Seçmeli
MATH 521 Algebra I Seçmeli
MATH 522 Algebra II Seçmeli
MATH 523 Lie Groups and Lie Algebras Seçmeli
MATH 525 Algebraic Number Theory I Seçmeli
MATH 526 Algebraic Number Theory II Seçmeli
MATH 527 Introduction To The Theory Of Schemes I Seçmeli
MATH 528 Theory Of Schemes II Seçmeli
MATH 529 Topics In Algebra Seçmeli
MATH 530 Advanced Linear Algebra Seçmeli
MATH 531 Topology Seçmeli
MATH 532 Algebraic Topology Seçmeli
MATH 534 Introduction to Semigroup Theory Seçmeli
MATH 537 Probability and Statistics for Engineers Seçmeli
MATH 541 Ordinary Differential Equation Seçmeli
MATH 542 Partial Differential Equations I Seçmeli
MATH 543 Bondary-Value Problems and Special Functions Seçmeli
MATH 544 Topics in Applied Mathematics Seçmeli
MATH 547 Probability Theory Seçmeli
MATH 548 Theory of Statistics Seçmeli
MATH 551 Functional Analysis I Seçmeli
MATH 552 Functional Analysis II Seçmeli
MATH 553 Complex Analysis Seçmeli
MATH 554 Approximation Theory Seçmeli
MATH 555 Measure And Integration Theory Seçmeli
MATH 556 Topics In Analysis Seçmeli
MATH 557 Introduction to Topological Groups Seçmeli
MATH 580 Methods In Mathematical Reasoning Seçmeli
MATH 590 Seminar I Seçmeli
MATH 591 Research Report Seçmeli
MATH 599 Term Project Seçmeli
MATH 600 MSc Thesis Seçmeli
MATH 611 Introduction To Symplectic Geometry Seçmeli
MATH 612 Geometry of Diffeomorphism groups Seçmeli
MATH 613 Geometry of Manifolds of Maps Seçmeli
MATH 615 Introduction to Geometric Mechanics Seçmeli
MATH 625 Introduction to Vector Bundles and Characteristic Classes Seçmeli
MATH 628 Langlands Functoryalıty Principle I Seçmeli
MATH 629 Langlands Functoryalıty Principle II Seçmeli
MATH 630 Introduction to Arthur Trace Formula Seçmeli
MATH 641 Exterior Differantial Forms I Seçmeli
MATH 642 Exterior Differantial Forms II Seçmeli
MATH 643 Partial Differential Equations II Seçmeli
MATH 644 Geometric Theory of Differential Equations Seçmeli
MATH 645 Sobolav Spaces and Elliptic Operators Seçmeli
MATH 647 Boundary Value Problems for Complex Partial Differential Equations Seçmeli
MATH 650 Advanced Topics in Partial Differential Equations Seçmeli
MATH 652 Nonlinear Field Theories of Continious Media - II Seçmeli
MATH 661 Discontinuities in The Electromagnetic Fields Seçmeli
MATH 690 Seminar II Seçmeli
MATH 691 Independent Study for Qualifying Exam Seçmeli
MATH 700 PhD Dissertation Seçmeli
ME 503 Continuum Mechanics Seçmeli
ME 511 Renewable Energy Seçmeli
ME 512 Energy Policies and Laws Seçmeli
ME 513 Advanced Solar Energy Systems Seçmeli
ME 521 Advanced Thermodynamics Seçmeli
ME 522 Advanced Heat Transfer Seçmeli
ME 523 Biothermodynamics Seçmeli
ME 524 Convective Heat Transfer Seçmeli
ME 525 Radiation Heat Transfer Seçmeli
ME 526 Two-Phase Flow Heat Transfer Seçmeli
ME 528 Heat Exchanger Design Seçmeli
ME 529 Heat Pump and Refrigeration Systems Seçmeli
ME 531 Turbomachinery Seçmeli
ME 532 Advanced Fluid Dynamics Seçmeli
ME 533 Viscous Flow Theory Seçmeli
