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Click for 2023-2024 Fall Semester Graduate Programs Interview Date and Link.

2023-2024 Fall Semester
Department/ProgramInterview DayInterview TimeInterview Link
Computer Engineering25 July 202310:00
Biomedical Engineering24 July 202314:00
Biotechnology25 July 202313:00
Electrical and Electronics Engineering25 July 202310:00
Industrial and Systems Engineering24 July 202310:00
Physical25 July 202314:00
Civil Engineering25 July 202310:00
Urban Design and Landscape Architecture25 July 202312:00
Chemical Engineering25 July
Mechanical Engineering25 July 202310:00
Materials and Nanotechnology Engineering25 July 202310:00
Math25 July
Architecture20 July 202311:00
Sustainable Energy25 July 202313:30
Sustainable Interior Works25 July 202311:00
Data Science24 July 202310:00