ME 534 Experimental Methods in Thermofluid Systems Seçmeli
ME 535 Advanced Gas Dynamics Seçmeli
ME 536 Advanced Turbine Design Seçmeli
ME 537 Technical Acoustics Seçmeli
ME 538 Flow Induced Vibration Seçmeli
ME 541 Advanced Mechanics of Solids Seçmeli
ME 542 Theory of Elasticity Seçmeli
ME 544 Theory of Plasticity Seçmeli
ME 545 Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery Seçmeli
ME 551 Advanced Dynamics Seçmeli
ME 553 Advanced Control Theory Seçmeli
ME 554 Robotics Seçmeli
ME 555 Digital Control Seçmeli
ME 556 Smart Materials and Structures Seçmeli
ME 561 Materials and Process Selection Seçmeli
ME 562 Advanced Mechanical Metallurgy Seçmeli
ME 571 Computational Methods in Engineering Analysis Seçmeli
ME 573 Design and Modeling of MEMS Seçmeli
ME 575 Computational Fluid Dynamics Seçmeli
ME 576 Computational Acoustics Seçmeli
ME 581 Computer-Aided Engineering Seçmeli
ME 583 Systems & Project Management Seçmeli
ME 584 Industrial Design for Production Seçmeli
ME 585 Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering Seçmeli
ME 592 Special Topics in Energy Seçmeli
ME 594 Special Topics in Solid Mechanics Seçmeli
ME 595 Special Topics in Mechatronics Seçmeli
ME 623 Conduction Heat Transfer Seçmeli
ME 624 Convection Heat Transfer Seçmeli
ME 632 Turbulent Flow Theory Seçmeli
ME 641 Variational Principles in Mechanics Seçmeli
ME 690 Ph.D Seminar Seçmeli
ME 691 Independent Study for Qualifying Exam Seçmeli
ME 700 PhD Dissertation Seçmeli
MSN 500 Fundamentals of Materials Science Seçmeli
MSN 501 Methods in Scientific Research Seçmeli
MSN 502 Fundamentals of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Seçmeli
MSN 504 Advanced Thermodynamics Seçmeli
MSN 510 Advanced Materials Characterization Techniques Seçmeli
MSN 516 Biomaterials and Bio-Compatibility Seçmeli
MSN 524 Surface Technologies and Functional Surfaces Seçmeli
MSN 530 Nanobiotechnology Seçmeli
MSN 532 Selected Topics in Materials Science and Nanotechnology Seçmeli
MSN 533 Nanomaterials for Energy Conversion and Storage Seçmeli
MSN 540 Advanced Polymer Science and Technology Seçmeli
MSN 560 Optical and Photonic Materials and Coatings Seçmeli
MSN 570 Nanotechnology and Its Impacts on Socio-Economic Structures Seçmeli
MSN 572 Environmental Nanotechnology Seçmeli
MSN 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
MSN 599 Term Project Seçmeli
MSN 600 MSc Thesis Seçmeli
MSN 610 R&D, Innovation and Technology Management Seçmeli
MSN 620 Sensor Technologies Seçmeli
MSN 650 Green Composites Seçmeli
MSN 660 Advanced Manufacturing Techniques in Materials Engineering Seçmeli
MSN 670 Basic Diagrams in Metallurgy Seçmeli
MSN 680 Advanced Ceramics Seçmeli
MSN 690 PhD Seminar Seçmeli
MSN 691 Independent Study for Qualifying Exam Seçmeli
MSN 700 PhD Dissertation Seçmeli
PHYS 511 Electromagnetism I Seçmeli
PHYS 512 Electromagnetism II Seçmeli
PHYS 514 Research Methods Seçmeli
PHYS 521 Quantum Mechanics I Seçmeli
PHYS 522 Quantum Mechanics II Seçmeli
PHYS 523 Diagnostic Applications in Medical Physics Seçmeli
PHYS 531 Classical Mechanic Seçmeli
PHYS 535 Fundamentals of Nuclear Medicine Dosimetry Seçmeli
PHYS 536 Solid State Physics Seçmeli
PHYS 541 Thermodynamics Seçmeli
PHYS 542 Advanced Metrology Seçmeli
PHYS 544 Radiation Detection and Measurement Seçmeli
PHYS 547 Monte Carlo Modelling in Physics Seçmeli
PHYS 551 Applied Physics Seçmeli
PHYS 553 Selected Topics in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Medical Physics Seçmeli
PHYS 554 Advanced Optics (and LASER) Seçmeli
PHYS 556 Standarts & Traceability Seçmeli
PHYS 561 Mathematical Methods and Classical Mechanics Seçmeli
PHYS 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
PHYS 600 MSc Thesis Seçmeli
PHYS 611 Particles and Interactions Seçmeli
PHYS 612 Advanced Statistical Mechanics Seçmeli
PHYS 621 Electromagnetism & Plasma Physics Seçmeli
PHYS 632 Advanced Quantum Mechanics Seçmeli
PHYS 644 Nanophysics and Nanotechnology Seçmeli
PHYS 651 Nanotechnology and Materials Seçmeli
PHYS 654 Modern Theoretical Physics Seçmeli
PHYS 656 Photonics Seçmeli
PHYS 685 Critical Thinkings and Scientific Method Seçmeli
PHYS 690 Ph.D. Seminar Seçmeli
PHYS 691 Independent Study for Qualifying Exam Seçmeli
PHYS 700 PhD Dissertation Seçmeli
SE 501 Sustainable Energy Seçmeli
SE 502 Energy, Environment and Sustainability Seçmeli
SE 511 Introduction to Thermal Systems and Their Exergy Analysis Seçmeli
SE 512 Application of Heat Transfer Principles to Energy and Environmental Sustainability Seçmeli
SE 513 Photovoltaic Solar Energy Systems Seçmeli
SE 514 Geothermal Energy Seçmeli
SE 521 Energy Markets and Trade Seçmeli
SE 522 Energy Management Seçmeli
SE 523 Frontiers in Sustainable Energy Utilization Seçmeli
SE 524 The Environmental Dimension Seçmeli
SE 525 Sustainable Energy Management Seçmeli
SE 532 Optimization Methods for Energy Systems Seçmeli
SE 534 Fundamentals of Nuclear Fission & Fusion Technology Seçmeli
SE 535 Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy Systems Seçmeli
SE 541 Urban Waste Management Seçmeli
SE 542 Hydropower Engineering Seçmeli
SE 543 Power Plant Technologies Seçmeli
SE 590 Research Seminar Seçmeli
SE 599 Term Project Seçmeli
SE 600 MSc Thesis Seçmeli
SFS 500 Seminar Seçmeli
SFS 501 Sustainable Food Systems Seçmeli
SFS 502 Design for Sustainable Food Systems Seçmeli
SFS 503 Food Policy Seçmeli
SFS 504 Innovation for Sustainable Food Systems Seçmeli
SFS 510 Circular Food Economy Seçmeli
SFS 512 Food Product Development and Innovation Seçmeli
SFS 544 Sustainable Innovative Food Processing Technologies Seçmeli
SFS 562 Special Topics in Sustainable Food Systems Seçmeli
SFS 599 Term Project Seçmeli
SIS 501 Adaptive Reuse Project I Seçmeli
SIS 502 Adaptive Reuse Project II Seçmeli
SIS 505 Smart Buildings and Interiors Seçmeli
SIS 506 Sustainable Approaches in Furniture Design Seçmeli
SIS 515 Re-Use in Terms of Sustainability Seçmeli
SIS 516 Sustainable Interior Design Seçmeli
SIS 599 Term Project Seçmeli